
World War Two Home Front

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Click the North America tab and then click the following pictures.

Women in WWII / How many women worked outside of the home by 1945?
How many served in the Armed Forces?
What percentage of women worked in the aircraft industry?
Who became the most successful recruitment tool in American history?
“Rosie the Riveter” became the iconic symbol of what?
What were some of the nicknames for women’s groups in the military?
Draft / How many white males were drafted? (pie chart)
How many minority males were drafted?
What were the age requirements?
How long did they serve?
By the end of the war, how many men had registered for the selective service?
During which war did the last draft induction occur?
Japanese Americans
(Internment) / What event led to growing suspicions of Japanese-Americans?
How many Japanese-Americans were forced into relocation camps?
Which executive order created exclusion zones/camps?
How many of the Japanese-Americans had been born in the U.S.?
How many internment camps were created?
What was life like in the internment camps?
What other groups were detained?
Rationing / Look in your vocabulary or bellringers and define the term rationing:
What was the first good to be rationed after Pearl Harbor?
What percentage of the U.S. registered for a ration book?
What item was rationed in May, 1942? What was next?
How many victory gardens were planted?
How many gallons of gas could most Americans purchase per week?
Propaganda / Define the term propaganda:
What ways did the US use to get its propaganda messages out to the people?
How did Hollywood play a role in propaganda messages?
How was the radio used as a tool for spreading propaganda?
How did the U.S. spread propaganda overseas?

Google: A. Philip Randolph and find the answers to the following:

/ Who was A. Philip Randolph?
Why did A. Philip Randolph propose a March on Washington, D.C. during WWII?
How did President Roosevelt respond to this?
What was Executive Order 8802?