Dear friend,

Islamic Center of Beverly Hills will give $1000 scholarship to one college student every 3 months, if they win the contest in writing an article about “Why Islam is the fastest growing religion in America”. For more details please visit our website Ms. Elizabeth Muro is our latest winner and her article is enclosed.

If you are interested in assisting this good and godly project, please send your donations to ICBH today.

Islam is the Solution

“There is too much arrogance and ignorance for people to realize that Islam could be the way to the solution.”


Heather Miklos

November 30, 2007

Westwood College Anaheim Campus

The Islamic countries for many years have been and are third world countries. This means that they were not only poor but unable to access the means of living we have over here in the states. Today most of the leaders are from this unfortunate group. They look to us, a well developed country, for help, guidance, and advice. Why won’t we help them? [] I saw a sign on the freeway just a while ago. It said “don’t buy the Iran lie!” it really made me think. What lie could be that evasive, that it would make someone put up such a sign? No lies can be worse than what our president is feeding not only to his own people but the allies and enemies of us as well. What bothers me the most is the fact that people go and say all these stereotypical and rude comments about the Islamic community, when in fact most know nothing about it. I think that it all has to do with not knowing, and not taking the time to find out. It makes them scared.

Some of the Islamic ways are leisurely. They don’t seem to see our view in the U.S. of time is money. [] I think this is why American people can be led to believe that Islamic people are lazy. But we underestimate what the power of the Islamic community actually holds. If the entire population became responsive to what they were capable of, the movement could be enormous. The countries have taken steps to avoid nationwide problems that we as America have. Alcoholism has been banned in fourteen of the countries they have. In America we spend over a quarter trillion dollars a year on alcoholism and drug abuse alone. []

those numbers are huge. We could be putting that money into something else like education if we didn’t have these problems and used the Islamic example as a solution to this problem.

I think one way Islam could be a solution is the fact of their customs, and how they actually enjoy their life to the fullest. Like I said in America we are so money hungry, that we don’t have time to waste on something that isn’t going to make us rich or famous. Life is boring or at least it’s going to be if all you do is worry about money. It takes away the beauty of life.

Islam has everything to do with the prophet that they call Muhammad. They believe that he brought light to the world. They believe that if more and more of his teachings are forgotten and or distorted it is said that the world will be dark again. They believe that the first, second, and third worlds is because of the Muslims who turn away from him. He has brought back the message of many things. These include Tauheed, universal brotherhood, compassion, mercy, equality, justice, god consciousness, and morality. These are huge beliefs and characteristics. They believe that there is too much arrogance and ignorance for people to realize that Islam could be the way to the solution. [] there needs to be more educated and more information available to find and figure out what’s going on and what the solution is.

One believer I found is absolutely sure that Islam provides a solution to every single problem. They believe that it is the only religion that offers this. It is said that in the Qur’an that the greatest sin is killing someone. But not like the Bible the Qur’an tells us how to do well in society. It also said that it possesses the assimilating capacity to the changing existence. [] Which means its interpretation changes to fit what is going on in the world today.

I definitely think that there are some good and valid reasons as to believe that Islam is the solution. One main problem is the mere fact most Muslims do not and or cannot get along with each other. In fact Islam seems to be very violent when in reality the Bible itself has more violence in it than the Qur’an does. [islamica/interview/pg41] It is also believed that we are not religiously divided but politically.

The information stating that Islam is the fastest growing religion is due to immigration. One source also states that the high number of birth rates makes it fast growing as well. It is definitely fastest growing in Europe. The number of Muslims has tripled in the last thirty years. The do not predict that it will stop either. []

In everything I have been able to find out it makes me realize we as stubborn Americans are naïve and uneducated about the issues in Islam. How can we judge people or even make remarks about their religion or beliefs I we know nothing about it. The numbers of Muslims are growing more and more. We can’t make them stop having children or from moving to the U.S. this is our world we need to learn how to get along, and realize that the Christian religion itself is more violent than any other. This takes me back to the sign that I saw. What lie could they be possibly talking about? There are people who think that they just know everything. Most are just too ignorant to pick up and actually read about it.

Bibliography article, “Islam is the Solution” October 21, 2001 article, “Islam give he solutions for all problems” July 6, 2007

Islamica Magazine, interview, issue 20 2007, page 41