SAMPLE: Wendy’s Wonderful KidsInitial Recruitment Plan

Date __9/21/2016

Child(ren)’s Name(s): Carly Jacobs (16); Brandon Hester (14)

DOB: 3/22/96 (CJ); 12/1/97 (BH)

Sex: Carly – Female; Brandon - Male

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian (CJ); Bi-racial (BH)

Placement: Randy & Lilly Phillips

Address: 1016 East Main StreetCity: North TownState: OhioZip: 46387

Team Contact Information

Title / Name / Agency / Phone Numbers / Email
Placement / Randy & Lilly Phillips / ABC Adoption / 740-684-9090 /
Caseworker / Ava Johnson / North Town Children Services / 740-486-7755 / AJohnson@northtownchildren
CASA / Janice Arnez / North Town CASA / 614-258-9111 /
Therapist / Brian Adams / Brookhaven Therapy / 614-248-6782 /

Have current caregivers been ruled out as an adoptive placement? Yes No

Please explain: Randy would be open to adopting both children. Lilly is opposed to adopting the siblings. She said they are welcome to stay as long as they want or need to.

Date of completed initial assessment of adoption readiness: 9/21/2016 - Both need better understanding of adoption and grief & loss therapy

Potential Contacts from File Review

Name / Relation / Address / Phone
Raymond Hester / Paternal Uncle / 9284 Columbus Ave. Apt. B
Richmond, IN 60632 / 569-873-4447
June Hester / Paternal Grandmother / 9284 Columbus Ave. Apt. B
Richmond, IN 60632 / 569-873-4447
Kathy English / Previous foster parent / 1611 Market Street
South Town, OH 43689 / 513-06-1711
Carl Smith / Brandon’s 7th grade tutor / Unknown / Unknown
Debbie Jones / Mother of Carly’s friend Amanda / 712 Carpenter Street
North Town 46387 / 740-789-1357

Diligent Search – Follow Up from Potential Contacts

Activity / Date Started/Scheduled / Date Completed / Outcome
Initial Search /


/ 10/1/16 / Discovered several possible leads
Send Letters / 10/1/16 / 10/3/16 / Raymond & June’s letter was returned with no forwarding address; will search for a current address
Follow Up Phone Call /


/ 10/6/16 / Kathy – would like to be a support and be part of the recruitment team – not willing to adopt; Carl – unable to be located; Debbie Jones – interested in adopting Carly; not sure about adopting Brandon

Was a search of birth family completed? XYes No

If a search was not completed, the reason it was not:

Was it completed by the WWK recruiter or other team member? WWK

Type of searches conducted (search engine, Facebook, other): Seneca; Facebook; Obituary – maternal grandfather

  • Search results should be included in or attached to the recruitment plan in the WWK case file

Initial Recruitment Plan

Recruitment Activity / Date Started/
scheduled / Date Completed / Contact Person / Outcome
Meet with caseworker / 9/21/16 / Ava / Thinks that Carly may age out but agreed to a concurrent case plan for her; thinks Brandon can be adopted
Initial case file review / 9/22/16 / 9/23/16 / Ava / Discovered several possible leads
First visit with youth / 9/30/16 / 9/30/16 / Carly & Brandon / Carly states that she does not want to be adopted; Brandon has mixed feelings about being adopted
Meet with caregiver / 9/30/16 / Ongoing / Raymond & Lilly Phillips / Raymond may be interested in adopting; Lilly does not want to adopt and agreed to let them stay with them until they are adopted
Meet with therapist / 9/29/16 / Brian / Does not think that either sibling is ready for adoption
Meet with CASA/GAL /


/ 9/29/16 / Janice Arnez / Would like the siblings to be adopted together
Contact current school personnel
Contact previous school personnel
Contact previous caregivers / 10/1/26 / Kathy English / Left message
Identify friends or other significant people / 10/1/16 / Carl Smith/Debbie Jones / Left message
Identify faith-based connections
Form recruitment team/expand network / 10/3/16 / Ongoing / Meeting again 10/17/16
Does the youth have a mentor
Develop genogram, ecomap or mobility map / 10/30/16 / Introduced mobility map but not completed
Photo for use with identified potential adoptive family / 10/15/16 / 10/15/16 / N/A / Carly refused to have photo; Brandon agreed
Video for use with identified potential adoptive family
Child profile for use with identified potential adoptive family / 10/30/16 / 10/30/16 / Recruiter / Carly refused to have a profile completed; Brandon was OK with his
Other: MAPP/Parent Education Class /


/ 10/26/16 / Julie Caster / Presented Carly and Brandon to parents. One person expressed some interest in the siblings.


