JobTitle: Retail Shift Leader
Grade: OperationalServicesLevel 2a
Responsibleto: Retail Manager
Responsible for: The presentation and staffing of all Retail outlets under the guidance of the Retail Manager, and deputizing in their absence.
Strategic Relationships: Retail Manager, Retail Administrator, Retail department members, Union staff, Sabbatical officers, College staff and departments. All suppliers and contractors to ICU Retail. ICU retail customers and onlinecustomers.
Summary of the Post: Assist and support the Retail Manager with all aspects of the day to day running of the Retail Outlets and Online shop. Ensuring the accuracy of the stock control system, and all other administrative functions.
Key DutiesandResponsibilities
1.0 Shop Floor As directed by the Retail Manager
- To create, maintain and develop effective working relationships with all staff members.
- To ensure that good end of day procedures are in place, including shop floor recovery in preparation for next day’s trading.
- To ensure that all areas of cash and wrap are adequately maintained and fully stocked.
- To ensure that all deliveries are dealt with promptly and that all paperwork is correctly administered.
- To ensure that all items are priced correctly and that all lines have a price indicator.
- To ensure that all stock lines are on show and achieving maximum sales potential.
- To maintain housekeeping, merchandise presentation, stock replenishment and ticketing standards to the highest level.
- To action price changes immediately.
- To promote merchandise through window, internal and outside promotion.
- To ensure all defects are promptly notified to estates department and that the outcome is monitored.
2.0 Staffing
- In consultation with the Retail Manager to organize staffing levels, working one week in advance and then on a daily basis to ensure adequate floor cover, within the agreed budget.
- To monitor the performance of shop floor staff. Taking remedial action to correct problems where necessary referring more complex issues to the Retail Manager
- To carry out staffing policies with regard to staff breaks, customer service expectations and stock replenishment.
- To recognize staff training needs and liaising with the Retail manager to asses and develop staff skills where appropriate.
- To supply, distribute and ensure the correct wearing of the Union Shop staff uniforms at all times.
3.0 Finance and Security
- To maintain a high standard of cash handling by ensuring that all Union Retail and Finance policies and procedures are adhered to.
- To be responsible for the opening for trade and the closing down at the end of trading for all outlets and supervise where applicable.
- To adhere to the opening and closing procedures for all Retail Outlets including keys, alarms and security of cash.
- To ensure that all staff is aware of and comply with all changes in procedure.
- To ensure efficient stock replenishment and management of stock control.
- To assist in the preparation and carrying out of all stock takes.
4.0 Health and Safety
- To ensure that the Union’s Health and Safety Policy and appropriate Health and Safety legislation and best practice are adhered to at all times.
- To ensure that relevant training is carried out, regularly reviewed and updated.
- Toensure thatall evacuation procedures are in place and understood by all members of staff.
5.0 Other Duties
- To assist the Retail Manager with planning and promoting the development of all Union Retail outlets.
- To be flexible in the times of working hours within the agreed pattern of trading hours and be prepared to adapt hours to the needs of the business where necessary.
- To undertake any other reasonable duties as requested by the Retail Manager.
- ToabidebytheUnion’sConstitution,PoliciesandproceduresandallrelevantCollegepoliciesandregulations atall times.
- TocontributetothepositiveimageoftheUnionwithstudents,theCollegeand thelocal community.
- Tocarryout the above dutiesatothersitesoftheCollegeasnecessary.
6.0 Training andProfessional
ImperialCollegeUnionconsidersregularandon-going training asessentialto job satisfaction and career development. Itisexpectedthatthepost-holderwillbe offered theopportunityto participatein trainingthatisrelevanttohis/herdutiesand thepost-holderwillbeexpected toundertakesuch training as maybereasonably practicable.
ImperialCollegeand ImperialCollegeUnionarecommitted to equalityofopportunity andto eliminating discrimination. All employees are expected to adhere tothe principles set out in the College’s Equal Opportunities in Employment Policy, Promoting RaceEqualityPolicyandDiscriminationPolicyandallotherrelevant guidance/practice frameworks.
January 2015
Job Title:Retail Shift Leader
Essential / Desirable / TestedatInterview / Testedat
Educatedto Degree Level / X / X
UK/EUFull ManualDrivingLicense / X / X
Health &Safetyqualification / X / X
Management qualification / X / X
Minimum of two years Retail supervision and experienceof workingin abusy, customer environment. / X / X / X
Demonstrable recordofleading, motivatingand supervising stafftoachieveexcellentresults. / X / X / X
Experience of managing a Retail Website. / X / X / X
A recordofworkingin andforgingsuccessful partnershipswith a rangeof stakeholders. / X / X / X
Knowledge of analyzing and interpreting budgeting information to ensure compliance with financial constraints. / X / X / X
Knowledge of Health &Safetylegislation. / X / X / X
Anunderstandingof theStudents’Union movement or the Higheror FurtherEducationsectors. / X / X / X
Abilitytouse own initiative with limited supervision, in order to deal with problems which may hinder the delivery of an effective service. / X / X / X
Competentuserof IT, including spreadsheets, experience of database. / X / X / X
Excellent analytical and numeracy skills with regards to accuracy and attention to detail.
Sound working knowledge of EPOS systems including stock control and budgeting. / X
X / X
X / X
Excellentcommunication skills, with theabilitytorelate topeopleatalllevels.
Sound judgmentandabilitytohandle competing priorities. / X
X / X
X / X
A confident, resourceful andcreativeindividualwhocan operateinachallengingenvironment.
Ability to monitor and evaluate staff performance. / X
X / X
X / X
Evidenceofcommitment toContinuing Personal and
ProfessionalDevelopment. / X / X / X
A leaderonequality of opportunitywhovaluesdiversity andremovesbarrierstoequality. / X / X / X
A strongcommitment toworkingin ademocratic and student ledenvironment. / X / X / X
Anabilityto workflexibly andtakeanadaptable approachto work. / X / X / X
January 2015