2011-2012-TAG Science Syllabus
Dr. T. Booth ()
Send all assignments involving electronic media (PowerPoint, Video, Digital Photography, assignments requiring attachments, etc. to the following email address:
NOTE: When students send an electronic copy of an assignment, the assignment must be sent to Dr. Booth by the time class begins-it is due at the same time for all students unless absences occur-
STUDENTS: Create a gmail email address in the following manner: period number, last name ,first name (Example: ) Please send Dr. Booth a VERIFICATION EMAIL AFTER SETTING UP THE ACCOUNT. Parents should verify that this task has been completed. This account should be set up by Sept. 14.
PARENTS: Please send a short email message to Dr. Booth from the email account that will serve as your contact email account. Please include your desired telephone contact number in the email message. Please make sure you include the name and grade level of your student with your email message.
Grade 8: Holt Science & Technology Physical Science (Georgia)
Grade 7: Holt Science & Technology Life Science (Georgia)
Grade 6: Holt Science & Technology Earth Science (Georgia)
Course Objectives:
Talented and Gifted students will study advanced content coursework in science aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards. Sixth grade students will study Earth Science, seventh graders will study Life Science, and eighth grade students will study Physical Science. A variety of instructional methods will be utilized throughout the course. These methods include, but not limited to, the following: tests, quizzes, group and individual projects, laboratory experiments and demonstrations, technology products and lessons, and class work.
Final Grades:
25% Tests
35% Projects/Labs
10% Portfolio/Class work
15% Quizzes
15% Final Exam EOCT
Units of Study:
Grade 6
Characteristics of Science ( Inquiry, safety procedures, measurement, lab practices)
Hydrology & Meteorology
Evolution of the Universe
The Solar System
Energy Conservation
Grade 7
Characteristics of Science (Inquiry, safety procedures, measurement, lab practices)
Structure and Function
Reproduction and Heredity
Populations and Ecosystems
Diversity and Adaptations
Grade 8
Characteristics of Science ( Inquiry, safety procedures, measurement, lab practices)
Characteristics of matter
Force and Motion
Waves and Sound
Electricity and Magnetism
TAG Learning Objectives:
The following TAG learning objectives will be incorporated into the above units:
· Directed study and advanced research
· Creative thinking/Creative Problem Solving
· Higher Order and Critical Thinking Skills
· Advanced Communication Skills
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100; B = 89-80; C= 79-70; F = 69 and Below
Grade Reports:
Averages and conduct grades are sent home every 4.5 weeks. It is the parent’s responsibility to inquire about the progress reports when the reports are not received from the student. Printed progress reports are sent home every nine weeks. The final report card will reflect a cumulative grade average for the semester.
Each student is responsible for having each day 2 sharpened pencils, an ink pen, agenda, science textbook, notebook paper, and a 1 inch science notebook. Students also need a flash drive (minimum of 2g), a set of markers and colored pencils, construction paper and note cards with lines. Poster board(s) will be needed for projects as well as two tri boards (one for the science fair project and one for the social studies fair project). Other materials may be requested throughout the year.
Science Notebooks:
The science notebook referred to in the above paragraph is required. The 1 inch notebook should have 3 rings, and pockets. All science work is to be kept in this notebook. Periodic “Folder Checks’ will be made through the semester for completeness.
This notebook is to be used only for science.
Safety contract:
A signed safety contract is required for each student. Parents must also sign the contract. Students who do not return the safety contract will not be permitted to participate in labs involving heat, chemicals or glassware. The safety contract has a section for informing the teacher of the child’s allergies. Please read and sign the entire contract (including the allergy section) and return to Dr Booth.
Student Agendas:
The school provides each student with an agenda to help organize their assignments and other important information. Each student is expected to use their agenda in class each day to record important due dates. The student’s assignments and other important calendar information about the class will be written in the agenda. One of the keys to success in science class as well as other classes is to be organized, turn in work on time, and study for tests. The agenda is an aide in building excellent organizational skills and reminding students of due dates and other critical information.
Paper Protocol:
The proper heading for a student’s paper is located on the left side of the page and contains the following:
Additionally, the name of the assignment must be written on the top line of the notebook/computer paper (Example: CRCT Warm-up 8/31) unless otherwise directed by the teacher. The heading of the paper is the same for all TAG teachers.
Each grade level will have a separate webpage on Students will receive the URL (web address) for their class page. Students can also access their webpage through the media center website. Each webpage has three parts: written information for the student; games for reinforcement; and important links for class activities. This resource is one of the venues used to differentiate instruction.
