Minor evaluation form 2016 - 2017

Name*: Jara Bouma
Major: Medisch Farmaceutische Wetenschappen
Minor: Exchange – Molecular Biology

1) At which university did you follow your minor?

Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden

2) How much effort did it take to set up the minor? (In case of a minor in a foreign country, also think about factors like getting a scholarship, finding a room and signing up for courses)

Organizing to go on exchange takes probably more effort than staying in Groningen. Nevertheless, this was an Erasmus exchange and very well organized. Umeå university processes all information really fast: a sent document on Sunday will be signed and returned on Monday morning. The website and course catalogue is clear and makes it easy to choose courses. By signing up for these courses you get admitted to the university. After admission, the university provides you with a list of available rooms. These rooms are all located in close proximity to campus and are all furnished.

3) What is your general impression of the minor?

Going on exchange is more about the people you meet and your life abroad than really about the courses. You learn to make new friends from all over the world and to do something else with your life for one semester. It’s an amazing opportunity and I would recommend everyone to go abroad.

4) How do your minor and your major connect? Did you choose a minor to broaden your view?

I took Biological Chemistry, Neurobiology and Genetics. So basically, courses you could take in Groningen as well but mostly in a different major than mine (MFW).

5) What is the curriculum of the minor like? (Think about schedules, courses, lab work, etc.)

Courses are arranged the same way as in Groningen; one course at the time followed by an exam. The time spent at university differs for each course but in general, the labs and other assignments were really easy.

6) What did you think about the way of teaching in the minor? (In case of a minor in a foreign country, also think about language skills)

Every course and all information is provided in English. The professors are really easy going and as there is only 30 people (max) in your class, it’s more personal. So they really help you to pass and will arrange something is you fail (highly unlikely) a lab/presentation.

7) What are the exams like? Did the minor involve exam weeks and if so, what’s your opinion about this set up?

The exams are comparable to the ones in Groningen (second year).

8) How much time did you spent on the minor (per week) compared to Biology/LS&T?

Less than in Groningen because there is so much more to do with your new friends in a new environment.

Thank you for filling in the evaluation form!