CPM – Build a Trainer

By Ying-Chung Kai

  1. The foundation of the Bible
  2. Preparing to be a Trainer
  3. Understand the CPM
  4. Why does a new Christian not feel happy or feel special?
  5. Individual testimonies on being saved
  6. List the names of all your relatives who have not been saved
  7. Materials used in sharing the gospel (the basic 6 lessons for the initial faith)
  8. Simple and Lasting Guide to Bible Study
  9. Seven Points
  10. Set a end vision (Establish evangelism’s generals)
  11. Create your own Acts 29

The Fast Pace of Spreading the Gospel

The day of the Lord’s coming is near, how much time do we have to spread the Gospel to the world? Today, the populations of the world stands around 6 billion, but only one third are Christians. Particularly in Asia, the number of Christians is below 5% its population. Therefore, we need to rise up immediately to further our spreading of the Gospel. However, this should not be merely talk or hard-work but we should have God’s calling, commandment, and the power and wisdom given by the Holy Spirit to employ the fastest way to spread the good news to the world, enabling all the new believersto be capable of training others to obey the commandments and share the Gospels to more people.

  1. The foundation of the Bible

The great commission from Jesus (Matt 28: 18-20)

After Jesus revived, He spent 40 days to teach His disciples and encouraged them to spread the Word. In the book of Mathew, Jesus called the disciples to the mountain in Galilee. At this place, He gave them the most important and last commandment.

  1. The most rightful commander

Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

Here the risen Lord reminds us, right now - after the Lord revived - He already is the one with the highest authority in the whole universe. He stated clearly, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” This is pointing to everything that we imagined in this universe, all the heaven and the earth are included, and all the authority and power belongs to our heavenly Father; the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

We can imagine someone with complete power and authority over us, would we not listen to him? If you really understand his status, then you will most definitely obey his commands. For example, a soldier should listen to his captains’ commands moreoverif it were the lieutenants and generals commands, now if the commander himself were to come and give the soldier the order, then the soldier’s obedience will unquestionably be 100% . This soldier would not give the command another thought but would obey and accomplish the task right away. Today, our Lord Jesus Christ has clearly revealed to us His status in authority and power so how can we not completely submit ourselves to Him?

  1. The greatest command

Jesus said unto them, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The beginning of the command is to “go.” If we do not go, how are we able to lead others to the Lord? Today, everyone has his own road to go, so if we do not go, how are we to find them? “Go” is a very important keyword for you can only do things if you “go.” If you stay in place and not go anywhere, no one’s going to come to you, therefore the first part of the command is to “go.” Friends, let us set our hearts to go now! Once we go, we will see the route the Lord has set for us. Once we go, we will see the many people that need you. If you just stay in place, there will be no change nor will you be touched. At the same time, this will show that you do not have a heart obedient to the Lord.

The Lord wants “disciples of all nations,” that is, everyone to be his disciples. This means that everyone is not just a believer, Christian, church member, fellowship member, etc…, but a disciple. If we are just what was stated above, then we do not satisfy Jesus’s wishes. He wants us all to become “disciples.” A “disciple” is a real learner, he follows the master’s steps to learn everything the master knows until the day he is able to go out alone and become a master himself. Therefore we cannot just lead people to be believers, church members, etc…, but must train them to be a master that can train others.

Believing and being baptized will result in being saved as this is a very important witness that everyone sees. Baptism is not just being a witness for the Lord, it also a way to confirm your own faith. So we should teach others the way the Lord teaches us. Lord passes the gospel to us and likewise, we should pass it to others as well as teaching them to obey the Lords words. This is a very important principal, if we do this, then the Lord will surely be with us till the end of the age.

  1. Understanding our Heavenly Father’s will.

Once we recognize the CPM’s style and method, we should start our training work immediately, resulting in each person we encounter to be transformed into a “trainer.” We are not doing leader training, nor are we training disciples, we are simply training others to be “trainers.” This is like in 2nd Timothy 2:2 where Paul speaks to Timothy, saying “and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.”

We need to follow Heavenly Fathers’ will to pray consistently until an answer has been received.

In 1 Kings 18:1, “I will send rain on the land.” Therefore Elijah went and told King Ahab. Afterwards, he not only proved victorious against the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel but also had them slaughtered. Elijah then climbed Mount Carmel and bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees, in such a humble and modest way he prayed to the Lord, asking Him to send rain. At first, I did not understand why the Lord wanted Elijah to be so humble and modest in praying to Him asking Him to bring rain down. Was He not the one that told Elijah that he would send rain on the land? Elijah did not just pray once, but prayed 7 times before a cloud the size of a man’s hand rose from the sea. This small cloud must have been hard to sight. The above event has two meanings. The first one is that when God wants to complete a job, He wants us to be His coworker. He wants us to work along with Him to complete the job and make us a testimony to the public. The second meaning is that God wants us to have faith and be consistent in praying to Him. Since we know this is God’s will, we do not need to suspect anything, but pray until we have received what was promised.

Therefore if there is one thing in which we understand is God’s will, we can have faith and pray, knowing that we will definitely complete the job.

At the same time we must understand the Lord’s will which is to save everyone, starting within people’s own family because God is concerned about you and wants to use you to save your whole family.

  1. God cared about Noah and saved his entire family through him (Genesis 7:1) – The Lord wanted Noah to build an ark and to give out warnings that the only way to be saved is to board the ark. However, in the 120 years during Noah’s warning, not one person believed him. Despite all this, his wife, his sons and their wives all believed his words and were saved.
  1. God cared about Lot and through him saved his family (Genesis 19:12-23) – When God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He saved Lot and his family \because of Abraham. Regretfully, his daughter in laws did not listen to him and were not saved (this might be the result of Lot not having a good testimony so in time of emergency, he could not save his family). In the end, only Lot and his two daughters survived, but this was not God’ will for God had plan to save his entire family.
  1. God cared about Rahab and through her saved her entire family (Joshua 2:17-20) – Rahab saved two spies from Israel and requested them to protect her family during Israel’s attack on Jericho.
  1. God cared about the Demon-possessed man from Gerasenes and through him saved his entire family (Mark 5:12-20) – When the evil spirits of this demon-possessed man left him, he begged to follow Jesus, but Jesus wanted him to go home and tell his entire family about the gospel. In this way, the entire family was saved.
  1. God cared about Cornelius and through him saved his entire household (Acts 10:23-25) – Cornelius had invited all his relatives and his close friends when he invited Peter over so that when Peter came and spoke of the gospel, Cornelius’s entire household was saved.
  1. God cared about Lydia and through her saved her entire family (Acts 16:14-15) – Right after Lydia was saved, she led her entire family to come to Christ.
  1. God cared about the jailer in Phillippi and through him saved his entire family (Acts 16:31) – When the Jailer came to know God, he immediately took Paul and Silas to his house that night to save his entire family.
  1. God also cares about you and wants to save your entire family through you.
  1. God calls us to share the gospel - Four different calls of sharing the gospel

-In the universe, we can hear at least 4 different callings that tell us to go share the gospel.

  1. The call from above – this is Jesus’ request.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world

and preach the good news to all creation.’”

~ Mark 16:15

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord

saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’”

~Isaiah 6:8

Not only does the Lord want us to share the gospel, but according to Isaiah, the calling from above also tells us to share the gospel.

  1. The call from hell the calling that comes from the spirits that are suffering in hell.

When both the rich man and Lazarus died, the rich man went to hell and Lazarus went to Abraham’s side. The rich man said to Abraham “I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.”

~Luke 16:27 - 28

Do we hear the calling of those that are suffering that is coming from below?

  1. The call from inside – this is the calling that comes from within every individual.

Since Paul started to believe in Christ, he felt a calling from within himself that strongly urged him to go out and spread the gospel. He said, “Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, fro I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me.”

~1 Corinthians 9:16-17

Every one of us should be like Paul – we should all feel the call from within ourselves to go out and share the gospel once we come to know Christ.

  1. The call from outside – the calling from Macedonia.

“During the night, Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’”

~Acts 16:9

Once Paul got his calling from the outside, he brought the gospel from Asia to Europe and later on, we see that the gospel is spread from Europe to North America, and finally throughout the world.

-Therefore, each and every one of us should be capable of hearing these 4 callings, requesting us to go and spread the gospel.

  1. Preparing to be a Trainer
  1. Build a faithful life
  2. Offer your life to God
  3. Be a soldier of God
  4. To have the Spirit’s protection and power
  5. Have a life full of praise and worship
  6. A life full of prayers

A. Teach them to have a life full of prayers

Praying is one of the key essences to serving God. It is also the server’s main source of power.