Child-Focused Recruitment Activities

Activity/Idea / DateStarted/scheduled / Date Completed / Outcome
Take Brandon to Air Force recruitment office – career paths and mentor opportunities /


/ 10/15/16 / See 12/1/16 update
Talk with High School ROTC instructor / 11/3/16 / 11/3/16 / See 12/1/16 update
Have Carly & Brandon talk with a youth who aged out and a youth who was adopted /


/ See 12/1/16 update

How will specific information about the youth be included in the recruitment plan to assist in the recruitment (i.e. his/her strengths, challenges, interests, special needs, medications, school functioning, etc.):

Carly is 16 and does not want to be adopted and has thus far has refused to participate in any recruitment activities. She wants to stay at her current placement and is looking forward to being on her own. She does not encourage or discourage Brandon from being adopted. Carly does OK in school and has not shared any particular interests.Carly has been hard to engage and it has been difficult to determine next steps with her regarding her recruitment; however she did agree to talk with youth in foster care and youth had been adopted “because it is something to do”. Her worker has agreed to a concurrent case plan (Independent Living and Adoption) and not split the siblings.

Brandon is a quiet 15-year old who struggles in school. He has below average grades in Math and Science and average grades in English and is in the process of being tested for learning difficulties. He wants to join the air force. He would one day like to one day be able to fly planes as an airforce officer. He is open to being adopted but is wrestling with loyalty toward his sister who does not wantto be adopted. Brandon did agree to participate in adoption recruitment activities.

They would both like to continue to live with Mr. & Mrs. Phillips.

Social Worker/Caseworker:______Date: ______

Recruiter’s Signature: ______Date: ______


Date 12/1/2016

You may complete the recruitment plan update in narrative format or update the Initial Recruitment Plan.

Carly has begun to be less adamant about being adopted. She really listened to some other youth talk about their foster care experience. She has shared that she likes to draw and hopes to one day take some drawing or art classes. Carly agreed to go to the community college to talk with an advisor about their art program.

Brandon has become even more open to being adopted and feels that counseling is helping him with some of his

sadness he sometimes feels. He is not sure if he will be able to be accepted in the ROTC program due to his low grades. Brandon seemed to connect with Doug Ridgeway, the Air force recruitment officer. Will follow-up with Doug about being a mentor for Brandon.

June Hester was thrilled to learn that her grandchildren are doing OK. She wants to see Carly and Brandon and is waiting for the background check to be returned. She plans to start the home study process as she would like to be considered to adopt them. She said that she and her son (Raymond) currently live in a small 2 bed-room apartment and is not sure if they could afford to move to move to a larger home.

Raymond also wants to see his niece and nephew. He recently got another job that pays more; not sure he wants to be considered as an adoptive resource, but would like to have a relationship with them. He is also waiting for the background check.

June shared that they do not have any other family living or that she is in contact with. She shared that she has a half-sister that last she heard lived in California.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillipshave begun to ask a few questions about the adoption process. Both appear to be bonding with Carly and Brandon.

Parent from parent education class was not ready to take on parenting a sibling group.

Debbie Jones has paperwork to begin process, but seems to be dragging her feet on completing it.

Consensus from team is to continue to recruit for the siblings together.

Child-Focused Recruitment Activities Planned for Quarterly Recruitment Plan Update

Child-Focused Recruitment Activity / Date Started/Scheduled / Date Completed / Outcome
Follow up with Debbie Jones /


Follow up on background check for Raymond Hester / 1/1/17
Identify youth to talk with Brandon and Carly /


/ ongoing
Begin outreach to maternal relatives from Seneca search & mobility mapping /


Rev. 9/16