Grant County High School

715 Warsaw Road

Dry Ridge, KY 41035

Phone: (859) 824-9739

Fax: (859) 824-9756


Claudette Y. Herald


John sanders

Assistant Principals




Guidance Counselors

Nicole DavisTheresa HeraldJodi Mulligan

GCHS is College and Career Ready!


  1. Registration is very important! Be sure to spend time planning what you want to take. Select courses with care and carefully fill out all forms. Be sure to involve your parents/guardians. All courses are not offered every year so PLAN AHEAD for courses that you will need before graduation.
  1. In making your schedule, keep in mind the Pre-College Curriculum. Some colleges require even more academic credit in the areas of English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Languages than is required for graduation from GCHS.
  1. All courses given dual credit are weighted on a 5.0 scale. This includes Advanced Placement, NKU-School Based Scholars, Gateway Regional Academy, and some technical courses.
  1. If you need help in determining what is taught in some classes or levels of classes, discuss the class with your present teachers or counselor. They will be able to help you make decisions on whether to take the class or not.
  1. If you have failed a required course, it is your responsibility to know what courses you need to make up! If this is a problem, see your counselor before completing your schedule.
  1. Electives are courses you choose to take in addition to requirements. In areas where a student takes more classes than are required, the additional classes become electives. For example: A fifth math class will count as an elective. It is not necessary to retake an elective course you failed.
  1. All information contained in this guide is subject to change at any time.


Centers located at middle school and high school

Phone: (859) 824-7161 (MS) or (859) 824-9739 (HS)


The goal of the YSC is to remove barriers to astudent’s education. Ongoing programs include tutoring, mentoring, support groups (teen parents, anger management), Youth Council, peer mediation, attendance, resource library, and crime checks for volunteers.




1-2Credits (1 or 2 Semesters)/Grades 11-12

Prerequisites: 3.0 GPA from 10th grade and beyond, composite PLAN/ACT score of 18/20, have completed/will complete pre-college curriculum, admittance to NKU as an early admission student.

The SBS program allows eligible high school students to take up to 8 NKU classes prior to high school graduation. The cost of each class is $225 plus any university and/or course feesand textbooks. Course offerings will be presented by NKU in the semester prior to enrollment. If a SBS student applies to NKU as a college freshman, the $40 application fee will be waived.


Credit Varies (1 or 2 Semesters)/Grades 11-12

Prerequisites: Application, ACT or COMPASS benchmarks met, 3.0 GPA

The Gateway Regional Academy (GRA) offers high school students the ability to gain college credit and experience by taking on-line courses during the school day. Students can earn up to 24 college credit hours at half Gateway’s normal tuition. See the guidance counselor for possible course offerings and application.


1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grades 11-12

Prerequisites: Application; 21/18 composite PLAN/ACT score; 3.0 GPA; ACT, KYOTE, or Compass specific benchmarks

The MSU Early College program offers students the opportunity to take College Algebra (MATH 152), Writing I and II (ENG 100 and 200) and Biology for Life (BIO 105). See pages 6, 9, and 12 for course numbers and more detailed course descriptions.


All English courses are full year with the exception of English IV, English 100, and English 200. Placement in an English course may be determined by student test data.

230107-ENGLISH I

1 Credit/Grade 9

Prerequisite: None

*Course Required for Graduation. The courses are designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informational, persuasive, and practical purposes. The courses also require students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas. Course adheres to Kentucky Core Academic Standards requirements. Content: English


1 Credit/Grade 9

Prerequisite: A/B average in previous English course; Assessment data

This course meets the English I requirements but emphasizes higher level skills and serves as a feeder program for English III AP and English IV AP. This course requires summer reading. It is the student’s responsibility to get the list of summer reading from the instructor and complete the reading before the start of the school year. Summer reading will be assessed during the first two weeks of the school year.


1 Credit/Grade 10

Prerequisite: English I

*Course Required for Graduation. The courses are designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informational, persuasive, and practical purposes. The courses also require students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas. Course adheres to Kentucky Core Academic Standards requirements. Students taking this course are required to take the QualityCore End of Course (EOC) exam for English 2.


