VERSION / AMENDMENTS / DATE / APPROVED BY01 / Operating Procedures re-written / 16.06.10 / Training Committee
02 / Lifejackets for non-swimmers to buoyancy aids, minor amendments / 20.06.10 / Training Committee
03 / Amendments to document following review by H&S Officer and instructors / 30.05.11 / Training Committee
04 / Revised Declaration of Acceptance List
Minor text amendments 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 3.3, 7.7 / 20.06.16 / Training Committee
05 / Minor revisions & numbering / 18.03.13 / Training Committee
06 / Addition of updated risk assessment, and minor revisions / 17.03.14 / Training Committee
07 / Specific Power Boat risks added, and minor revisions / Feb 2015 / Training Committee
08 / RYA Instructor Code of Conduct / June 2016 / Training Committee
09 / Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures / June 2016 / Training Committee
10 / Revised Declaration of Acceptance List
Updates andrevisions following RYA Inspection. Minor text and numbering revisions. Rewritten Complaints Procedure and Essential Powerboat Equipment / July 2017
July 2017 / Training Committee 10Aug17
11 / Addition of Roles and Responsibilities, revised Risk Assessment, amendments to Powerboat Operations / October
2017 / Training Committee 08 March 18
Training Section Operating Procedures v11Page 1 of 29
This Document covers the following sections:-
Training Section Operating Procedures v11Page 1 of 29
RYA INSTRUCTOR CODE OF CONDUCT ……………………………………………………………...2
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE ……………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Page Number
Appendix 1 – RYA advice for dealing with witnesses and the press...... 13
Appendix 2 - Essential Powerboat Equipment...... 14
Appendix 3 – Child Protection...... 16
Appendix 4 – Designated Training Areas...... 18
Appendix 5 – Risk Assessment...... 19
Appendix 6 - Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………………………..27
Appendix 7 - Roles and Responsibilities ……………………………………………………………………28
I declare to have read and understood the Procedures contained herein.
Name/Position / Signature / DateTony Rice
Training Secretary
Sue Sayle
RYA Principal
Geoff Pavey
Chief Dinghy Instructor
SI/Welfare Officer
Colin McLean
Chief Powerboat Instructor
Gerry Anderson
Richard Corser
Janice Beaumont
Mark Bromly
Ann Carter-Chapman
Hugh Crothers
Trevor Exelby
SI/Race Coach/PBI
David Gray
Ian Gregory
Sean Gregory
Paul Oakey
DI/Race Coach
Colin Slade
Ray Suomi
Jenny Winfield
SI/Racing Instructor
Heather Yeomans
SI/ Cruising Instructor
Blake Latta
Keiran Shrimpton
Cordelia Towers
Ella Macey
Wayne Durrant
Kevin Parish
David Topley
Training Section Operating Procedures v11Page 1 of 29
- Portchester Sailing Club (PSC) is committed to providing good quality safe RYA Training, and to the Health and Safety of all participants. The Club is also an RYA OnBoard Centre. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the procedures and processes under which PSC operates as a Recognised Training Centre (RTC) and as guidance to all staff involved in the management of training.
- Overall responsibility for RYA Training lies with the RYA Principal and Training Secretary, together with the Executive Committee of Portchester Sailing Club.(see Appendix 7)
- Responsibility for RYA Training Sessions lies with the appropriate Chief Instructor (Dinghy or Powerboat), who will designate other Senior Instructors and Instructors to take responsibility for particular sessions and direct Assistant Instructors.
- These Operating Procedures apply when advertised RYA Training is taking place under the RTC Status of PSC. Other activities at PSC (racing, informal sailing etc) may not be bound by these Operating Procedures. However, these Procedures are published as standard practices to be adhered to as far as practicable for all sailing activities at PSC.
- All RYA Senior Instructors (SI), Instructors (Dinghy DI and Powerboat PBI), and Assistant Instructors (AI) involved in RYA Training at PSC must read these Operating Procedures at the start of each season and sign the Declaration of Acceptance at the front of this document.
