Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus

This course is a survey of human anatomy. During the year we will be looking at the major body systems and how they work together in the human body. We will also examine what happens when one or more of these systems or parts of these systems no longer function properly.

I recommend a 3-ring binder for a notebook. This is so you will have a place to store the coloring sheets and handouts given throughout the year. You will need a set of colored pencils.

Classroom Rules

1.  First and foremost, ALL SCHOOL RULES APPLY

2.  REPECT – this means to get it you must give it.

3.  No talking when someone else has the floor – me or another classmate

4.  No food or drink in class – except PLAIN water

5.  Be in your seat and be working on bell ringer when the bell rings – if not, you are tardy and will receive a detention.

6.  No sleeping or putting your head down during class

Course Outline:

·  Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

·  Tissues and tissue types

·  Integumentary System

·  Skeletal System

·  Muscular System

·  Nervous System

·  Cardiovascular System and Blood

·  Respiratory System

·  Digestive System

·  Lymphatic System

·  Endocrine System

Your grade will be determined as follows:

70% tests/quizzes

·  You will have the opportunity to make up any TEST that you did not do well on. However it must be made up ONE week from the first test.

20% homework, labs, and projects

10% Cumulative 9 weeks test

Late Work Policy:

1.  Daily assignments will not be taken late. These assignments include focus questions, cooperative learning activities, homework, and lab work

2.  Any long range projects, 3 days or more needed to complete, the following percentages will be taken off the final grade:

1 day late – 10 %

2 days late – 20 %

3 days late – 40 %

4 days or more – it will not be accepted

Make-up Work Policy:

1.  If you have an excused absence, you have the number of days you missed to make up the work.

2.  If you have an unexcused absence, you will receive a zero on the work you missed or that was due on this date

3.  If you miss the day something is due, it is due the day you return – you do not get extra time.

4.  Most importantly, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed!

Throughout the semester, there will be opportunities to receive extra credit; however it will never be more than 10-15 points in any one grading period. This credit will only apply to your homework percentage. Any extra points that may be given on tests will be due to bonus questions or curves.

Finally let’s have a great year! If you need any help at all let me know – I will help in any way I can!