Release of the OECD iLibrary – July 2010

  1. The scope of the release
  • OECD iLibrary is now the reference platform.
  • All existing subscribers should now be able to access their subscribed content from OECD iLibrary (as opposed to only full package subscribers who have had access since July 2009).They also continue to have access to SourceOECD which will run in parallel.
  • New subscribers as of now, are only going to have access to the OECD iLibrary. We are no longer registering new subscribers, nor managing registrations of existing subscribers on SourceOECD.
  • We will progressively encourage all subscribers to start using OECD iLibrary instead of SourceOECD.
  1. New content and features
  • IEA databases are now available on OECD iLibrary.
  • Country statistical profiles are a completely new Key tables collection.
  • Forthcoming titles are now displayed.
  • Titles under embargo are now launched on OECD iLibrary.
  • A new URL structure has been introduced with a new domain name: .
  • View my subscription page – new option from My Account Details page.
  • Enhanced ‘Contact Us’ page with email displaying subscriber and login details automatically.
  1. Standard Migration – Transparent for end-users
  • All current subscriptions with a CU number, and those which have lapsed since less than 18 months have been transferred. The reason for the second category is that perpetual access (access to subscribed content after termination of the subscription) now works on OECD iLibrary, with the notable exception of the statistics databases, due to their dynamic nature.
  • All IP addresses in SourceOECD have been migrated to OECD iLibrary. The transition should therefore be transparent to end-users accessing via IP. In the background, this does create a problem because it means that any IP conflicts exisiting in SourceOECD will have been migrated to OECD iLibrary. These conflicts will have to be progressively resolved (see below).
  • From now on all subscriptions are considered as “Institutional” by default, whether they come from the SourceOECD migration or are new ones registered by Turpin. In practice, this means that all subscribers will have the possibility to manage IP addresses if they wish, and to create multiple end-user usernames and passwords. Personal registrations, however, will continue to exist to setup email alerts.
  • All existing end-user usernames and passwords have also been migrated to OECD iLibrary, allowing existing SourceOECD users to use OECD iLibrary immediately.

  1. Standard Migration – Action required by subscription administrators
  • SourceOECD’s Registration IDs (also referred to as CIDs) and Manager Password, which allowed subscription administrators to edit account details, modify and set up their IP addresses and create end-user usernames and passwords, have not been migrated to OECD iLibrary. To administer their accounts on OECD iLibrary, subscription administrators need to create new Administrator usernames and passwords.
  • We will start sending to each administrator of all the migrated subscriptions an email welcoming them to OECD iLibrary. The email will include a link which contains the individual authentification key. The link goes directly to the registration details, where the administrator will be invited to create a new Administrator username and password.
  • This process is critical as the Administrator username and password are the key elements allowing subscribers (and ourselves) to support the account. Without them no one can edit anything.
  • A full documentation on the registration process, including the email template, and screenshots, is attached. We are going to do this progressively and send emails out in controlled batches. Joe Doll will coordinate this exercise during the rest of the summer.
  • Reference document: “Migrating subscribers from SourceOECD to OECD iLibrary”.

5.Migration – Exceptions

  • In a number of special cases, we will have to go through a manual claim process in order to create the Administrator username and password. The cases identified are; no email address for the subscription; invalid email address: the same email address used for multiple registrations, something no longer allowed on the OECD ilibrary.
  • The email address is now a mandatory and unique identifier for OECD iLibrary registrations.

Thanks to the manual claim process described in the document attached, you will be able to continue managing your customers’ accounts if needed.

  • The manual claim process is straight-forward. By clicking on a specific link on OECD iLibrary, you will be invited to type the CU number of the subscriber as well as your own email address (in this instance only, the same email can be used several times). This will generate an email (sent to the address you input) conveying the individual authentification key for that subscriber. You will then be able to create the Administrator username and password on behalf of the customer and edit the account details.
  • We will be able to use the same manual claim process for all the cases where the “real” email address of the subscriber does not work or is not available.
  • Reference document: Manual claim