- All SIs, DIs, PBIs and AIs share responsibility and duty of care to provide good quality and safe RYA Training.
- Training Operating Procedures and associated PSC Risk Assessments are reviewed annually under the authority of the RYA Principal and the Training Section.
- This document outlines the code of conduct under which all holders of RYA instructor qualifications and RYA training appointments (hereafter referred to as Instructors) are required to comply. The code of conduct is intended to make clear to all participants, Instructors and RYA appointment holders the high standards to which all are expected to conform. Instructors must:
- Read and understand the Child Protection Policy as detailed on the RYA website at
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone equally within the context of their sport.
- Place the wellbeing and safety of the student above the development of performance or delivery of training.
- They should follow all guidelines laid down by the RYA with regards to specific training or coaching programmes.
- Hold appropriate insurance cover either individually or through the training centre in which they are working.
- Not develop inappropriate working relationships with students (especially children). Relationships must be based on mutual trust and respect and not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
- Encourage and guide students to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
- Hold relevant up to date governing body qualifications as approved by the RYA.
- Ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
- At the outset, clarify with students (and where appropriate their parents) exactly what is expected of them and what they are entitled to expect.
- Always promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. courtesy of other water users).
- Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
- Not do or neglect to do anything which may bring the RYA into disrepute.
- Act with integrity in all customer and business dealings pertaining to RYA training.
- Not teach or purport to provide RYA courses or RYA certification outside of the framework of an RYA recognised training centre.
- Notify the RYA immediately of any court imposed sanction that precludes the instructor from contact with specific user groups (for example children and vulnerable adults).
- Not carry out RYA training, examining or coaching activities whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Failure to adhere to the RYA Instructor Code of Conduct may result in the suspension or withdrawal of RYA qualifications or appointments.
- The Principal is responsible for ensuring that adequate insurance has been arranged by the Executive Committee of the Club to cover all training activities is in full force and effect. All the club activities must be covered.
- Booking forms are to include information about any pre-course requirements and emergency contacts. If the Club is aware that a student has a medical condition, they should seek further advice from the student.
- Booking and Medical forms for on-going courses are kept securely in a locked filing cabinet. Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained within, these forms are to be kept secure at all times except when required for use. SIs responsible on the day should check the information prior to the start of the training session.
- The Club is to hold contact details and records of students for a minimum of 12 months.
- The Club holds a record of the qualifications of all instructors, which shall be reviewed regularly and kept up to date. All Instructors are DBS checked and Assistants are required to have undertaken Safeguarding certification.
- The Principal is responsible for ensuring that all Instructors hold qualifications of an appropriate level, that they are in date and that they are supported by a valid First Aid certificate, an RYA Powerboat 2 certificate and RYA Safety Boat certificate where appropriate. Instructors without a ‘coastal endorsement’ on certificates will be assessed prior to conducting any training. All details are recorded securely on the Training File.
- A record of near misses or incidents of concern during training sessions is kept by the Principal. It is to be reviewed regularly under the responsibility of the Principal and lessons learned recorded with actions taken to avoid recurrence.
- A student feedback and complaints system is kept. The Principal/Chief Instructor are to resolve any complaints as quickly as possible.
- Permanent records of certificates issued to trainees are kept for verification purposes, including names, dates and certificate numbers.
- A Risk Assessment for all dinghy sailing and powerboat activities engaged in training at PSC is reviewed annually and submitted to QHM.
- All SI, DI, PBI and responsible helpers shall be responsible for checking the suitability of clothing and personal buoyancy oftraining participants.
- Appropriate footwear shall be worn at all times when on the water.
- All SIs, DIs, PBIs and responsible helpers shall be responsible for checking the boats each time they are used. If any defects are found they shall be reported directly to the Club Boats Officer ().The Club Boats Officer shall notify the Chief Instructor of repairs or other issues.