B. Teach them to rely on the blood of Jesus

A trainer must search for the protection of Jesus’s blood each day. He should pray for the blood to cover his floor, head, and also act as a wall of protection around him.

C. Teach them to put on the full armor of God

God’s soldiers must put on their armor every single day. This armor is not to be put on only once but to be put on each day so that the Devil’s every attack and schemes can be defeated.

D. Teach them to search for the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit

Pray to have the spirit’s power and to depend on it, so that the spirit can bestow the gifts of teaching, preaching, healing, joyfulness, praise, and evangelism.

E. Teach them to have a life full of praise in all circumstances

Every trainer should understand the importance of giving thankfulness in all situations. Regardless of problems encountered, whether good or bad, successful or not, praise ought to be given to God for giving praise is respecting God’s authority.

F. Teach them to have gratitude and admiration

Every situation must be viewed positively at all times and encouragements should be given to his trainees, for one encouragement can be the foundation of their faith and courage.

  1. Understand the CPM
  • Time is running out as Jesus’s coming is drawing near so we must use the most efficient and fastest way to share the gospel to build trainers.
  • Usually there are 4 different styles of church:
  1. Traditional church –
  2. An Evangelistic Crusade is held at least once per year.
  3. They hope that every member is able to bring at least one person to Christ each year so the church can double in size every year, but at the end of the year, the number hasn’t changed much.
  4. It is hard for Christians to invite others to church and even if those people come, they still might not believe in the Lord.
  5. Christians rarely share the gospel themselves; rather, they depend on their pastor or minister.
  6. Cell Group church –
  7. This is splitting a church into cell groups, each containing 10 people. Every week, there will be a fellowship at a church members’ home in which other relative or friends are welcome to attend.
  8. Hope that within 6 months, they can double their size and split into two small groups. If this cannot be done, then it means that this small group has a problem. In this case, the small group must disband and formulate into another small group containing different people and try the procedure again.
  9. Hope that every half a year the church is able to double its size.
  10. Usually inviting a friend or relative over to a home is much easier then inviting them to a church.
  11. There are times where small groups don’t grow even after a year.
  12. G-12 church –
  13. Hope that every church member can lead 12 other people to Christ.
  14. Also, these 12 people must be trained into a mature Christian.
  15. Hope that every year the church is able to 12 times its size.
  16. There are also many difficulties in the teaching methods.
  17. CPM church –
  18. Every member is trained into a trainer
  19. Every member is trained to find 5 non-Christian friends in a week. Invite them into their homes and share own testimony and bring the gospel into their lives.
  20. We teach every member to write down their individual testimonies and read it 10 times out loud or until they can memorize it.
  21. List all family members, relatives, friends, neighbors, classmates, and colleagues names that are non-Christians. Most of the time, everyone’s’ list is around 100 people. Afterwards, they are to pick out the 5 people they want most to share the gospel with and group them as Group A. Then, they are to list the 2nd group of 5 as Group B and so on…
  22. Teach them the 1st of the 6 basic lessons of the initial faith – requesting them to write all the verses in this lesson down including examples – they will be split into groups of 3 to practice teaching each other until they become very familiar with this lesson. The first sentence of this lesson would be “Congratulations, you have returned into the Lord’s family and has become a Child of God again.” – this is a very important positive sentence because we were all once God’s children, but we left Him and became lost but we are back again.
  23. When they return after this week, they are to find those 5 people in Group A and testify to them and teach them the 1st of the 6 basic lessons. If some of the people in Group A, then they are to replace those with people from Group B.
  24. Once the people that they testify to believe in the Lord, they are to do the same thing, i.e., list all names of people who are non-Christians and teach them the 1st of the 6 basic lessons.
  25. After one week, the 1st group of people returns to learn the 2nd lesson and once they have learned it, they are to return and teach their next generation the lesson.
  1. Why does a new Christian not feel happy or feel special?
  1. they have not share the gospel leading them to have no joy from working and also no fruits of happiness.
  2. if gospel is passed on to the next person, the Christian will feel joyfulness.
  3. satisfaction will be felt if a small group can be started.
  4. if the trainee can become a trainer then the trainer will start to enjoy the Christian life.

*** A metaphor can be given here using an average parent– they would want their children to marry and have kids of their own so they can enjoy the happiness of having grandchildren.