Audio Postcard Days

Day 10 of the Twelve Day Program- Trust

Dr. Alex Loyd: Hello this is Dr. Alex Loyd and welcome to category number ten of The Healing Codes, Trust. This is a big category. The positive things are actually more than trust; I would say it’s belief, faith, trust, and hope, all of those things. What’s the key difference in those? The direction. Faith is kind of centered in the past, trust is kind of centered in the present and hope of course is focused on the future. You might call all of those areas of belie. When we believe it releases power in our lives. Believing the truth is one of the most powerful things we can do. There have been stories for hundreds of years about incredible feats that people did when they believed without doubting the truth when other people didn’t. One of my favorite stories is about a young karate student, I believe in Japan or China. They were having an exercise and I think he was the first of the karate belts, white, or yellow or something like that. And he came out and broke some boards or bricks during a performance with parents and all there. The master came out and quieted everybody down and said, “what this young ten or twelve year old boy has just done has never been done before in history, not by me, not by any of the greatest masters of the world.” How did the young boy do it? The master went on to say he did it because he believed without any doubt that he could. The master had told him in preparation, “You can do this, this is no problem. You have everything that you need to do this.” If the master had been telling him a lie, it wouldn’t have worked, but he was telling him the truth. The reason other people had never been able to do it is because they had always had a little bit of doubt. So believing releases tremendous power.

The opposite of believing and the negative issue of this category is control— if we are not willing to believe and trust and have faith and hope in a healthy way, not in a blind way, but in a healthy way. We are dedicated to controlling our circumstances in order to get the results that we want. The problem is that just doesn’t work long term. We might get one or two results that we want, but eventually that’s going to break down and lead us to despair and illness and disease. And it is fear-based rather than love and truth based. The issues for this category are: trust, faith, belief, hope, we already talked about those. The negative emotions are: distrust, and yes, I believe that is an emotion, and being judgmental and that is a feeling we get. We see someone and we immediately feel something about them. Unhealthy beliefs: people are out to get me, I must be in control, there’s that control issue, it’s not fair—huge issue—it’s not fair rooted in this category. Harmful actions: attempts to pull other people down by any means that I have to use. Those are the issues of this category. Problems in that area tend to result in physical problems in the reproductive system. That’s the system of this category. And doesn’t that make sense, that sexual and reproductive issues are connected to Trust. The height of intimacy, being sexually united with someone that you dearly love is connected to Trust. Doesn’t that make sense? We see over and over as people heal those non-physical trust and belief issues that problems in sexual and reproductive things in their life tend to heal. Common symptoms include: infertility, low testosterone, poor sex drive, abnormal bleeding, irregular periods, spontaneous abortion, infection, itching, burning, warts, and diseases. The parts of the reproductive system: gonads, uterus, vagina, penis, and prostate. Problems in those areas result from the non-physical issues that we have already mentioned.

To do a Code for the Trust category you simply pray about all those issues, rate from zero to ten the one that is bothering you the most, but pray about all of them. Then do the Codes and the Codes are in the pocket guide as well as the page number for the page in the overall manual where all the other issues are listed. Code number one is one position, Code number two is one position so you would do those six to eight minutes as few as one time a day or a much as you can. The more you do the faster the results get there. Once the issue that was bothering you the most is down to zero to one, and then you’re ready to address another issue in this same category or move on to another category if it’s time for another day of the twelve days. That’s how you do the Trust category, and this one is a whopper. If you can master this category, heal the negative, and instill the positive, the trust, belief, etc. this can release tremendous power in your life for success and health. You might consider this one of the major power categories. We all want power which leads to results. This is a power category. This one and love would be the two number one categories for releasing power for results in your life. So do this code today, have a great day, start to release power in your life and tomorrow the one you’ll be receiving is for humility and this a great category. It’s probably not what you think when you think of humility. So look for the Code tomorrow. Do the beliefs, trust, hope, and faith category today and release power in your life and have a wonderful blesses day. Thank you.