My name is:ChildAI am known as:Child
My date of birth is:
My school/setting is:
Current photo of me:
Number: / Date:Date of review:
Date of review:
Date of review:
Introduction to My SEND Learning Programme
This is My SEND Learning Programme. Included in my programme is information on:
- What is important to me and to my parents, including our goals and aspirations for the future;
- my strengths, my special educational needs (SEN) and my health & social care needs which relate to my SEN;
- the outcomes which will help me to move towards my goals and aspirations;
- the support given to me to help to make progress towards my outcomes.
My programme should be useful for those involved in supporting me, and should actively promote co-ordinated support for me and my family so that I can make progress.
I might already have other plans in place such as (please tick as appropriate)
Team around the Family (TAF) PlanChild in Need Plan
Child Protection Plan
Personal Education Plan (PEP)
Looked After Child Care Plan
Health Care Plan
Multi-element plan
Early Help Assessment
Please see attached ‘My SEND Learning Programme’ – Information & Guidance for further information on aligning My SEND Learning Programme with existing plans, and how to act on information which indicates that a child/young person and their family may benefit from further support.
Section One: My One Page Profile
What is important for my child nowWhat is not working so well for my child at the moment
What is working well for my child at the moment
What are my goals and aspirations for my child?
Short term – the next 6-12 months
Long term – what I want for my child’s future beyond next year and when they are an adult.
Consent to Share Information
Parental/Young Person Consent
As part of the programme for (child’s name) , I understand that the process includes the collection of educational, health and social care advice and reports, where relevant.
I agree to professional reports submitted as part of the SEND Learning Programme process for (child’s name) being shared, if necessary with other professionals involved in order to support this process.
I understand that the personal information gathered will only be used by professionals from Derbyshire County Council and other agencies to help make decisions and provide appropriate services to the above child.
I understand that Derbyshire County Council and other professionals will share the minimum necessary information between people and organisations providing services that the above child is using, or it likely to use.
Name (please print) / Signature / DateParent/Carer
Child/Young Person (where applicable).
I have barriers to learning in the following areas:
Cognition and Learning / Y
Communication and Interaction / Y
Social, Emotional and Mental Health / Y
Sensory and/or Physical / Y
In summary, they are:
Cognition and Learning
- I have good receptive understanding but due to my difficulty with expressive speech I find it difficult to make myself understood (see below)
- My teachers are also concerned that my demand avoidance and need for control may impede my progress as I move through school – Child will often refuse to access learning opportunities and only access resources or activities that are of interest to him
- It is currently difficult to assess his current levels due to refusal to engage and also poor levels in speech and communication skills
Communication and Interaction
- I have very poor expressive speech and this stops me from being able to communicate effectively with adults and also with my friends – I use sounds, gestures, body language to communicate. I get very frustrated if people don’t understand me
- I find interacting with my friends very tricky – this is partly due to my speech but also due to my need to be in control and I want play to be on my terms
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- I have a strong desire to control play and learning
- I don’t like it when my needs or wants are not met immediately
- I now have a diagnosis of ASD
Sensory and/or Physical
- In order to calm down I like physical hugs and also like adults to swing me from side to side
- I am very loud! My Mum is going to get my hearing checked
Preparing for key transitions and/or preparing for adulthood
None known – I have a diagnosis of ASD
Section 6: Outcomes and provision / Supported by:My outcomes
Are what I will be able to do by the end of a phase or stage of education
Should take into account what is important to me and help me move towards my goals and aspirations
Should take into account what is important for me and address the area of my needs (barriers) set out in section 3,4 and 5 of My SEND Learning Programme, so that I can make progress.
Sometimes an outcome will address more than one area of my needs and may be shared across education, health and social care. / Education / Health / Social Care
1 / To increase my communication skills to make my needs known, interact with my friends and express my ideas and knowledge / X
2 / To co operate with the boundaries and routines in class including accepting transitions within the school day / X
3 / To attend to given activities for increasing periods of time (not just the activities I choose) / X
4 / To engage in a wider range of play and begin to interact more readily with my friends / X
5 / To be ready to engage in learning independent of adult support / X
The provision (support) to meet my special educational needs and/or disabilities (Section 3) and needs which related to my special educational needs (Sections 45). This provision should help me to make progress towards achieving my outcomes.
Steps I will make towards my outcomes
Steps towards outcomes will also be set out in this section, leading towards the achievement of the outcomes. They should normally be relevant for at least a year and sometimes longer. Where appropriate, they can be expressed separately for education, health and social care.
