Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the Federation of Cumbria Commoners at 7.30 pm on

Tuesday 9th June 2015, Threlkeld Village Hall

Present: Joe Relph (Chairman) Dave Smith, Carl Walters, John Rowland, William Steele, Ernest Coulthard, Duncan Ellwood, Pauline Blair, Jim Campbell, Julia Aglionby,Andrew Humphries, John Turner Ian Gorst, Sam Walters, Tony Booth and Viv Lewis (Administrator)

Apologies, Robert Benson, Charles Raine, Harry Hutchinson

1)Previous Minutes: the minutes were agreed.

2)Matters arising:

  • Noted that John Atkinson, committee member for Lakes South West regularly responds and contribute to e-mail discussion but rarely attends meetings.

Action: Viv to contact John asking for suggestions as to how FCC can best represent commoners in this area and what he can do to support this.

  • Warcop–request for information as to whether the MOD have re-submitted an application to Cumbria County Council to de-register the land as common land. Agreed FCC needs to keep a watching brief.

Action:Viv to contact Alyssia Ashurst Cumbria CRA to find out.

  • James Cross visit –noted that NE is seeking a change in staff culture and will be looking to see that staff members are deployed in roles to best deliver their skills and experience. FCC committee welcomes this change in culture.

3)Finance report - £34,216.29 in bank. Just under half the subs for this year have been paid so far.

Action:Viv will chase up outstanding subs.


BPS on commons– Noted that Defra/RPA are managing the implementation of BPS badly and this is causing worry and stress for members. There is great concern that the new rules for claiming common land under BPS will have negative consequences for current active graziers.

Committee members’ comments on current definitions of “using” common land:

  • The majority of commons rights are for grazing livestock only and most commoners do not have rights to “contribute to the appropriate management of the common ….throughscrub clearance etc.” FCC does not support this definition of “using” the common.
  • It has become accepted that those who don’t graze the common get a payment and probably now too far down the line to exclude non-graziers from payments of some sort.
  • FCC still supports the principle that money should only go active graziers. But have to be pragmaticgiven the circumstances
  • Noted that current ES schemes are likely to be jeopardised by rights holders not actively using their rights and not in ES schemes who are now told by Defra that they have to graze livestock on the common to claim BPS.
  • If ES schemes come to an end, new principles for payment should be worked out.
  • Can support current rule 1 “use the common by turning out stock” but need clearer definition of what turning out stock to the common entails – for how long, breed of livestock etc. Also can support current rule “participate in an ES scheme”

Noted thatFCL will be convening a Common Land and CAP Working Groupteleconferences soon to discussclearer definitions of “use” of the common for BPS2016.Dave Smith agreed to join the teleconference on behalf of FCC if available.

Countryside Stewardship – informed thatfor those in UELS schemes due to run out in 2016, 2017 it is advisable to make an expression of interest soon. Experience shows that it can take up to 18 months to negotiate a new scheme.

NE is developing a new handbook for common land and supplementary grazing with tighter guidance to improve governance and transparency of scheme delivery.

NE new livestock records requirements have been put on hold. Noted thatFCC would like to input/ comment on the development of the records format.

Action:Viv to contact Tim De Kyser NE to offer our expertise

TB – currently a couple of suspected cases of bTBof on land bordering commons in the East Fellside. Defra are drafting guidance for TB on common land and have asked for input. Duncan Ellwood will comment on drafts

Implementation of Part 1, Commons Act 2006 – currently bogged down in technical issues. Recent High Court ruling that prescriptive rights cannot be registered under the 2006 Act. This is being taken to the Court of Appeal.

Cumbria Young Commoners–working with Farmer Network on hill lamb finishing trials. Will be hosting a visit from Dartmoor Young commoners in early July. FCC committee members welcome to join in.

Action: Sam to forward visit programme to Viv to circulate to committee members.

5)RSPB – Farm Contractor interview panel.Carl has been asked and agreed to be a member of the interview panel for the new farm contractor. Interviews to take place on July 3rd. Recognized the need to support Carl and agreed to propose that RSPB consider having another farmer/commoner on the panel alongside Carl. Joe Relph or Dave Smith are willing to attend if they can make it. FCC will make it clear to RSPB that while FCC is happy to assist in the interview process, this does not imply wholehearted support of what the RSPB are doing at Naddle/Swindale. If RSPB don’t agree to another FCC member on the panel then Carl will be there primarily as a local farmer and UU tenant.

Action: Carl to take this forward. All to send ideas for interview questions to Carl

Negotiations with RSPB and UU – FCC asked for postponement of the meeting scheduled for23 March, there have been no meetings since. Noted that FCC is currently involved in other activity with RSPB - RSPB farm walk and the farm contractor interviews. The Committee was of the view that FCC seek to restart the negotiations, in the first instance ask RSPB to provide their evidence gathering and monitoring plans for discussion at the next meeting.

Action: Viv to contact RSPB and UU to restart the negotiation process

6)LDNP farming and forestry Task Force – reported that a meeting was held in the west for farmers and commoners. Disappointingly the majority of those attending did not make their views known to LDNP staff attending.

7)National Trust “Towards Sustainable Land Management for the lakes – our Principles”. Viv attended a meeting called by NT tenant concerned about NT’s direction for land management. Representatives from NFU, Cumbria Farmer Network and Farm Crisis Network also attended. A further meeting with Andrew Coleman, Sustainable Land Management project manager for NT will take place on July 28th. Viv to attend.

Committee supported the idea to develop a joint action with other farming organisations to promote the value and heritage of hill farming in the Lake District and Cumbria.

Action: Viv to discuss joint funding application with Will Rawling, Farmer Network.

8)Thirlmere fence public enquiry 17th November – noted that FCC are listed as one of the objectors and will have to prepare evidence by 6th October.

Action: Viv and Andrew Humphries will prepare the evidence for input and comment from committee

9)Cumbria Grazing Group – Agreed to a request from Simon Humphries, Natural England to arrange a meeting this summer to review the self-monitoring on Kinninside common.

Agreed to a request from Kate Gascoyne, Farmer Network for £300 contribution to support grazing cattle grazing trails on Ulpha fell in conjunction with NE. This money will come from the £1000 grant from NE for the Cumbria Grazing Group.

10)AOB – request to start the meetings at 7.00 pm as there is a lot to discuss, also to have an extra meeting per year if necessary. Agreed

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 22 September 2015