Bear Creek Grade 6 2011-12
Bear Creek Grade 7 2011-12
Bear Creek Grade 8 2011-12
HOLT online:
Students will be assigned a username and password for an online textbook.
Computer/printer issues at home:
Parents should encourage students to complete online assignments and participate in online CRCT preparation activities. Students will be expected to complete online work. The parent should notify the teacher in writing if computer issues arise, if a computer is not available, or if the printer does not work. Students should purchase a flash drive as a backup in case the home printer does not work. Additionally, the teacher will accept handwritten work in place of the computer generated work if a computer issue occurs. Again, submit the handwritten work with a note from the parent.
Make-up policy due to absences:
Fulton County’s policy states that students absent three days or less have two days to complete make-up assignments. Students absent more than three consecutive days will have the number of make-up days equal to the amount of consecutive days absent. It is the responsibility of the student to check with the teacher for missed work. Parents may request assignments when a student is absent 3 or more consecutive days by contacting the office. If the request is made before 9:00AM the work can be picked up at the end of the school day. Otherwise the work will be available the morning following the request. Students are responsible for requesting make-up work and gathering necessary materials. Students will not be excused from homework or tests.
Students will meet after school on MONDAY for tutoring in TAG science. Tutoring will be held in room 918.Other opportunities for more weekly sessions will be announced at a later time. Students must have a sweep bus form on file if they will be riding the sweep bus. Students must bring a note from parent/s giving their child permission to stay for tutorial. Students should inform the teacher that they plan to stay for tutorial at least 24 hours before tutorial. Thus, on Monday the teacher should be informed of those requesting tutoring on Tuesday via a note from the parent. This note better ensures that the parent is fully aware of their child’s activities. Students will not be permitted to stay for tutoring unless the teacher has the note.
Parents are always welcome in the classroom. Please stop by the main office for a nametag before coming to the classroom. Please schedule conferences by emailing the teacher or leaving a request with the front office. It is suggested that parents email the teacher directly with a conference request. Please give a minimum of 24 hour notice for conferences.
Student Expectations:
· Students will be on time for class.
· Students will be prepared for class at all times with required materials and textbook (2 sharpened pencils, a pen, notebook, notebook paper, agenda and other announced required materials for that day).
· All students will begin the class each day with “free writing” on the prompt provided by the teacher.
· All work will be neat, showing pride of ownership, and turned in on time.
· Students will adhere to all class rules and safety rules.
· Students will exhibit respectful behavior to peers and adults.
· Students will bring agendas to class daily. Agendas will be used to write down assignments and important dates.
The student code of conduct for Bear Creek and the Fulton County’s policy on student discipline will be enforced. Student discipline will require the effort of the student, the teacher, and the parents. Working together will better ensure accomplishment of student goals and promote highest student achievement. Progressive steps to improve student behavior will include but not limited to talking to student one-on-one, counseling, changing seat, informing parents of issues via email, student shadowing by parent, detention, and behavior contracts.
Turning in Work
Students will be expected to complete many assignments. Students are expected to complete all assignments on time and show pride of ownership in their work. Neatness, legibility and putting the proper heading on the paper are requirements. Students are responsible for presenting the teacher with makeup work due to absences. A penalty for late work will be imposed on projects.
· Please contact Dr. Booth if you require additional information or need to schedule a conference.
· This syllabus will be placed on my portal page should parents need to review it from time to time.
Acknowledgement of Tag Science Course Syllabus 2010-2011
Your student has received a copy of the TAG science syllabus. The student is expected to share this document with his/her parent(s). The parent(s) and student must sign a letter of acknowledgement after reading the syllabus. This information is in effect regardless of the acknowledgement being returned. This syllabus is a general outline of the course and is subject to modification. A copy of this syllabus will be posted on and
Please sign and return this acknowledgement page to Dr. Booth on or before Friday, September 17. Parents and students are required to complete the information and sign this form.
For the parent(s)
I have read the course syllabus and I understand the expectations and requirements for TAG science. I will maintain contact with the teacher if I have questions regarding the course and/or my child’s progress. I will help my child successfully complete the requirements of this advanced content course.
Parent name (Please print)
Parent signature
Parent email
Parent cell phone Work phone Home phone
For the student
I have read the course syllabus and I understand the expectations and requirements. My teacher has explained all information contained in the syllabus.
I will assume responsibility for asking the teacher for special help and/or additional information when necessary.
Student Signature Date
Please return this page to Dr. Booth and place the syllabus in your science notebook under the section “Class Management.”