SCRIBE: Regina Rice Barker TELEPHONE: 802-295-5078 #12 MEETING DATE: 8/1/2012PAGE 1 of 3

IN ATTENDANCE: Dennis Menard – WA, Regina Rice Barker – WR, Andy Twite – CN, David Savidge – OE, Rick Bjorn – RD, Kathy Waters, - WM, Brian Keith – CA/EX, Pat Austin – FN, Stephanie Bowen – OS, Miche Chamberlain – AN, Molly Comeau - GI, Leitha Cipriano – BN, Jon Kidde – DEAP Coordinator, Willa Farrell - VACDP Exec. Dir.


NOT IN ATTENDANCE: Becky Penberthy, LE

Next Meeting:

DATE: 9/5/2012TIME: 9:00LOCATION: Royalton VSP Barracks SCRIBE: Leitha Cipriano

Topic & Presenter / Summary of
Discussion / Action items or Agreements / Person
Responsible / By When
Minutes / June VACDP meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was moved and seconded. / Minutes were approved.
Financial Report
Willa / The financial through June 2012 was reviewed. Lee White will be providing a Financial Review for FY 12. Brief discussion about unrestricted net assets of VACDP. Executive Committee will take it up at their next meeting.
A motion to approve the report was moved and seconded. / Financial Report was approved.
Debrief of Joint Meeting
Jon Kidde / Feedback was mostly positive comments ranged from: liked small groups, interactive, good morale and energy, liked legislative updates, location great, good info!
Other comments – legislative update seemed rushed, mission statement was “short changed”, CM’s don’t always get statewide information and updates. Leitha noted that it is directors’ responsibility to share legislative information with staff.
Jon commended the TACT and several directors signed up to send thank you notes to TACT members.
Executive CommitteeReport
Dennis Menard / Last meeting was 7/25, committee discussed Dennis’s departure and the transition. Brian K. is the new VACDP Chair and Regina RB. is the Vice Chair. A motion was made to make Stephanie B. the “member at large”, the motion was moved and seconded. Regina is taking Dennis’s place on the CD/CJC committee. DLS planning was reviewed. Members received the results of the grant search.
Goals: continued work on statewide database, DEAP Grant, mission statement, review and work on by-laws and policies. / Stephanie Bowen is now “member at large” on the Executive Comm.
Program Enhancement
Working with Victims
Jon Kidde / A draft of “Rights of Victim in Vermont’s Court Diversion Programs” was circulated. The draft was discussed and many comments were made and changes recommended. Jon will bring those to the committee. Suggestion was made that the Center of Victims of Crime tailorsa training for court diversion staff.
Program Enhancement for Alcohol/Substance Abuse Cases
Kathy Waters / Kathy and Willa had a conference call with Doug Marlowe and Scott Henggeler regarding interventions to make and not to make around RNR and TASP. No charge for the conference calls. Looking at in-house screenings, “right tool with person who is trained right”, discussion around interfacing with community providers and ADAP, will have a well thought out response.
Legislative and Planning Committee
Willa / Becky will be back in September. Met 7/16 discussed decriminalization of marijuana and what our views are. Current paper reflects our position – which is not to take a position on decriminalization but to offer solutions and public safety concerns. Ideas will be presented to the Executive Committee; we should have a formal position by Oct., or Nov. Agreed to invite DPS commissioner Keith Flynn to the next meeting.
TASP Statute – Looking at ideas in order to be clearer about .02 tickets.
Diversion Days – will take place either 2/13 or 2/20.
Restitution – should be clear about the amount requested from the unit from the start, they would like us to work in a way where the amount is resolved before sent to them.
Juvenile Jurisdictional Change – extends ability to stay on probation. / .
Peer Review / No Report. Willa distributed summary of findings from FY 12 reviews. The committee is scheduled to meet in September.
Directors Report
Willa / Statistical report – not ready yet. At this point we are not collecting juveniles’ names. No longer collecting restitution details but will report restitution amounts.
Criminal successful and unsuccessful data will be collected.
There will be a statewide database meeting at AGO, preliminary meeting with New Dawn to explore what it would look like to build off Chittenden’s program in September.
Willa met with Traci Sawyers the new CJC Director. They discussed collaboration and the regional CJC/CD luncheons.
License suspension/TASP discussed.
DLS – allocation would come in advance of program startup fee revenue would be sent in to the AGO. Next DLS Committee meeting 8/14 – Statewide – 9/7/12.
Jon Kidde / Video update:
General court diversion whiteboard on time
Law enforcement video behind timeline – scheduling difficulties
Parent Packet will be printed again and distributed.
YASI Booster training ECW II – scheduled for 10/18 and 10/19
Participant Surveys should be sent to Willa now.
TACT – two new members – Kathy Waters and Alysia Monaghan, they are working on sustainability. Don’t forget to utilize TACT.
Scholarships are available for trainings – “Say it Straight” and train the trainers for “Say it Straight”. Also available for Global Learning Partners “Intro to Dialogue Education”.
1-2 day training available to support counties in hosting stakeholder meetings.
YASI data is coming in now. There was a discussion regarding evaluation material – how to make it useful.
Meeting adjourned / Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 2:00 p.m., seconded.