- The Chief Instructor is responsible for liaising with the Club Boats Officer to ensure that repairs are carried out and that boats requiring maintenance are not used for training.
- Before going afloat each safety boat shall be equipped with all essential safety items, a list of which can be found at Appendix 2.
- In the event of any collision, Club boats shall be checked as soon as possible, and a report made, even if no damage has occurred (See 3.7)
- Notices listing the first aiders are displayed in the Start Hut, each changing room, and near the telephone in the club house lobby. All first aiders have a current certificate of first aid training.
- First Aid kits are to be carried in all safety boats and available in the start hut.
- The RYA minimum guidelines for safety cover during RYA training courses are as follows:
Up to 6 dinghies – 1 safety boat
6 – 15 dinghies – 2 safety boats
More than 15 dinghies – 3 safety boats
5.3.The student/instructor ratios must not exceed those laid down in the syllabus for each level of course, ie;
Crewed dinghies 3:1
Single handed dinghies 6:1 (applies only whilst the boats are used as single- handers)
One Instructor cannot be responsible for more than 9 students (eg 3 boats with 3 students in each boat or 4 boats with 2 students in each)
5.4.For dinghy courses, the SI will only use RYA Dinghy Instructors and club AI’s for on the water instruction. Unqualified helpers may be used to drive the support boats, providing they hold RYA Powerboat 2
5.5.Participants, helpers and instructors are required to wear appropriately sized buoyancy aids (it is recommended that these should be minimum CE 50 Newton) – these should be checked by an instructor before going afloat.
5.6.Any non-swimmers must notify the instructor of this and may be required to wear a life jacket rather than a buoyancy aid.
5.7.The RIB, Jaffa and Tango shall each be fitted with a working kill cord, which must be worn correctly at all times.
5.8.The SI in charge shall ensure that clearly defined sailing areas are known by all participants, instructors and helpers. If an SI wishes to use a sailing area outside of the designated training areas (Appendix4), the SI must produce a passage plan to the new area and log it with the Chief Instructor
5.9.The signal for returning to shore is to be determined by the SI and communicated as part of the briefing session to all participants and helpers.
5.10.The SI in charge shall brief Instructors on the use of masthead floatation should this be deemed necessary according to the conditions, dinghies being used, and competence of the sailors. The use of masthead floatation shall be in accordance with PSC’s Club Boat Usage Policy (available on the website).
5.11.A working VHF radio,tuned to Channel 37, shall be carried in each safety boat and, if practical, monitored by a responsible adult ashore.
5.12.The SI in charge is responsible for authorisation for on the water activities and shall take into account the forecast weather and the actual conditions for the planned duration of the session and all other policies stated in these Procedures.
5.13.All new students will be assessed to ensure their competency and the appropriate level of supervision and tuition required. A student’s progress is monitored in the appropriate RYA logbook and PSC register of training undertaken.
- First Aid kits are to be carried in all power boats, and also available in the start hut, along with essential equipment as outlined in Appendix 2
- The RYA minimum guidelines for tuition during RYA training courses are as follows
Level 2 Powerboat Training: 1 instructor to 3 students
Safety Boat Training: 1 instructor to 6 students (2 Boats)
6.3.All participants, helpers and instructors are required to wear appropriately sized buoyancy aids (it is recommended that these should be minimum CE 50 Newton) – these should be checked by an instructor before going afloat.
6.4.All non-swimmers must notify their instructor of this and may be required to wear a life jacket instead of a buoyancy aid.
6.5.The RIB, Jaffa and Tango shall each be fitted with a working kill cord, which must be correctly worn (by the helmsman) at all times.
6.6.The Chief Powerboat Instructor shall brief all Instructors and participants on operating areas and shall take into account the forecast weather and actual conditions, the boats being used and the competence of the participants.
6.7.A working VHF radio,tuned to Channel 37, shall be carried and operated in each powerboat.
