Governors’ SEN report

Oldfield Primary School Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Report

January 2016

At Oldfield we continue to value the contributions made by all pupils, professionals and parents to help develop our inclusive school community.

In assessing the success of our SEN policy, we are required to comment on the effectiveness of the school’s systems for identification, assessment, provision, monitoring and record keeping and the use of outside agencies and support services.

The SEN Governor is Viv Williams and the SENCo is Bonnie Walter.

The school has a SEN Policy that defines our aims and objectives and this is upon request and is also available on the school website at

The policy is updated regularly and is written in line with the Special educational needs and disability code of practice:0-25 years, 2014, the Equality Act 2010 and part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014. The code details the rights and responsibilities of parents and children throughout the process.

Identification and Provision

Following the publication of the SEND code of practice 2014, there have been some changes to the categories previously used. The categories of School Action and School Action Plus have been replaced with the single category of School Support. A Statement of Educational Needs is to be replaced with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHC plan). There is a phased programme in place by the local authority to replace all existing statements with an EHC plan.

The method of identification and provision for children with special needs follows a graduated approach. Concerns are first raised and addressed through normal classroom practice (by parent, pupil or teacher).

At Oldfield, ‘Alert’ is a school system which identifies children who may cause some concern, and allows teachers to monitor children and measure the impact of quality first teaching. If it is felt that this does not meet the individual needs of the child, the child will move to School Support.

If following careful monitoring and assessment, it is considered that the child on ‘Alert’ has not made the expected levels of progress, and it is felt his or her needs are additional to or different from normal classroom practice, the child will be placed on School Support. If the child requires further additional and differentiated provision, the child remains on School Support and the school will consult with outside agencies for further support or assessment.

If in some cases a child’s needs cannot be met by the above,we will request that the local authority conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs, which may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) being issued after due process.

Number of Children with SEN

To date in 2015/6, not including the children on Alert,32 children have been identified as having special educational needs which is approximately 9.5% of children on the school roll.

These include:

25 receiving School Support provision

7 receiving provision through a Statement of SEN

Deployment of Staff and Resources

Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants support alongside the class teachers delivering individual specialised programmes and offering general classroom support. The majority of support is given in the core subjects namely numeracy and literacy.

Progress of Pupils with SEN

All the children who are currently receiving support are making progress towards meeting their targets. Individual targets are set out in their Individual Education Plans. Each term, both academic progress which takes into account the results of standardised reading scores and teacher assessment, and progress meeting individual targets is closely tracked and monitored.

External Personnel and Other Agencies

Over the past year we have liaised with the Educational Psychologist, the Exceptional Needs team, the SHINE (ASD) team, specialists from The Sensory Consortium, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, as well as Speech and Language advisors.


All pupils with SEND take part in all aspects of school life including out of school activities. All children have been given the opportunity to participate in the full range of opportunities and events arranged by the school, including trips.

Disability and Equality

We are committed to inclusion and equal access for all regardless of SEND. For full details please refer to our Equality Scheme.

A significant focus of SENCo work has been in supporting and meeting the needs of Teaching Assistants involved in delivering individualised and small group teaching and in assessing, administrative work, liaison with parents and outside professional agencies.

In the past year, the school has received several requests for placement from parents of children with significant needs. Each case has been thoroughly investigated and discussed with the Head teacher, SENCo and SEN Governor, before our considered response was sent to the SEN Department for the Children and Young People Disability Service.

Mrs Bonnie Walter, as SENCo has attended several training opportunities, including studying for the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordinator.

January 2016