Statistics 115

Final Project

The focus of this final project is on statistical inference and applying some of the techniques you have learned to some real world data. For this project you will work in assigned groups of three, submitting a joint report. (Group assignments are on the next page.) The paper has two separate and independent parts. It is due by 6:00 pm on Monday, March 13.

PartI. Estimation. Construct a confidence interval to answer an estimation question that you select. First identify an interesting question for which inferential methods are appropriate. Here are some ideas (but do not choose one of them): What proportion of drivers come to a complete stop at stop signs? What percentage of students carry backpacks? What proportion of recreation center users are men and women?

Collect your own data, present basic descriptive statistics and summary graphs that are appropriate for the data, and then compute a confidence interval and interpret your results. Give a thorough explanation of what you did.You decide what your confidence level(s) should be and the appropriate number of observations in order to be confident in your results. In your report identify the population, parameter, sample and statistic. Also address the issue of how representative your sample is and if there is any bias in the results. Use proper statistical terminology. You are to collect your own data, not use a preexisting dataset. Also, you are not to use a survey or poll to collect data (mainly because the campus is saturated with surveys and polls at the end of the term.) Be imaginative!

Part II. Test of Association.Here you will construct an interesting two-way table from an existing current events dataset for which you can then do a chi-square analysis. You are to choose from a current social or political topic, such as the Katrina disaster; the war in Iraq, or global warming. Your first task is to find an interesting dataset related to your topic from which you can then build a two-way table to test the association of two categorical variables. You are not just looking for any data, but for categorical data or for data that can be grouped and categorized to form categorical data. You will need to be creative and you will need to do some digging to find an appropriate dataset. (In addition to the library, you might find the Statistics Links web page, linked to the course home page, useful.)

Once you’ve got your data in place, test for an association. Write this up carefully, giving the hypotheses, showing the mechanics of the computation and stating your conclusion in context.

In both of the above parts, provide a copy of your original data. Your results should be organized in such a way and explained clearly enough so that I can duplicate them using the data.

Personal statement of participation. Finally, along with the group paper, each member of the group should submit a personal assessment of how the group went, writing to me in private about their own participation and the contribution of everyone in the group.

Groups for Final Project


Jocelyn KrauseCaroline DeBackerDavid HolmanAugust Brown

Sovereigna JunAlissa SanchexRJHannah Ewing

Matt RuenJesse SargentSarah Weg.Audrey Jean-Jaques


Chris K.Caitlin GoldblumKristin DamoTina-Marie Lugo

Meredith MetcherPamela McMooreMargaret G.George Umenyi

Margaret R.-K.David WenBrian KlaasAmy Wilson


Gaetan D-O.Patrick Gibson

Joseph GlasrudJill Hinderliter

Jeremy SairsinghZach Hyman