Westbourne Primary School

River Street

PO10 8TG

(01243) 372726
(01243) 370574 (Fax) 19th June 2015

Subject:- Westbourne Weekly

Dear Parents/Carers,

Weekly Update

We have had another busy week full of learning, a real highlight being the Infant trip to West Wittering beach. All the infants were so excited coming into school on Thursday with their buckets and spades and the trip certainly lived up to their expectations. Another highlight for me was our cricket team winning the regional cricket tournament at Chichester and going through to the County finals. It was a pleasure to be with the team on the day as they were so positive and supportive of each other and the teams they played against – a true reflection of what we expect at Westbourne.

Learning around the school

Year 6 – In maths they have been finding the nth term in a sequence using algebra. They have also been retelling the story of Buda and practising track and field activities in athletics.

Try:- http://studymaths.co.uk/keytopics/nthterm.html

Year 5 – Have managed to answer the question “have girls got bigger mouths than boys?” They approached the question very mathematically and found that, in Year 5, boys have bigger mouths than girls. They are also writing fairy tales to share with Year 1 and have well and truly conquered adding and subtracting simple fractions. Try:-


Year 4 – In English they have been writing comic strips and learning about onomatopoeia, speech punctuation and homophones. They have also written newspaper articles reporting on the battles that Boudicca and the Icini tribe had with the Romans.

In maths they have been learning about coordinates, plotting points, drawing polygons on a grid and translating shapes. They have also been learning about 'Boudicca's rebellion’ and have been busy acting out the battle at Wattling street during Boudicca's rebellion. They have sequenced events of the year 61AD in chronological order and appreciating and interpreting different artistic portrayals of Boudicca.

Try:- http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=coordinates

Year 3 – have been identifying parallel and perpendicular lines and symmetrical shapes. They are also finishing their comparison between the Spartans and the Icinis to share with Year 6 and finding out what made the Greeks good warriors. Try:-


Year 2 – have finished their nocturnal report and starting to write a traditional fairy tale with a twist. They have also been working on multiplication and division using arrays. Click the following for some fun games to practice multiplying and dividing:- http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/multiplication-and-division

Year 1 – have been creating a wanted poster for Pirate Pete in English and learning about “groups of” as an introduction to times tables.

Year R – Have been learning to write sentences about their day at the seaside and have been learning to read, recognise and recite numbers up to 100.

Talk Topic

“Should school sports days have mainly co-operative or competitive events?”

The discussion could include:

·  What was the best thing about sports day, which events do you enjoy the most?

·  Can you think of any event that we do not have that you would like to include?

·  Is learning to win and learning to lose important?

Pupil Achievements

If you have any pupil achievements that you would like mentioned in the newsletter, please e-mail me with details of your child’s achievements and any photographs and I will make sure the achievements are celebrated in assembly.

Trips and Visits

Infants had a wonderful day at West Wittering beach on Thursday. Thank you very much to all those parents who helped supervise the children on the day. They all came back exhausted but very happy.


Maypole Dancing

Well done to the Maypole Dancers who performed at Holybank Woods on last Saturday. They all said it was a bit scary performing to an audience but really enjoyed the experience and did not get too tangled up


Congratulations to the cricket team who won Regional tournament last Friday and are now through to the County final. Eight teams entered the Chichester district final and Westbourne were unbeaten in their four matches. This means that they will represent the region in the County Finals at Blackstone, the County academy ground.

Westbourne Triathlon

Our school triathlon will take place on Monday 29th June. Year 3& 4 will be at 9am to 12pm and Year 5 & 6 at 1pm. We are looking for 10 volunteer marshals for each morning and afternoon event. If you can help can you please contact the office?


Car Boot & Table Top Sale

Thank you very much to everyone who supported the car boot sale on Saturday. The PTA made about £60 from the event and those Jars.

We'll be collecting filled jars for the Jar Tombola, right up until the Fete. Please look out for the big blue box or give any filled jars to a PTA member or The Office. Many thanks for all kind donations.


The success of our events is entirely down to the marvellous efforts of all of you Parents, Carers and Grandparents. The kindness and generosity that leads to us raising fabulous amounts for the school to spend on our children's schooling is really quite mind blowing. For this Summer Fete, we are asking for any plants/seedlings/unwanted plantsthat you may have leftover for our plant stall. We will be collecting plants from MONDAY 29th JUNE or if you really want to get rid of anything, please bring along to school and give to a PTA person.

And of course, what self-respecting Fete would be without a CAKE STALL? Any cakes, large or small, home-made or bought will be welcomed for the stall this year.

All donations very gratefully received. This year's Fete is going tobe fabulous!

Star Learner of the Week

Congratulations to our star learners this week who were:-

Year / Star Learner of the Week
Reception / Rhianna Denham
Year 1 / Faye Rose
Year 2 / Lincoln Matthews
Year 3 / Henry Mifsud
Year 4 / Theo Bessant
Year 5 / Alice Prestridge
Year 6 / Maddie Gardener-Smith

Flu Vaccinations in Schools’ Programme 2015/16

From October 2015 all children of school years 1 and 2 in England will be offered a flu vaccination in the form of a nasal spray. Sussex Community NHS trust will be writing to you nearer the time to explain the vaccination process and to send out a consent form. If you require any further information prior to this click:- http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/pages/child-flu-vaccine.aspx

Westbourne Weekend – Annual Duck Race – Saturday 20th June

As it is a great day for ducks ... Here's how you can buy your ducks for this years John Holliss Annual Duck Race. £1 per duck.
1. Via Paypal - Login, Send Money to a Friend, Email: . Don't forget to name your ducks in the comments box. £1 each !! Easy ....
2. Call Chris Warwick on 07798 563860/ 07884183299
Race Day - Saturday 20th June, 11am
Start - River Street Bridge
Finish - By the Westbourne Wellness Clinic
Everyone welcome to join in the fun
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Last Duck

Dates for your diary

20th / Groove on the Grass
20th / Westbourne Weekend annual Duck race – 11am River Street Bridge
22nd / Violin assembly
22nd / Choir to Ems Valley Transport Users Summer Lunch, Westbourne Parish Hall
23rd / County Final Cricket tournament Blackstone County Ground
26th / Chichester Schools’ Fencing Tournament
26th / Year 5 Class Assembly
28th / Westbourne Greening cycle ride
29th / KS2 Triathlon day
1st / Bourne transition day for Year 6 and class swap day
2nd / Area Sports Day at Southbourne
3rd / Summer Fare 3.15pm to 5pm
6th / Jane Peters from Chichester Library to promote the Summer reading Challenge
7th / Sports Day
9th / Full Governor’s’ meeting
9th / Reserve Sports Day
10th / Whole school music morning
13th to 17th / Year 6 Residential Sayers Croft - http://www.sayers-croft.org.uk
15th to 17th / Year 4 Residential to Cobnor Activities Centre http://www.cobnor.com
17th / Annual reports out to parents
22nd / Leavers’ Assembly
22nd / Last day of summer term
3rd / First day of the Autumn term
8th / Year 6 squash coaching starts
25th / Tag Rugby festival at Chichester Rugby Club
23rd / Inset Day – School closed for pupils
26th to 30th / Half-term
31st / PTA Fireworks night at Emsworth Primary

Yours sincerely

Steven Potter