The NODA Internship Program:

Making Connections Since 1994

“The NODA Internship Program plays a valuable part not only

in the life of the intern but for the host institution as well.”

NODA Internships

·  Facilitate the matching of motivated, quality students with challenging, exciting orientation positions in institutions across the U.S. and Canada.

·  Encourage the renewal of our profession by creating employment opportunities for students interested in gaining orientation experience.

Types of Positions A NODA Intern may: conduct research; develop an orientation manual; serve on orientation planning committees; assist in the implementation of programs; assist in student leader training; supervise staff, and/or work with budget planning and management.


There are two categories of candidate:

·  Current graduate student at the time of application to the NODA Internship program, or

·  Individual who has BA/ BS degree prior to summer, 2016, but has yet to begin a graduate program.

Compensation and Length is determined by host institution: in most cases, it will include a stipend and/or room and board; it will last 10-14 weeks throughout the period of May - August.

When Does it all Happen??
HOSTS: Information about becoming a host site is located on the NODA web site.
Host applications are currently being accepted for 2016. Deadline: December 8th.

CANDIDATES: Information for potential candidates is available on the Candidate Information page on the NODA web site. Postings will be available December 8; at that time we will start to take candidate applications. Final application materials are due January 13, 2016.

2015 NODA Internship Timeline

Date / Action / Information
October 15, 2015 / Host Applications Open / Institutions (Host) applicants may begin posting their internship positions. Someone from a Host’s office must be a NODA member to post a position.
December 8, 2015 / Host Applications Due / Hosts applications are due on this date. The host application will close at 11:59:99 PM CST on December 8, 2015.
December 9, 2015 / Student Applications Open / Student applicants may now search through the internship postings on the NODA Internship Website; they may also begin applying to internships at this time.
January 14, 2016 / Student Applications Due / Student applications are due on this date. The student application will close at 11:59:99 PM CST on January 14, 2016.
January 15, 2016 / Hosts May View Applications / Hosts may now view the applications submitted to their internship postings.
Hosts may not contact students until the timeline specifies.
*Make note that if students chose the 'where needed' option their applications will be viewable by January 21.
January 21, 2016 / Hosts May Contact Applicants / Hosts may now contact applicants to set up interviews. Interviews can be scheduled starting January 26, 2015.
January 26, 2016 / Host May Interview Applicants / Host may start interviewing applicants who have applied to their positions.
February 23, 2016 / Hosts Can Make Offers / Hosts may offer positions to their top candidates starting this day. NO OFFERS CAN BE MADE BEFORE THIS DATE.
March 5, 2016 / Hosts Confirm Matches / Hosts can now confirm which applicants they have chosen for the internship. All Hosts must confirm their choice through the NODA Internship Website.
March 30, 2016 / Matches Must Be Made / Matches must be confirmed and made by this day.
March 31, 2016 / Internship Program Closes / After this date, the 2015 – 2016 NODA Internship Program application process is at a close.

For Potential Hosts

Your Office and Needs - Are there projects you’ve been meaning to “get to” but could use help in getting it going? Consider an Intern! Perhaps your student staff needs that extra person with enthusiasm, commitment and good general knowledge to help train, supervise and guide them.

What you can offer - Certainly monetary compensation is important, and providing a stipend/ salary is part of hosting an intern. But not all our budgets can take too many more hits. Can’t pay high amounts? Consider other things that might make the internship attractive: can you provide housing? Board? Benefits specific to your area? Campus activities? For a graduate student getting a taste of professional experiences, the opportunity for other types of benefits—that may cost you very little—may indeed be very attractive.

What an intern can offer you - The most successful pairings tend to be those where the intern feels he or she has “really learned something”. Don’t be afraid to give responsibility. Interns have taken on supervisory, administrative, programmatic, planning and managerial responsibilities with great success. With good communication and supervision, your intern can really free you or other staff to allow you to broaden your focus.

The Nitty Gritty - As you complete your host application, consider the following:

Job Description - what is firm and what is negotiable?

Who will supervise the intern? How will the intern be oriented and trained?

