to be held WEDNESDAY 22ND FEBRUARY 2017

7.30pm Winkleigh Village Hall


1)  Apologies For Absence

2)  Declarations Of Interest From Members

3)  Waste and Recycling Service Change proposals (Guest Speaker – Harry Roper)

4)  Public Participation - Time for this session is limited to 20 minutes (3 minutes per person)

5)  Minutes Move to approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 22nd February 2017 (RR042/03/17)

6)  Planning Matters

(a)  New Applications

·  1/0133/2017/FUL, The Barton, Eggesford Road, Winkleigh, Mr N Clayton (Clayton Cabinets) Erection of a building to be used as a joinery workshop (B1) with new vehicular access and associated turning area (RR043/03/17)

·  1/0029/2017/FUL, Higher Coulson, Bondleigh, Mr & Mrs Burniston Siting of Wagon for tourism use and composting toilet (RR044/03/17)

·  1/0016/2017/FUL, Bedwells Removals and Storage Winkleigh, Mr Edward Bedwell, Steel portal frame extension to existing building (RR045/03/17)

·  1/0093/2017/FULM, Devon Plant Services Winkleigh Airfield, Proposed construction of 4 industrial units (B2) (RR046/03/17)

·  1/0164/2017/LBC, Tallat House, Wembworthy, Mr & Mrs Minton, Single Storey lean to extension (RR048/03/17)

(b)  TDC application decisions

(c)  Pre-School Site – (Chair)

8)  Financial Matters

(a)  Financial Regs – Move to approve the amendments to online banking (Agenda Document 002/03/17/8b) (RR058/03/17)

(b)  Move that WPC approve the Financial Schedule of payments as presented by the Clerk (RR049/03/17) (Agenda Document 003/03/17/8b to be produced at pcm)

(c)  Budget Year to Date and Bank Reconciliation (Agenda Document 004/03/17/8c to be produced at pcm)

(d)  Internal auditor appointment - Move that WPC approve the Appointment of internal auditor (RR050/03/17) (Agenda Document 005/03/17/8d)

(e)  Neighbourhood plan = Additional Page to Parish Website for Neighbourhood Plan – one off cost £25 + VAT

(f)  Grant Application All Saints Church Clock £500.00

(g)  Grant Application Community First Responder £350.00

9)  Current Business

(a)  Shute Lane Project (Cllr Jacobs)

(b)  TAP Fund 2016 footpath project (Cllr Jacobs)

(c)  P3 Pathways Partnership (Cllr Jacobs)

(d)  Bus Shelter Seckington Cross (Zukis) and Community Enhancement Fund Grant Application (Cllrs Naylor and Pearce)

(e)  Bus Shelter Exeter Road (Cllr Ware)

(f)  Dog Bin placement Hollocombe (Cllr Hodgson/Naylor/Pearce)

(g)  Refurbishment of Bench Hollocombe (Cllr Naylor/Pearce)

(h)  Dog bin Old Chulmleigh Road Winkleigh (Cllr Turner)

10)  Reports

(a)  County Cllr Boyd

(b)  Dist Cllr Boundy

(c)  Chair

·  2 Vacancies on Parish Council

·  WPC working groups

·  Annual Public Meeting 3rd May

·  Annual Parish Council Meeting 31st May

·  Devon & Cornwall Police officer distribution

(d)  Clerk

·  New Cllr Course

·  Moor Otters and Otter Trail

(e)  Cemetery Bungalow tenancy (Cllrs Turner, Pearce, Naylor, Taylor)

·  Cllr Turner proposes that the Bungalow Group carry out an inspection of the Cemetery Bungalow at a mutually convenient time to assess how effective the external insulation has been during the winter months. (RR051/03/17)

·  Cllr Turner proposes that WPC authorise the Clerk to instruct McMillan Williams solicitors to draw up a 1 year Tenancy agreement between WPC and the current Tenant with a 10% increase on the existing rental as agreed in the 2017/18 budget. (RR052/03/17)

·  Cllr Turner proposes that WPC authorise the Clerk and Cllr Turner to meet or liaise with the solicitor as needed in this matter (RR053/03/17)

·  Cllr Turner proposes that WPC agree at their discretion to undertake reasonable maintenance as required (RR054/03/17)

·  Cllr Turner proposes that WPC authorise the Bungalow Group via the Clerk, if necessary, to obtain rental valuations for the Bungalow for future rental considerations for the 2018/19 financial year. (RR055/03/17)

·  Cllr Turner proposes that WPC authorise the Clerk to ask local agents for a Quote to manage the Tenancy on a yearly basis. (RR056/03/17)

(f)  Chulmleigh Community College Sports facility Community Access – (Cllr Taylor)

(g)  Closure of rural hospitals Cllr Naylor proposes that WPC issue a statement of their opposition to the closure of rural hospitals in the region. We call for a Moratorium on any and all closures pending further investigation at the highest level to determine whether or not such closures may constitute a breach of Fiduciary Duty or Duty of Care and/or whether procedural improprieties may have affected the consultation process and its outcome. (RR057/03/17)

(h)  Cllr reports not requiring a resolution

(i)  Future Agenda items

10)  Public Participation Session Time for this session is limited to 20 minutes (3 minutes per person)

11)  Late Items deemed urgent at The Chairman’s Discretion

12)  PART II item Clerk Annual Appraisal – Move to move to Part II as item contains exempt information under S12A LGA 1972


13)  Date Of Next Meeting

28th March 2017, 7.30pm Community Centre – Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

26th April 2017, 7.30pm Village Hall

3rd May 2017 Annual Public Meeting Assembly, 7.30pm Village Hall

31st May 2017 Annual Parish Council Meeting, 7.30pm Community Centre

Melanie Borrett

Melanie Borrett: Clerk (Proper Officer)/RFO

Winkleigh Parish Council