Master Syllabus: IS 3320 3


IS 3320
Data Communication and Networks


The Sorrell College of Business (SCOB) prepares a diverse student body, drawn primarily from Alabama and surrounding states, to become successful, ethical and engaged business professionals with the knowledge to compete in the global business environment.

To achieve this our faculty, staff, and administration will:

Provide quality undergraduate and graduate education in global business through high-quality teaching;

Serve the university and engage with business and professional communities in our primary service area through individual involvement and our centers for research and outreach;

Grow and enhance the longstanding “culture of caring” for our traditional, nontraditional, military, and international students; and

Contribute to the creation of knowledge, with a focus on the scholarship of application and integration, and teaching and learning, complemented by basic and discovery scholarship in select disciplines.


The Sorrell College of Business strives to be a renowned teaching-focused business college graduating GEEKS ready to succeed in business and life.


IS 2241, IS 3310


This course introduces the theory and practical applications of current technologies in data communication and computer networks. Emphasis is placed on data communication principles, local and wide area networks and an understanding of the basic features, operations, and limitations of data communications and computer networks. Coverage includes wireless technologies, industry convergence, compression techniques, network security, LAN technologies, VoIP, and error detection and correction.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1.  Describe the concepts of protocols and standards in data communications and computer networks.

2.  Describe the roles and functions of hardware and software components in data communications and computer networks.

3.  Describe methods and algorithms used in local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), inter-networks, and wireless networks.

4.  Identify network security and management issues, and list technologies to secure networks and data communications.


To introduce the fundamentals of communications, principal network technologies, business communications applications, and network design concepts required for successful completion of the other courses in the concentration.

Required Activity

This course must contain a student engagement activity with the community that relates to course content. The activity may include guest speakers, site visits, projects for the community/industry, etc…

Approved Texts

Forouzan, B. A.. (2013 or current). Data communications, 5th. ed,. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

White, C. M.(2013 or current). Data communications and computer networks: A business user’s approach, 7/E, Mason, OH: Thomson/Course Technology.

Stallings, William & Tom Case (2013 or current); Business Data Communications: Infrastructure, Networking and Security; 7/E; Pearson.

Raymond R Panko & Julia Panko (2013 or current); Business Data Networks and Security, 9/E

Meyers, M.; (2012 or current), Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Networks, McGraw Hill.


As deemed appropriate.

Troy University Faculty Handbook (2016): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space):

1.  Course title
2.  Course number + section
3.  Term
4.  Instructor
5.  Prerequisites
6.  Office hours
7.  Class days, times / 8.  Classroom location
9.  Office location + e-mail address
10.  Office telephone
11.  Course description, objectives
12.  Text(s) / 13.  Other materials
14.  Grading methods, criterion weights, make-up policy, mid-term grade reports
15.  Procedure, course requirements / 16.  General supports (Computer Works, writing center)
17.  Daily assignments, holidays, add/drop & open dates, dead day, final exam / 18.  ADA statement
19.  Electronic device statement
20.  Additional services, statements
21.  Attendance/
Absence policy / 22.  Incomplete work policy
23.  Cheating policy
24.  Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies)