23 September 2018

Dear Applicant

Senior Officer - National Quality Development (till 2020)

Informing Supporting Representing


Further to your request for information regarding the above post, please find enclosed the following:

1.An applicationform.

2.Equal opportunitiesform.

3.A job description and personspecification.

4.NQD Current Phase Information.

5.Terms andConditions.

The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 18th September 2017. Applications should be returned to the Glasgow Office or by email to .

Short-listing will be based solely on the information gathered from the application form, read in conjunction with the person specification. Only those candidates who best match the person specification will be called for interview. Given the numbers involved in this recruitment exercise only those who are called for interview will be contacted.

In the meantime we would like to thank you for the interest you have shown in our organisation.

Yours sincerely


Katharine Ronald HR Officer


Main Office

Scottish Drugs Forum 91 Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3LN

t: 0141 221 1175

f: 0141 248 6414


Edinburgh Office Scottish Drugs Forum 139 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8AJ t: 0131 2219300

f: 0131 221 1556



Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) is a company limited by guarantee, registration no. 106295 with charitable status and is also a registered Scottish Charity registered SC 008075.

Registered Office: 91 Mitchell Street, Glasgow G1 3LN


Job Title:National Quality Development Senior Officer

Accountable to:National Quality Development Manager
Grade & Salary:£32,482 – 35,467
Working Hours:35 hours per week
Fixed Term Contract until March 2020
Area Covered by post:Scotland
Special conditions:Possible evening work and routine national travel

Job Summary

To support development in Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and services across Scotland to deliver measurable improvements in the quality of services for people affected by problem drug use.

Key Tasks:

  1. Negotiate provision of support to Alcohol & Drug Partnerships and services to develop and improve Recovery Orientated Systems of Care in their localities.
  1. Design and implement a range of tools to deliver:
  • needs assessments
  • service quality surveys
  • plans for action and change
  • follow-up activities
  • development of recovery outcomes systems
  • service quality monitoring systems
  • effective user involvement
  1. Consult directly with service users, staff and other stakeholders to gather information on service quality.
  1. Provide detailed written reports on work done for a variety of appropriate audiences.
  1. Work as part of a team to meet the agreed outcomes of the Project.
  1. Link support to Scottish Government policy and recognised standards, including the Quality Principles.
  1. Consult with ADPs, services, NQD and other SDF colleagues to identify workforce development needs and negotiate provision of training and development events.
  1. Evaluate the impact of NQD work in conjunction with other members of NQD team.
  1. Assist with provision of reporting to Big Lottery and Scottish Government Substance MisuseTeam as funders of project.
  1. Adapt and develop NQD tools and processes to ensure they are valid and fit for purpose.
  1. Keep accurate records of work planned and undertaken as per Scottish Drugs Forum requirements.

Other tasks

  1. To support the aims and objectives of the Scottish Drugs Forum anddemonstrate understanding of, and active commitment to, the ethos and objectives of SDF. This will involve a partnership approach that supports communication, membership activities such as policy consultations, seminars, internal working groups and also marketing the delivery of training to ensure good attendance at events.

2. Maintain and developing existing mailing lists, identify stakeholders, develop materials and promote events.

3. Work collaboratively and communicate effectively with colleagues in different departments of SDF.

Wider responsibilities

1. To take responsibility, along with other staff members, to ensure that operational policies are observed and carry out other duties as requested by senior staff, as appropriate to this post.

2. Actively participate in supervision, appraisals and team meetings

3. To undertake continuing professional development identified in discussion with manager.

4. To establish and maintain good external relationships with a range of SDF stakeholders.

This job description is intended to outline the current requirements of the post, it is not an exhaustive list and it is recognized that jobs change and evolve over time. Post holders will be required to carry out any other duties to the equivalent level that are necessary to fulfil the purpose of the job, and to respond positively and flexibly to changing organisational needs.

August 2017

Person Specification

Specific area / Requirement / Level of requirement
Relevant experience /
  • Minimum of 2 years’ experience working within addictions field.
  • Display extensive working experience within a relevant sector: voluntary, health or social work.
  • Substantial experience of service management.
  • Relevant knowledge and experience of working with vulnerable and excluded people in outreach, office-based and residential settings.
  • Practical knowledge and experience of interventions including counselling, one-to-one work, groupwork.
  • Experience of managing group dynamics.
  • Experience of research and/or survey work.
  • Knowledge of performance management
  • Experience of service user involvement
  • Experience of planning and delivering training and development activities.
/ Essential
Qualifications /
  • Educated to degree level and/or hold a relevant professional/vocational qualification
/ Essential
Job related skills /
  • Evidence of ability to engage effectively with diverse groups with different needs.
  • Proven record of producing clear written materials and reports.
  • Ability to present information clearly and appropriately at service and strategic level meetings.
  • Ability to use own initiative and work to tight deadlines.
  • Proven ability and commitment to working collaboratively as part of a diverse team
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office, web-based resources & Outlook
/ All essential
Personal attributes /
  • Evidence of key interpersonal skills such as active listening, cultural sensitivity, healthy working boundaries, a non-judgemental approach and an ability to manage conflict.
  • Evidence of working with people from varying backgrounds – including service users, frontline staff, senior managers, policymakers and commissioners.
  • Self motivated and able to work on own initiative.
/ All Essential
Work circumstances /
  • Willingness to cover a wide geographical area
  • Willingness to work outwith normal hours
  • A current, clean driving licence and use of a car.
/ Essential

Scottish Drugs Forum

National Quality Development Programme 2015-2020

The team working on National Quality Developmentsupportsimprovements in services working with people affected by drug and alcohol problems across Scotland, with a view to improving outcomes for people who use these services.

Having secured funding for a further 5 years (2015-20) from the Big Lottery we haveextended the programme and developed a more strategic focus by supporting the development and strengthening of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care in Alcohol and Drug Partnership localities, to help them meet relevant national and local outcomes and priorities.

This work helps ensure that national policy developments and structures deliver improvement in services. The Scottish Government’s Quality Principles published in October 2014, underpin the work and the integration of outcome indicatorswill provide information to monitor and measure progress at local and national level.

The introduction of DAISy in 2017 will provide a dataset and system for collection and reporting of data on people entering specialist drug and alcohol treatment services, their progress and related outcomes. These developments mean that this is an exciting time to join the team.

The second phase of NQD has a two-tiered approach which will effect improvements, both across whole systems of care and with the component individual drug & alcohol and other crucial services.

Work with ADPpartners will focus on the following priority areas:

  • ROSC Development: Workshops will be organised with staff from all relevant services to assess current effectiveness of partnership working, identify blocks and barriers, highlight existing areas of good practice and use this to plan required improvements. This work can also link with Workforce Development service training on recovery and ROSC where required.
  • Needs Analysis: NQD will examine existing data sets, held by ADPs and services, and carry out further needs assessment through service user, staff and stakeholder consultations, employing a range of tools and approaches which have been developed and tested by the team. The team can also support the introduction of service user involvement cycles to ensure the views of the target populations are routinely included in service and partnership assessment.
  • Information Management Systems: ADPs will be supported to develop or improve their own information management systems, ensuring they have the information they need to assess the performance of services and identify areas for improvement.
  • Outcomes Development: NQD will assist the development and integration of outcomes monitoring systems evidencing the recovery outcomes of service users.
  • Service Audits: NQD will support quality audits across services within ADPs through the use of existing tools and processes and continue support through the process of improvement.

Individual Service Level

NQD consults with service managers and discusses what is required in relation to service improvement and develops and carries out needs assessment, action planning and review processes using existing tools and approaches.

This involves:

  • Assessment of service quality through consultation with service users, staff and stakeholders
  • Analysis and reflection on the results with staff teams
  • Development of action plans to effect service improvement
  • Evaluation and review of improvements at an agreed follow up time

NQD employs a suite of tools and approaches which have proven effective and develops new ones to assist these areas of work and to ensure they are effective and completed within agreed timescales. The service has a consultative and flexible approach which can be tailored to local needs and priorities.

There is a team approach to all areas of work which provides both support and insight into different methods and approaches. Larger and more complex work will be done in partnership with colleagues in NQD and also in SDF Workforce Development team and other staff to utilise the skills of all parts of the organisation.

NQD have robust monitoring and evaluation tools and processes to ensure that work is progressing toward agreed targets and the service critically evaluates its own performance regularly and reports to SDF Board and funding partners.

The service is also working in partnership with the Scottish Governments Drug Policy Unit to improve the quality of whole systems of care and integrates this with other National Commissioned organisations in a strategic partnership approach.

Summary information on

Terms and conditions


Normal weekly hours of work will be 35hrs 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday with 1 hour for lunch. Occasional evening and weekend work may be required. Compensatory time off will be given for excess hours worked. SDF operate a non contractual flexi time system which staff can opt into.


