Need to Know – notifying Senior Managers about serious incidents

What is the need to know process?

The need to know process has been developed to ensure that senior managers and staff in the service are notified quickly about critical information they need to know about and take action if necessary.

It has been agreed that all such incidents should be reported to the Head of Safeguarding Standards; your Head of Service; your Service Manager and copied to the Assistant Directors on the Need to Know form within 2 hours of the information being known. You can find their e-mail addresses at the end of this document.

The Head of Safeguarding Standards will review the concern, planned actions, lead Managers and key contacts and decide at what level of the organisation the ‘need to know form’ should be circulated. It might be necessary for further information to be gathered and the Head of Safeguarding will discuss this with the relevant Head or Service Manager. If the Head of Safeguarding is not available, for example on annual leave one of the AD’s will evaluate and take any required action.

Who Needs To Complete This Form?

All staff within the Department are responsible for completing this form if they have information that they think needs to be conveyed to Senior Managers. Some examples of these circumstances are

  • Information or an incident that might be of public or press interest. This could be a wide range of issues from the loss of confidential information to a violent incident involving a Wandsworth service user
  • The death of a child or parent/carer receiving a service from Wandsworth
  • A complex referral to the Local Authority Designated Officer or one that might lead to public or press interest.
  • A looked after child who has been missing for more than 48 hours.

The above list is not meant to be exhaustive as it isn’t possible to list every situation. This requires judgement on your part and you should always seek guidance from a manager if you are unclear.

Does this new process replace existing processes?

No this process doesnot affect existing processes. It is simply a quick and simple way of ensuring that important information is shared quickly with relevant people. For guidance on the steps you need to take for managerial decisions on day to day matters please speak to your Manager or read this guidance –

What if I don’t know if the information I have qualifies for the ‘need to know’ process?

Inmany instances it will depend on the type of incident so if you are unclear discuss with your Line Manager or contact Ruth Lacey the Head of Safeguarding Standards. Ext. 7578

This form needs to be completed and sent to:
  • your Head of Service (Debbie Owen, Trevor Moores, Graham Ososki, Carol Payne) and
  • your Service Manager (Liisa Jordan, Bernadette Charlery, Hilary Galloway, John Miller, Eric Richardson )
  • Ruth Lacey, Head of Safeguarding Standards
copied to John Johnson, Deputy Director of Children’s Services and Michele Harris AD Children & Families; within two hours or as soon after the concern or notifiable incident is known.
Summarise the concern including who made the referral (include names, DOB’s and framework references of individuals known to the Department)?
Actions taken or planned?
Key Contacts
Action taken byHoS Safeguarding/Wandsworth AD
Update required by when andsent to whom
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