1 Credit/Grade 10

Prerequisite: A/B average in previous English course; Assessment data

This course meets the English II requirements but emphasizes higher level skills and serves as a feeder program for English III AP and English IV AP. This course requires summer reading. It is the student’s responsibility to get the list of summer reading from the instructor and complete the reading before the start of theschool year. Summer reading will be assessed during the first two weeks of the school year.Students taking this course are required to take the QualityCore End of Course (EOC) exam for English 2.


1 Credit/Grade 11

Prerequisite: English II

*Course Required for Graduation. The courses are designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informational, persuasive, and practical purposes. The courses also require students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas. Course adheres to Kentucky Core Academic Standards requirements.


1 Credit/Grade 11

Prerequisite: Consent of most recent English Instructor, meet both English and Reading Benchmarks on the PLAN, Final English II grade of at least 93% or Final English II Honors grade of at least 85%

This course is similar in design to the regular English III class but includes several novels and advanced work on writing skills. This is designed as a preparatory course for English IV AP. Students must meet specific admissions requirements to enroll in the course. This course requires summer reading. It is the student’s responsibility to get the list of summer reading from the instructor and complete the reading before the start of the school year. Summer reading will be assessed during the first two weeks of the school year. Students in this course will encounter a wide range of challenging texts appropriate to typical college classrooms. Students will take the APexam in the spring. There is a fee associated with the AP exam.


1 Credit/Grade 12

Prerequisite: English III

*Course Required for Graduation. The courses are designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non-print materials that have literary, informational, persuasive, and practical purposes. The courses also require students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. In addition, students continue to integrate inquiry skills and technology to communicate ideas.


2 Credits/Grade 12

Prerequisite: Consent of most recent English Instructor, meet both English and Reading Benchmarks on the ACT, Final English III grade of at least 93% or Final AP English III grade of at least 85%

This course is designed to offer students enrichment activities in writing of all types about all genres of literature. The ultimate goal of the course is for the students to take the standardized advanced placement examination at the end of the year and earn college credit, which demonstrates their abilities to evaluate, criticize, analyze and synthesize from literature. Students in this course will encounter a wide range of challenging texts appropriate to typical college classrooms. This course requires summer reading. It is the student’s responsibility to get the list of summer reading from the instructor and complete the reading before the start of the school year. Summer reading will be assessed during the first two weeks of the school year. Students will take the AP exam in the spring. There is a fee associated with the AP exam.

2305-WRITING I (ENG 100)

(May be taken in place of English IV)

1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grades 11-12

Prerequisite: Completed Morehead State Universityadmissions application and registration form; ACT/PLAN score of 18/21 (also English score of 18); 3.0 GPA

This course is designed to help students understand and develop their writing, reading, and thinking abilities through the production and rhetorical examination of personal and academic texts. This course satisfies the required core-writing I for general education at MSU. **This course follows aMorehead State University syllabus and is a dual-credit course.

2306-WRITING II (ENG 200)

1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grade 12

Prerequisite: Writing I (ENG 100); Completed Morehead State Universityregistration form

This course builds on skills learned in ENG 100 by leading students to analyze and write critically about readings that are related to one of the area studies within general education. This course satisfies the core-writing II requirement for general education at MSU. **This course follows a Morehead State University syllabus and is a dual-credit course.


Students must take one class each year which must include Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and a math elective. Students who take Algebra I at the middle school level are still required to complete FOUR years of math at the high school level. All math courses are full year with the exception of College & Career Readiness Mathematics, Algebra III, Probability and Statistics, Mathematics for Business and Industry, and senior Geometry. Placement in a math course may be determined by student test data and/or teacher recommendation.

270304-ALGEBRA I

1 Credit/Grades 9-10

Prerequisite: None

*Course required for graduation. This course is the “entry-level” course for a high school student. Students learn to solve linear equations, graphing, systems of equations, polynomials, exponents, quadratic equations, and exponential functions and apply them to real world situations.


