
Customer ServiceManager Course

Answer Book for CCSM Level I -

Customer Service Managers

This material is subject to copyright by © The Customer Service Institute of America (CSIA). None of this material may be edited or reproduced except for use as outlined in the program presented by The Customer Service Institute of America, without the express, prior, written consent of The Customer Service Institute of America.

Introduction to using the workbook:

Welcome to the Certified Customer Service Manager Course - Level 1 Customer Service Manager. Following this introduction is the workbook you will be using throughout your journey. Outlined below is some information about the course, how to use the course manual and how to submit your work.

While the Certified Customer Service Manager course is both classroom based and self-paced, we will monitor your progress and be available to assist in any way that we can. The content of this course is regularly reviewed and approved by America’s leading customer service practitioners; this has assured that the work is based on practical, real world situations and remains current. To maintain the integrity of this certification program, your work will be carefully reviewed for quality and completeness. Only those participants who successfully complete the entire program including testing, module activities and assignments qualify for the CCSM Level 1 for Certified Customer Service Manager designation and the use of the post-nominal letters. The workbook contains seven modules each covering various aspects of service excellence. Each module combines service theory, case studies and thought provoking activities that encourage you to apply your learning to your work place experiences.

The course will be completed through the submission of these modules’ activities and assignments. Throughout the classroom portion of the course, please take detailed notes on the activities that we review, discuss and work on in groups, as you will be compiling the answers in your electronic workbook for final submission outside of the classroom. Once you have compiled your responses for each activity in a module, proof-read them for accuracy and verified that you responded to each aspect of the question, you will then submit the entire module for review. Each module is reviewed by a trained CSIA team member who is also a graduate of the CCSM course. The information you provide in your responses is protected under our Privacy Policy and assures the information is protected. Once a module is submitted, you will receive an email confirming receipt within 48 hours and will have feedback sent to you electronically within two weeks.

There is no set response length for any of the activities (unless otherwise specified). The best way to respond to an activity is in a way that allows you to outline the response logically so that it answers the question using information from your organization’s current processes or opportunities for improvement that may have been identified through that activity. In addition, please add all supporting documents into the Word submission so that you are sending through only one document per module submission vs. multiple attachments.

Please submit your completed modules and any questions you may have to your online tutor . Congratulations again on your commitment to excellence and leadership in your chosen profession.

Contact Details: 312-396-4151 email: info@serviceinstitute.com

Not all activities in your master workbook are to be completed in the CCSM (Level 1) Course. Those wishing to complete the CCSM Advanced/Diploma of Business for Customer Service Management should contact CSIA to apply for the advanced course


Activity 1:Reference: Page 4 – Module 1 in Workbook

List the ways your organization seeks to differentiate its products and/or services from those of its competitors.

Points to consider:

Are our product and service offerings unique?

Type your answer here

Who are our competitors?

Type your answer here

How do competitors’ products/services compare?

Type your answer here

What would our customers say if surveyed about competing product differences?

Type your answer here

Activity 3:Reference: Page 11 - Module 1 in Workbook

Before we begin to explain and define customer service according to the ‘text-book’, it would be useful for you and your group to discuss the following questions:

a)What is your definition of good service?

Type your answer here

b)What is your definition of bad service?

Type your answer here

c)What expectations do your customers have of your organization?

Type your answer here

d)Write down some examples of when you felt your organization delivered good service and some occasions when customers were dissatisfied and complained.

Type your answer here

Activity 4:Reference: Page 14 - Module 1 in Workbook

Select one product and one service and give some examples of the four ‘incarnations’ – generic, expected, augmented, and potential of each.

Type your answer here

Activity 7: Reference: Page 26 - Module 1 in Workbook

Create a diagram of the chain of support for your organization. Examine all the ‘touches’ the customer experiences from your organization. Identify all the ‘links in the chain’ where poor internal customer support will see the chain breaks. Identify where external customers have not received the product or service in the time expected.

Insert your answer here


CCSM Level 1 Answer Book

for Customer Service Management

The Customer Service Institute of America