Short term targets
These can be reviewed and amended regularly to ensure that the child/young person remains on track to achieve the outcomes. Regular progress monitoring should always be considered in the light of the steps, outcomes and aspirations.
At each review, update My SEND Learning Programme to set new targets, make adjustment to provision etc.
- At each review – add to these columns and indicate additions with the number and date of the review;
No of outcome / Steps I will make towards achieving this outcome
(each outcome may need more than one step). / Short term targets
(each step may need more than one target). / What needs to happen to help me achieve this outcome? / Who will do it? / How often?
(frequency and duration) / Resources required (including costs).
1 / I will begin use a wider range of vocabulary to make my needs known to adults
I will develop my confidence and clarity with speech to make my language easier for others to understand / I will use more than directional language (there, yes, no, toilet) to express my wants and needs
I will be encouraged to slow my speech down, and look at the person I am talking to to make it easier to express my needs and wants / Specific interventions:
Daily speech and communication activities to develop speech sounds (initially through group intervention using peer and adult role modelling through simple language based games and role play. Child will also be given specific language and vocabulary choices to work on the first target)
1:1 support during phonics to encourage clarity of speech
Delivery of specific SAL programme in consultation with SALT / SENTA in consultation with Claire Forward (SALT) and SENCO
Specialist speech and lang TA / Daily
Phonic support – 30 mins daily
Timely intervention during play opportunities / SENTA
Speech and Language TA employed in FS2 for 90 mins a day – Child will receive 30 mins phonics support a day as well as at least an hour a week of specific intervention
2.5 hours a week = 2.5 x 16.21 = 40.53 p/w
(X 38 weeks = 1539.95)
2 / To begin to take part in whole class activities across the school day
To begin to accept and take part in small transitions across the school day / I will be able to sit with the class at carpet time for up to 3 minutes
I will, through use of countdown spots and visual timetabling, join in simple transitions between activities in the classroom / Child will be encouraged to join in with carpet time, story time and simple in class transitions through:
Use of a timer, special seating spot, basket of activities on the carpet to keep him occupied, count down spots, specific and frequent visual timetabling / Class teacher (through QFT) and SENTA / Daily and at regular intervals during the day – totalling up to 3 hours a day of timely intervention and 1:1 support including time out of class when Child needs sensory breaks or when he is working on social targets out of the classroom.
3 / To work within a group on an adult led focussed activity in class / I will be able to attend to a given activity for up to 3 mins (not chosen by me) / As above – Child will be prepared for change in activity through use of strategies above. An instant reward system will also be used if he comes to the activity and also if he completes the given time (first, then, next approach and initially for only 1 minute) / Class teacher (through QFT) and SENTA / Daily and at regular intervals during the day – totalling up to 3 hours a day of timely intervention
(see above)
4 / I will be able to engage in turn taking games with my friends / I will be able to take turns in a game I have chosen with 2 other children
I will be able to share equipment in class and during outside play / Child will have opportunities to work in a distraction free area for short periods of time (up to 15 mins) to play simple turn taking games – an instant and personalised reward system will be used to encourage turn taking and sharing skills / SENTA / 3 x a week for up to 15 mins at a time
5 / Outcome 5 will be explored more at review – Child is not yet ready to work on an instruction or given activity independent of adult support unless it is on his own terms.
Section 7: Reviewing My SEND Learning Programme / Date of Review / Review No:
No of outcome / Progress towards outcomes in My SEND Learning Programme
(to include whether the steps I will make towards achieving this outcome have been met, not met or need to be changed).
What is working well with provision & support and needs to continue?
What isn’t working well with provision & support and needs to finish or change?
Should anything new be introduced to match the parent/carer/child’s goals and aspirations?
At this review, update My SEND Learning Programme to set new targets, make adjustments to provision etc. Please reference these updates with the number and the date of the review in Section 5. If any provision is not continuing then strikethrough inSection 5. If no strikethrough, then this will indicate that provision is continuing and if it is being added following this review, please reference these additions with previous reviews.
Family/Young PersonReference (and date) below
Reference (and date) eg. Previous SEND Learning Programmes, risk assessments/school tracking data and assessments, multi element plan.
EP report dated 3.5.17
BSS report dated 5.10.17
Reference (and date) eg. Health Care Plan, Therapy advice, Paediatricians report.
Community Paediatrician Report
Social Care
Reference (and date) egTAF Plan, Child in Need Plan, Child Protection Plan, PEP, Care Plan, Early Help Assessment.
Other evidence from other people or agencies
People who work with me:
Name: / Role: / Base: / Contact info:SENCO
Class Teacher
Behaviour Support Teacher
Educational Psychologist