Stockade Association Board Meeting
August 2, 2017
St. George's Church, N. Ferry Street
Board Members Present: Kevin Grace, Peter Rumora, Carol DeLaMarter, Dianne Crozier, Suzanne Unger, Bob Lemmerman, Keith Dayer, Bob Stern (arrived at 7:08 p.m.), Sue DuFour (arrived at 7:39 p.m.)
Board Members Absent: Colleen Macaulay, Sean Philpott-Jones
Guests: Doug Chilton
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Ms. DeLaMarter added a tennis courts update to the agenda. Ms. Unger moved to approve the change which passed by acclamation.
Minutes: Mr. Rumora moved to approve the minutes as written. The motion was approved by acclamation.
Treasurer's Report: (see attached digital file)
President's Report: A new design was provided from Paul LaFond showing the pump station within the fenced area except for an underground portion that will be fenced. We are awaiting the architectural renderings. According to the Albany Times-Union, the city is planning to meet with the Stockade Association once designs are more developed. Ms. DeLaMarter has contacted the city several times about a meeting the week of August 21.
Walkabout plans are continuing. The next meeting is August 5.
Sylvie Briber is taking over as editor of the Spy. She met with Ms. DeLaMarter to plan the coming year: volume 59, issues 1-9. Gloria Kishton will continue to do the graphic design. Mr. Lemmerman reported sponsors are coming in, but more are needed.
Mr. Stern reported on Walkabout information for the website and the Facebook page.
Standing Committee Reports - Orgaizational Plans
· HistoricPreservation and Zoning - Ms. DeLaMarter presented an update on the development of design guidelines for flood mitigation plans. She and others are encouraging the consultants to hold the last meeting in the neighborhood so more affected home owners may attend.
· Finance - Bob Lemmerman gave a financial update. Ms. DeLaMarter asked committee chairs to have their budget proposals ready for the September 6 board meeting.
· Committee on Safety - Ms. DeLaMarter reported on picnic plans for August 15, 6 p.m. Ms. Macaulay will need help at 4 p.m. to help set up. There will be a tent and entertainment.
· Infrastructure - Ms. Unger reported on progress of the streetscape program and plans to meet with the city. Mr. Dayer reported on the status of the two new trash cans. He is waiting for the signs to be finished. Ideas for the September general meeting were discussed.
· Membership - Mr. Grace is planning a meeting on August 16 at his house. There will be a discussion of how long to keep members on the digital membership list. It will be open to anyone who wants to attend. at 7 p,m. They will be planning social events for the year and recruiting plans. Ms. DeLaMarter asked the committee to reconsider making SA magnets as a membership premium.
· Event Committee - Ms. DuFour reported that she has created a first draft of the events planning template.
· Beautification Committee - Holly van Voast is helping out with weeding. There is a need for mulch at the Washington Avenue gardens.
· Nominating Committee - Ms. Crozier welcomed Mr. Chilton as a prospective board member.
Old Business
· Mr. Dayer reported on progress of adding two trash cans at Front and N. Ferry and Front and Church Street.
· Riverside Park rocks - Ms. Macaulay reported that someone from the SA needs to be a liaison to the parks group. The rocks have been approved but nothing has happened. Ms. Crozier will contact the chair of the parks commission, Rich Patierne. The benches have been added but not moved.
· Ms. Unger reported that the attorney's office is currently working on copyrighting for the Stockade logos.
New Business
· New pylon planned in front of the casino was discussed.
· Tennis courts updates - there is interest in approaching the city about the condition of the tennis courts and the basketball courts. Residents would like the courts to be better designed and upgraded so the basketballs won't go in residents' backyards. Pickle ball was also discussed.
Next meeting will be at the Mohawk House at the First Reformed Church. The entrance is around the back.
Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.