September 2008


The society shall be called Mayerthorpe Minor Hockey Association at box 791.


The society shall abide by the rules set down by the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association, the Alberta Hockey Association, and the Sturgeon Pembina Hockey League.


The objectives of the Mayerthorpe Minor Hockey Association are to:

a) Promote and encourage the formation of hockey teams

b) Maintain and increase interest in the game of hockey

c) Have and exercise a general care, supervision and direction over theplaying interests of its teams and players

d) To ensure all interested boys and girls of all skill levels have an equal opportunity to participate in hockey

e) To actively promote the Canadian Hockey Initiation Program



The boundaries of Mayerthorpe Minor Hockey Association are established as:

"North Boundary" NW corner of SE 1/4 Section 5 TWP 60 RGE 10. Follows Athabasca River too NE corner of SE 1/4 Section 1 TWP 60 RGE 10. South to NE corner of TWP 59 RGE 10. East to the NE corner of Section 32 TWP 59 RGE 7.

"South Boundary" County of LAC STE ANNE boundary from SE corner of SW 1/4 Section 32 TWP 55 RGE 7 to Municipal District 15 boundary SW corner Section 6 TWP 56 RGE 10. North to NW corner Section 7 TWP 56 RGE 10. West to SW corner Section 18 TWP 56 RGE 11. North toNW corner of Section 18 TWP 56 RGE 11. West to SW corner of Section 19 TWP 56 RGE 12.

"East Boundary" NE corner of Section 32 TWP 59 RGE 7.

South to SE corner of Section5 TWP 59 RGE 7. West to NE corner NW 1/4 Section 32 TWP 58 RGE 7. South to SE corner SW 1/4 Section 32 TWP 55 RGE 7.

"West Boundary" Commencing at the junction of Athabasca river ad Secondary Highway 658 proceed south to and including the hamlet of Blue Ridge. Continue south along Secondary Highway 658 to Highway 43. Proceed west to junction of Highway 43 and Secondary Highway 751. Proceed south on the Secondary Highway 751 to the Se corner of SE 16-57-10-W5M. Proceed West to NW corner of NW 7-57-12W5M. Proceed south to SW corner of SW 19-56-12-W5M.


The bylaws may be rescinded, altered or added to by a “Special Resolution”.


A)Annual general meeting of the Mayerthorpe Minor Hockey Association will be held on or before March 31 in each year. Notice of the meeting will be publicized in the local newspaper 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.

B)A President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and at least two directors will be elected at this meeting for a period of two years with the president being elected on alternating years. The officers elected shall form a Board and shall serve until their successors are elected and installed. Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled at the next meeting, provided it is stated in notice calling such a meeting.

C)Any member of the society, in good standing shall be eligible to any office in the society.

D)Meetings of the Board shall be held as often as required but at least once every three months and shall be called by the president.

E)General meetings of the society may be called at any time by the Secretary, upon instructions of the President or Board, by notice being posted of a meeting site 7 days prior to the meeting date.

F)A special meeting shall be called by the President or Secretary upon receipt of a petition signed by one third of the members in good standing, setting forth reasons for calling such a meeting. Notice of this meeting shall be made by letter to the last known address of each member, delivered by mail 7 prior to the meeting.

G)The number of members in good standing required to constitute quorum at a general meeting is 5.


A)Membership consists of the parents/guardians of the players registered in any given year.

B)Members are entitled to one vote per family.

C)Membership fee, if any in the society shall be determined, from time to time, by the members at a general meeting.

D)Any member wishing to withdraw from membership may do so upon notice in writing to the board through its secretary.

E)Any member in arrears for fees or assessments for any year shall be automatically suspended and shall thereafter be entitled to no membership privileges or powers in the society until reinstated.

F)Any member, upon a majority vote of all members of the society in good standing, may be expelled from membership for any cause, which the society deems reasonable.


A)Applicants who are incorporated under any status must have by-laws that upon dissolution of the applicant group, require any assets remaining after paying debts and liabilities to be:

i)Disbursed to eligible charitable or religious groups or purposed; or

ii)Transferred in trust to a municipality until such time as the assets can be transferred from the municipality to a charitable or religious group or purpose approved by the Board.


A)The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar plus at least two directors shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

B)Additional directors shall be appointed by the Board as required.

C)The President shall preside at all meetings and will have the power to make the final decision in the case of a deadlock.

D)The Vice-President shall act on behalf of the President in his/her absence.

E)The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings. A copy of the minutes must be sent to each board member within two weeks after each meeting.

F)The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget, record all revenue and expenditures and present a current financial report at each league meeting. The collection of any monies due to the society is the responsibility of the Treasurer with the assistance of the Registrar.


A)Permanent members, in good standing, will have one vote per family.

B)Members of the Board will have one vote on all issues, except the President who shall vote only in the event of tie vote.

C)Votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise.


A)Unless authorized at any meeting and after notice for it shall have been given, no officer or member of the society shall receive any remuneration for his/her services.


A)For the purpose of carrying out its objects, the society may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it sees fit, and in particular by the issues of debentures be issued without the sanction of a special resolution of the society.


A)The books, accounts and record of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be audited at least once per year by a duly qualified accountant or by two members of the society elected for that purpose at the annual meeting.

B)A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor(s) at the annual general meeting.

C)The fiscal year of the society in each year shall be March 31.

D)The books and records of the society may be inspected by any member of the society at the annual general meeting or at anytime upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the director(s) having charge of same. Each member of the Board shall at all times have access to such books and records.

Dated this ______day of ______, 20 .










______Game and Conduct