FALL 2005

Exam Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

Time Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16

8:00 - MWF 1:00 MWF 11:00 MWF 9:00 TR 11:00 TR 9:30

10:00 M 1:00, W 1:00 MW 11:00

MW 1:00, MF 1:00

10:30 - Exam Grp # 1 Classes Not Exam Grp # 3 MWF 2:00 T 1:00

12:30Chem 211 A & B in K 109 OtherwiseChem 211L A,B & C in K 109 MW 2:00

Chem 101 A in S 107 ScheduledChem 115 A & B in S 155 MW 2:30

Chem 101 B in S 155Math 105 A in K 204 W 2:00

Math 105 B in K 220

Math 105 C in K 205

1:00 -TR 2:00 or 2:30 MWF 10:00 MWF 8:00Exam Grp #5

3:00ChE 319 Math 129 in K 109 Biol 211L A & B in S 216

ECE 451 Chem 115L A & D in BU 208

Chem 115L B & C in BU 217

Math 106 A & B in S 112

Psyc 354 A, B & C in S 153

3:30 - MWF 12:00 Exam Grp # 2 Exam Grp # 4 TR 8:00

5:30 W 12:00 Math 117 A & B in Montesi (BU 211)Biol 217L A & B in S 107

Math 131 A,B & E in S 107Chem 113L A & B in S 214

Math 131 C & D in K 108Chem 113L C & D in S 155

CE 493 in N 235Math 101 A & C in K 109

Math 101 B & F in K 108

Math 101 D in K 113

Math 101 E in K 114

Acct 260 A in BU 112

Acct 260 B in BU 111

Acct 260 C in BU 102

First check to see if you have a class listed in one of the Exam groups. If you do not find your class listed in one of the groups listed, look at the matrix for the time that your class meets during the semester. The days for the exams are listed at the top of the matrix, and the exam time period is listed on the left-hand side of the matrix.

Exams will normally be held in the same room that the class meets. Consult with your instructor to be sure of your exam time for each class.

Exams will begin at the specified time. Faculty are under no obligation to accommodate students who arrive late.