6.New orders

  • One of the fundamental changes with the new process is that whenever a new subscription is processed by Turpin, the details of that subscription will be sentovernight to OECD iLibrary, automatically creating a registration.
  • If the order has IP information included, it will be registered in OECD iLibrary and access will be immediately “on”.
  • Turpin will continue to notify all subscribers when their order has been processed. OECD iLibrary will send a follow up email only to new subscribers inviting them to complete their registration.
  • If no IP was included in the order, the customer will still have to either add them and/or create username(s) and password(s) for its end users.
  • Information coming from Turpin will only be taken into account by OECD iLibrary for completely new registrations, or if some fields (like the email address or the IP range) were previously blank. If there was already information in those fields, it won’t get updated by the Turpin feed as we have to consider the OECD iLibrary record as the master record that subscribers can and should edit themselves.
  • If no email address was provided with the order, Turpin will send a letter to the subscribers inviting them to contact us, and we will have to go through the manual claim process.

7. Free trials

  • The “self-service free trial” which enabled users to set up 7-day trials to selected items of the site will continue to work on SourceOECD only, for now and until the next release of the OECD iLibrary.
  • Institutional free trials previously set up using IP addresses by OECD staff or trade partners will now be managed in a new way. Using the attached form, a free order will be raised by Turpin for every IP-based trial, the details of which will be forwarded to Publishing Technology in the daily update. Turpin have committed to raising such orders within 2 to 3 working days.
  • Free trials officially run for a maximum of 3 months. However, the system only allows orders to start on the 1st of the month, so to enable immediate access, Turpin will establish access for 4 months, starting 1st day of the month the order is raised.
  • To start with, all free trial orders will be channelled via OECD – please forward to . Once fully proven, the system will then be rolled out to trade partners, who will then be able to submit directly to Turpin.
  • Do not include the real email address of the targeted institution in the form, but leave it blank, to avoid the customer receiving any e-mail notification. The OECD iLibrary team will notify you when access is working.
  • To avoid IP conflicts, it is important that if a customer has an existing account, that this one be used. This applies to current customers thinking about upgrading
  • 8. Linking policy
  • For the release and during a short transition period we will keep the same linking policy:
  • SourceOECD Easylinks continue to be created.
  • All SourceOECD Easylinks are still pointing to SourceOECD homepages.
  • After a few weeks needed to stabilize the site and synchronize the production of our printed books (probably end-August) we will switch to a new linking policy:
  • Print covers will include the citation and the DOI (replacing the SourceOECD easylink box).
  • SourceOECD Easylinks will no longer created for new publications.
  • All existing SourceOECD Easylinks will automatically beredirected to OECD iLibrary homepages.

9. IP conflicts

  • In SourceOECD there was no management of IPs - anyone could register any IP in any account – so as you can imagine, we have a fair number of duplicates.As we wished to have a rule saying that “what works on SourceOECD should work on OECD iLibrary” and no real way to clean up the IP mess, we have decided to migrate them all, including the conflicting ones.
  • The OECD iLibrary system is much more controlled. It will be impossible to register an IP address or range if it conflicts with one already entered. An error message will appear and the administrator invited to contact his IT department to check the IP address, then ourselves. We will then decide how best to resolve the situation.
  • In the meantime, the conflicting IPs will be circulated to the relevant OECD regional sales manager so that they can gradually unknotted.

10. New rules for some products

  • We have improved the way we manage access to volume / issue-based periodicals so that these now operate in same way as the print (in SourceOECD, all subscriptions were time-based, leading to claims issues if not all issues appeared during the course of a subscription).
  • For information only, there is a remaining problem with periodicals which are online-only, anytime start and not monthly (i.e. OECD Economic Outlook, Quarterly National Accounts, Oil, Gas, Coal and Electricity - Quarterly Statistics, Energy Prices and Taxes, Nuclear Law Bulletin, Higher Education Management and Policy, Main Science and Technology Indicators). It affects only a small number of subscriberswho should be pleased to discover that they have access beyond their paid subscription, whilst a solution is found.
  • Please find attached a complete file of all the subscription products with the detailed rules of how they work online.

11.Features not ready yet in this release

  • Email Alerts – needs further debugging and is currently disabled
  • Usage Statistics – coming with next major release
  • MARC records – coming with next major release
  • OpenURL compliance – coming with next major release
  • OECD subscriber management tools – coming with next major release
  • Distributor management tools – coming with next major release
  • Help and support pages – started to get populated continuously