6.8.To achieve RYA Powerboat 2 certification at PSC club members must be over the age of 16. AIs and AI Trainees (aged 12-16) can train in powerboats under the direct supervision of Safety Boat qualified members who must use a double kill cord.
- As defined in the Children Act 1989, for the purposes of this policy, anyone under the age of 18 should be considered as a child. The policy also applies to vulnerable adults.
- It is the policy of PSC to safeguard children and young people taking part in boating from physical, sexual or emotional harm.
- PSC will take all reasonable steps to ensure that, through appropriateprocedures and training, children participating in PSC activities do so in a safe environment. PSC recognizes that the safety and welfare of the child is paramount and that all children have a right to protection from abuse.
- PSC actively seeks to:
- Create a safe and welcoming environment, both on and off the water, where children can have fun and develop their skills and confidence.
- Recognise that safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone, not just those who work with children.
- Ensure that its training and other events are run to the highest possible safety standards.
- Be prepared to review its ways of working to incorporate best practice.
- PSC will:
- Treat all children with respect and celebrate their achievements.
- Carefully select and train all volunteer Instructors and helpers.
- Respond swiftly and appropriately to all complaints and concerns about poor practice or suspected or actual child abuse.
- It is the responsibility of all Instructors and helpers to work towards creating this environment.
- If a situation occurs that you are unsure about, or a child reports something of concern to you – pass it on immediately to the PSC Child Protection Officer.
Details of this person are displayed in the club.
7.8.Guidelines should be handed out to and read by each helper and volunteer. (Appendix 3)
A serious incident is determined as one where there is serious injury to people or property and also an incident which has the potential to result in a serious injury.
8.1.In the event of injury administer immediate First Aid and bring the casualty ashore if possible.
8.2.Contact the Emergency Services and the casualty’s next of kin.
8.3.If the First Aider considers that the emergency services are not required, the casualty may be taken to the Accident and Emergency Department of Queen Alexandra Hospital, Cosham. This is about a 10/15 minute drive.
IF in doubt dial 999
8.4.Details of next of kin are held on the Training File. A telephone is located in the Clubhouse lobby.
8.5.The Senior Instructor shall preserve any evidence from the scene of the incident and exclude all personnel from the site until such time as the scene has been examined by the appropriate authorities.
8.6.The Principal shall be informed immediately following a serious incident or when an incident had the potential to develop into a serious incident.
8.7.The Senior Instructor in charge shall ensure that all witnesses make an immediate statement or record of what they were doing, what they saw, what they said, and what they heard.
8.8.The Senior Instructor in charge shall be responsible for monitoring the casualty's progress and documenting the incident at an appropriate time.
8.9.The Principal shall immediately contact the Flag Officers and Trustees of the Club and the Health and Safety Executive and the RYA as required.
8.10.Refer to and follow the RYA’s advice for dealing with witnesses and the press (Appendix 1). Any statement from the Club shall be referred to the Flag Officers and Trustees for approval prior to its release.
8.11.All accidents and incidents must be recorded in the Accident Book.
8.12.The Principal shall investigate each accident/incident and consider if further action is required.
9.1.Any complaint received needs to be assessed to establish:
- the complainant wishes it to be dealt with as a formal complaint
- the complainant wishes it to be dealt with by informal resolution
- All formal complaints MUST be dealt with under the Club Complaints procedure by a sub-committee chaired by the Vice Commodore and members of the General Committee.
- Any complaint that needs to be resolved under a disciplinary procedure should initially be dealt with as a formal complaint and sent to the Training Secretary. The Club Complaints procedure (as above) will then be followed.
- In line with employment law, training instructors need to be alert to the fact that breaches of Club Rules and breaches of the RYA Code of Conduct can be dealt with in two distinct ways:
- By way of immediate words of advice.
- By informing the Instructor involved, at the time of the occurrence, that they are going to be reported for the breach
All Training Instructors should be made aware of this procedure and it is also recommended that the RYA Code of Conduct be discussed and circulated regularly.