The holiday year runs from 1 April to 31 March. The holiday allocation is 26 days paid holiday (pro-rata) each holiday year. In addition to this, 15 general and public holidays are also given in each full calendar year. Public holiday dates are set at the beginning of each year. Three public holiday days are allocated to the period between Christmas and New Year when the office is closed.


All salaries are paid monthly by BACS, on the 25th of each calendar month.

Appointments are generally made at the bottom of the advertised scale. Any variation must be justifiable and evidenced on the basis of specific enhanced skills in relation to the post and direct relevant experience.


SDF will contribute 6.5% of annual salary.


Reasonable expenditure properly incurred by staff on authorised business is reimbursed. This does not apply to the cost of daily travel to and from the normal place of work.

Informing Supporting Representing



(Part A)

This form should be completed and returned to Recruitment, Scottish Drugs Forum, 91 Mitchell Street, Glasgow, G1 3LN

Please complete this form clearly in dark ink or black typescript

Scottish Drugs Forum is committed to providing equal opportunities to all members of staff and job applicants and will not discriminate either directly or indirectly on grounds of gender, age, race, ethnic or national origin, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief actual or perceived, HIV/HIV status or perceived association with an HIV positive person.

In order to assess the effectiveness of our Diversity Policy it is necessary to monitor all data in relation to these areas. Your co-operation in completing this questionnaire would be greatly appreciated; however, you are under no obligation to provide such data. All information is gathered in order to provide statistical information for monitoring purposes and will be treated in strictest confidence.

On receipt of your application, the questionnaire will be detached from the application form and will not be made available to any person involved in the selection process.

POST APPLIED FOR: / For Office use only: Applicant Number
Where did you see the post Advertised?
Please indicate when you will NOT be available for interview during this time / I am available for interview at any time 
I am NOT available at the following times:
First Name: / Title:
Email address:
Tel Home: / Mobile: / Work:*

* Please indicate whether we may, with discretion contact you at work (yes, No)

GENDER: / Female
Transgender / Male
AGE: / 16-24 35-44 55-64 
25-34 45-54 65+
A person has a disability if s/he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and
*long term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities (Equality Act 2010).* Long term means more than 12months
Do you consider yourself to have any disabilities? / YesNo
Prefer nottosay
If yes, Does your condition or illness reduce your ability to carry out day- to-day activities? / Yes,alotYes, alittle
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: / BisexualHeterosexual
Gay/LesbianPrefer Not to Say
Relate to a sense of identity/belonging on the basis of a race and/or culture / WHITE
English / Irish
Chinese / Indian
Prefer nottosay
RELIGION or BELIEF: / Buddhist
RomanCatholic / Sikh
Other ChristianOther Religion or Belief, pleasestate:
Prefer nottosay
This question relates to religion, faith and belief systems. We collect this information to ensure our policies and practices do not disadvantage individuals from particular religious, faith or belief backgrounds or those with no religious beliefs.
Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998, I consent to the information that I have provided being used to monitor the effectiveness of Scottish Drugs Forum’s (SDF) Equal Opportunities Policy and for statistical monitoring and reporting purposes. I understand that the information I have provided will be entered onto SDF’s computerised Human Resources database and that it will be treated in the strictest confidence in accordance with SDF’s Data Protection Policy.
Signature: / Date:


(Part B)

Please complete this form clearly in dark ink or black typescript

The information contained in part B will be used as part of the selection process and will therefore be made available to all persons involved in the selection process.

For administrative purposes, please ensure that you put your initials in this box: / For office use only: Applicant Number
Secondary Education – give details of any qualifications which you have from school
Qualification / Grade / Where Achieved / Year

Further vocational and higher qualifications

Qualification / Grade / Where Achieved / Year

Professional Qualifications (i.e. membership of Professional Institutes or Associations etc.)

Short courses – Specialist training – Detail title, length, certificates gained etc

Continue on a separate sheet if required


1. Begin with your most recent employer. Please give reasons for any gaps in employment.

Name of Employer: / Notice Period: / Position Held:
Employer Address: / Date From:
Date Left:
Reason for Leaving:
Can we contact your current employer prior to interview?
Yes/No / Telephone Number:


Name of Employer: / Position Held:
Employer Address: / Date From:
Date Left:
Telephone Number:
Reason for Leaving:


Name of Employer: / Position Held:
Employer Address: / Date From:
Date Left:
Telephone Number:
Reason for Leaving:


Dates Worked / Employer name and address / Position held and nature of duties / Reason for leaving
From / To

Continue on a separate sheet if required