1 Credit/Grades 10-12

Prerequisite: Algebra I

*Course required for graduation. This course is an extension of the concepts learned in Algebra I. This class contains the content that colleges want or expect you to have mastered. Topics covered in this course include: formulas, equations, inequalities, graphing, matrices, systems, quadratics, complex numbers, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions.Students taking this course are required to take the QualityCore End of Course (EOC) exam for Algebra 2.


1 Credit/Grades 10-11

Prerequisite: Algebra I, teacher recommendation, and assessment data

This course expands on the topics of Algebra I and provides further development of the concept of a function. Topics include: (1) relations, functions, equations, and inequalities; (2) conic sections; (3) polynomials; (4) algebraic fractions; (5) logarithmic and exponential functions; (6) sequences and series; and (7) counting principles and probability. This course enriches the same material as Algebra II with more emphasis on theory, a higher degree of difficulty in problem solving and independent study. This course also includes additional topics such as progressions, series, and probability.Students taking this course are required to take the QualityCore End of Course (EOC) exam for Algebra 2.


1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grades 11-12

Prerequisites: Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry

This course is designed for students who intend to attend college and are in need of additional preparation in order to be successful in credit-bearing College Algebra, or for students who feel in need of additional preparation to take College Algebra. The content goes beyond a traditional Algebra 2 course.


1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grades 11-12

Prerequisites: Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry

This course is designed to address such concepts as theoretical and experimental probability, binomial distributions, normal distributions, displaying and describing distributions of data, collecting data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, and methods of inferential statistics.


1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grade12

Prerequisites: Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry

This course is designed as an interdisciplinary course that would be offered through the business strand of the career/technical education program. This course employs high school mathematics content with business emphasis.


1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grade 12

Prerequisite: Geometry and Algebra II

This course is for students who need additional time and support to complete the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for graduation requirements or who may not have attained the benchmark ACT score in mathematics.


1 Credit/Grades 10-11

Prerequisite: Algebra I

*Course required for graduation. This course is designed as a course to develop the logic and reasoning skills of the students as well as their ability to communicate this knowledge. Topics to be studied include: inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, constructions, angle relations, congruence, circles, transformations, area, volume, and geometric proof.


1 Credit/Grades 9-11

Prerequisite: Algebra I, teacher recommendation, and assessment data

This course provides students with experiences that deepen the understanding of two and three-dimensional objects and their properties. Deductive and inductive reasoning as well as investigative strategies in drawing conclusions are stressed. Properties and relationships of geometric objects include the study of: (1) points, lines, angles and planes; (2) polygons, with a special focus on quadrilaterals, triangles, right triangles; (3) circles; and (4) polyhedra and other solids. An understanding of proof and logic is developed. Use of graphing calculators and computer drawing programs is encouraged. This class will cover all aspects of regular geometry, but will place more emphasis on the principles of logic, the formalizing of proofs, and on the theory of geometry. The problems involved in this class will involve a high degree of difficulty. This course will extend Euclidean geometry to include coordinate geometry, vectors, symmetry, and transformation. Students will use manipulatives, projects, cooperative learning, and technology-based equipment.

270403-GEOMETRY 12

1 Credit (1 Semester)/Grade 12

Prerequisite: Algebra I

*Course required for graduation. This course is designed as a course to develop the logic and reasoning skills of the students as well as their ability to communicate this knowledge. Topics to be studied include: inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, constructions, angle relations, congruence, circles, transformations, area, volume, and geometric proof. This course is for SENIORS ONLY!!


2 Credits (2 Semesters)/Grades 9-10

Prerequisites: Algebra I and math teacher recommendation

This course is a full-year class and students earn one credit for Geometry and one credit for Introduction to Engineering Design. Students will be exposed to the same content as Geometry and IED but will receive real-world examples and be able to see the importance of geometry and how it is used in fields such as engineering while still covering all the geometry math standards.


1 Credit/Grades 11-12

Prerequisites: Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry

This course is designed for those students intending to go on to higher levels of mathematics either during high school or in college. Topics covered in this course include: basic trigonometric functions, special right triangles, the unit circle, Laws of Sine and Cosine, rational expressions and equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences, and series.