Charity Profile
Helping Families, Saving Lives, Inspiring Our Community
As part of a nationwide network of non-profit, federally-designated organ and tissue recovery organizations dedicated to “bridging lives” through the life-saving and healing benefits of organ and tissue donation, OneLegacy graciously accepts charitable contributions in memory or honor of loved ones or in support of our efforts to inspire others to donate life.
Our Mission
Working together with hospitals, transplant centers, healthcare support agencies, and civic and community organizations, OneLegacy serves a diverse population of in our seven-county greater Los Angeles service area. Our mission: to save and heal lives through organ, eye and tissue donation, comfort the families we serve, and inspire our communities to Donate Life.
We dedicate considerable resources to our collaborative work with hospitals and transplant centers as well as sensitively guiding potential donor families, amid their considerable grief, through the organ and tissue donation process. We also educate and inspire our diverse communities to support organ and tissue donation.
Family Care: Supporting Donor Families
We offer bereavement support to donor families, for their grief journey is just beginning once the donation process is complete. Family support includes:
- Grief support material and phone calls offered to families
- The Companion, OneLegacy’s quarterly donor family newsletter
- Recipient medical updates as requested by donor families
- Facilitate communication and meetings between donor families and recipients
- Four regional Donor Rememberance Ceremonies annually
Public Education: Inspiring People to ‘Donate Life’
OneLegacy collaborates with community partners and volunteers to educate the public about the critical need for organ and tissue donation and inspires them to enroll with theDonate Life California Organ & Tissue Donor Registry ( or Programs include:
- Donate Life Ambassadors and Embajadores de Done Vida volunteer programs
- High school education
- Advertising and public relations campaigns
- Multicultural community outreach
How to Contribute
Please send the attached form along with your gift.OneLegacy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Tax ID #95-3138799. Donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.
Charitable Contribution
I understand the need for organ and tissue donation is urgent. Please accept this gift to help support OneLegacy’s life-saving mission.
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Daytime Phone Email
Enclosed is my check for $ made payable to OneLegacy.
Please charge my credit card in the amount of $ .
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Name on Card Signature
This gift is in memory of a loved one, in honor of a recipient, or as a special acknowledgement.
In memory of .
In honor of .
A special acknowledgement of .
Please notify the following person(s) of my gift:
City State Zip
Please mail or fax this form to the address below, Attn: Bryan Stewart. You may also email the form to .
For office use Proc 868700 / 918880 Mail Newsltr Acknowl Notify221 South Figueroa Street, Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA90012
(213) 229-5600 Fax (213) 229-5601 General Information (800) 786-4077 Donor Referral Line (800) 338-6112