How will you fit your selection process into the NODA timeline set?

Term of employment – what is firm and what is negotiable

When do you actually need your intern on site? Be clear if you have specific needs and where you might be able to be flexible. For example, if you MUST have an intern who can see a program through to fall, specify this in your application

Do you have a preference for recent graduate or a current graduate student?

Specify. All candidates will have at least a Bachelor’s degree by the time the internship starts; you simply need to identify if you want your candidate pool to only include those who also have at least one year of graduate experience.

What stipend can you offer?

If budgets are tight, are there other departments who might be able to contribute?

If so, how might this affect the job description and the intern experience?

Will the payment be a stipend, or per hour payment?

Can you offer accommodations?

Preferred. This will make your position more attractive and accessible. Consider

meals, accommodations for partners/spouses/family members, and any restrictions here.

What other benefits might there be to this position?

Consider your institution activities, your surrounding area: what can it offer to the overall quality of life of

an intern. Consider parking, recreation, laundry facilities, shopping, computer access, local attractions

and opportunities that students may be interested in. Include this in your information.

What kind of experience should an applicant have?

Are there specifics that you need to have in an intern? Must he or she have previous orientation experience?

Specify in your application to get the applicants you need. And--if enthusiasm and commitment are your

most important “bottom lines” – you’ll be excited to see what else interns can bring along with THOSE


What do you need to know about the candidate in order to make a good decision to hire?

Also—strategize what information the candidate must know before accepting your position. Rarely is an interview in person— how will you facilitate this information sharing over the phone?

For Potential Interns

v  Do your research - Look at all the different positions you are interested in and know exactly what each office/institution can offer you in experiences. This will help you narrow down or broaden your search for the ‘perfect’ internship.

v  Supplement your experiences - Try and choose internships that can supplement your experiences at your current institution. For example, if you primarily work with fall welcome programs, consider an internship that focuses on a summer. Variety in experiences will make you marketable for jobs!

v  Be HONEST before the process - Don’t apply for positions for which you don’t meet the qualifications or for which you can’t commit. Respect the host’s parameters and needs. Do not accept an offer unless you’re SURE you can commit; once you commit, pull yourself out of other summer opportunities elsewhere. Be professional and honor your commitment.

v  Don’t look to get rich - It might be nice to be paid a lot during the summer, but look beyond the paycheck to look for the right internship for you. Your NODA Internship is going to be a valuable experience whether you get paid a lot or not. Look at the entire package – the experience it offers, the type of position and location, other “value added” considerations. Consider the “Where Needed” option to bolster your opportunities!

v  Be creative - Use your past experiences or current experiences to implement something new in your internship. Ideally, leave your internship with something that you created, implemented or developed.

v  Be aware of change - Whenever you move to a different location, it’s going to be difficult to make that transition. Know that you may go through the same transitional issues that new students go through when moving to college. You may get homesick, sad or nervous – this is normal.

v  Make the experience yours - Remember – you get the most out of an experience when you put the most into it. Don’t expect the internship to make you successful – you must make the internship successful. Don’t be afraid if you leave the internship a totally changed person - that’s exciting!

Application Fee:

There is a NODA Internship Candidate Application Fee assessed as part of the application process. You will not be able to get to the internship application until the fee is paid. See website for details.

From NODA Interns:

“Completing a NODA internship was the best way to spend my summer. I have returned to my graduate program with a better sense of the type of professional I want to be in this field. I am really appreciative.”

“It can be overwhelming to choose a NODA internship at an establishment that you know little about, but know that if you are selected, it is because they know you'll be a good fit into their program and institution. It's all worth it in the end.” -Amber

“If you are considering doing a NODA Internship, just go for it! I didn't know what to expect, but choosing to do a NODA Internship was one of the best decisions I've ever made!” -Keaton

“My experience with the NODA program was more than I could ask for! I gained so much from my internship opportunity. I expanded my knowledge, experienced a new environment, built great relationships with new colleagues, and left with amazing memories I will never forget” -Kelly

The NODA Internship experience can change your life!

Questions? Contact the NODA Association Office at