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Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10

Bethel Family

Thank you to everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers for Trinity. Trinity recently qualified as a recipient for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This foundation grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. We are so excited and blessed by this opportunity. Kyle and Stacey Lange and family

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for little Jacob. The Posthuma family

Congratulations to Ben and Janie (Hoezee) Soodsma who were united in marriage on Saturday, November 17th in Coopersville, MI. May God bless this marriage as Ben and Janie make their new home in Green Bay.

Bethel Community

The Bethel Young People's Society would like to thank the congregation for supporting our sub sale this past week. We do have some subs left. If you are interested in buying them, you may stop in the kitchen after church and talk to Pam or Pat.

Thank you to the BYPS parents who led the effort to make the sub sale possible. Thank you also to all the kids who participated.

Thank you! With your support, World Renew has had another successful World Hunger Campaign. This year, our children raised $524.45 through their Peter Fish for World Renew's ministry to people around the world.

Care & Share Group update: Council has approved a motion from the Evangelism Committee for Bethel, beginning in 2013, to serve the hot meal at the Community Table 4 times a year (once/quarter). These will be set, recurring dates. Each date will have 2 Care & Share Groups assigned to it to assist with preparing and serving the meal. This allows Care & Share Groups to know their date in advance and members are able to plan their schedules accordingly. We believe this is a great opportunity for Bethel members to be involved in building relationships within our community.

The Thanksgiving service will be at 9:30 am on Thursday, November 22.

Our Thanksgiving offering this year is for the Waupun Food Pantry. Food, toiletry and clothing items will also be collected. Please keep these items with you and they will be collected during the offering.

Senior Fellowship: We will meet on Monday, November 19 at 7:00 pm. Our lesson will be Laodicea, Hot and Cold. Harold and Gert Mulder have devotions and lunch.

There will be no Sunday School next week Sunday, November 25 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

There will be a special dinner at Bethel for all Widows and Widowers on December 9 at 12:00 pm. For more information please call Pam Smith at 324-9507 or Doreen Smith at 324-2102.

Bethel is scheduled to serve the hot meal at the Community Table on November 30th. Due to donations from the recent Chili Supper only Care & Share Group #7 will be serving this meal. You will find the serving schedule in your mailboxes.

It's time again for the annual Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign. Bethel will be ringing bells at True Value Hardware (formerly Farm & Home) on Friday, December 14 and Saturday, December 15 from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Each day there are four two-hour periods that volunteers may sign up for. You can find the sign-up sheet hanging on the black grid bulletin board in the southeast corner of the narthex. Money raised through this campaign goes to meet local, emergency needs throughout the year. Your help is vital in making this campaign a success!

All Friendship classes will meet from 5:30-7:15 pm on November 19 due to our Christmas drama rehearsal. We will also be having a light supper before the practice.

If you are interested in more information about becoming a member of Bethel CRC or in making profession of faith, please contact Rev. Brower at the church office at 324-4962 or mark this behind your name in the friendship register located in your pew.

The Sunday School Christmas program is 4 weeks away. The program has been chosen but I am in need of some volunteers. There are a variety of different ways you can help: costumes, set/decorations, working with the WOW kids and Sunday School kids on pieces/parts, providing snacks on practice Saturdays. I am also looking for a handy man/woman who could build a stable for the front of church. If you are able to help out in any way PLEASE let me know, or 920-296-7094. Thank you! - Becky Vander Werff

The Garden, our Bethel CRC Church Plant, would like to welcome you to worship with them. They are located at 402 E. 9th Street in Fond du Lac. The morning worship service begins at 9:00 am. During the service they offer Nursery for ages birth-2 years and Sprouts (Children’s Worship) for ages 3 years-3rd grade. Hope to see you there!


The Union Congregational Church of Christ in Waupun will be holding their annual Cookie Walk to benefit Missions on Saturday, December 8, 2012 from 9:00 - 11:00 am. The church is located at 125 Beaver Dam Street across from Waupun Memorial Hospital. This event is open to the public. Join us for a free cup of coffee and a cookie after shopping at our Cookie Cafe! Boxes for the cookies are provided. For any questions please call Sandra Champion at 324-8500.

The annual Christian Couple Retreat is rapidly approaching. This is a weekend for husbands and wives to reconnect with and recommit to each other. Enjoy some time with your spouse and other Christian couples in a relaxing setting with plenty of free time. The dates are Jan 18-20th at the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton. For further information and registration forms please contact Steve or Donna Katsma at 920-326-3836 or email to .

The Abundant Life Group of Trinity Reformed Church is inviting those over 55 years of age to join them for their meeting on November 20th at 9:30 am. The speaker will be Rev. Grant Baumgart from Grace Reformed Church in Fond du Lac, who will be sharing highlights from his mission trip to South Africa in 2010. Come and bring a friend!

AN INVITATION FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER from Pella Lutheran Church: A special invitation is extended to singles, couples, and/or families who are alone or unable to prepare the traditional Thanksgiving Day meal. Pella Lutheran Church's 23rd annual Thanksgiving Day dinner will be served at 12 noon on Thursday, November 22nd in the church's fellowship hall. Please phone a reservation to Heidi Wardin at 324-9410 or Jan White at 324-8608 by Friday, November 16th in order for the proper amount of food to be prepared. Persons needing transportation may also indicate this. There is no charge for attending....just bring a hearty appetite!

November 18, 2012

9:30 a.m. Worship Service


*Call to Worship

*Opening Song #241

This Is the Day

*God's Greeting

*We Greet One Another

*Time of Praise led by Group #1

Draw Me Close

As the Deer


Congregational & Offertory Prayer

Offering: 1) General Fund

2) CWC

Food Pantry/Community Table update by Terri Respalje

*Song of Preparation #545

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Walk Out Worship is excused.


Matthew 19:16-30


The Undragoning

*Song of Response #264

Lord, I Want to Be a Christian


*Closing Song (70)

Knowing You



() Songs for Worship Book

*Those who are able, please stand

November 18, 2012

7:00 p.m. Worship Service


*Call to Worship

*God’s Greeting

*We Greet Each Other

*Opening Song #243

How Lovely Is Your Dwelling

Congregational & Offertory Prayer

Offering: The Garden

*Song of Preparation (see screen)

Under His Wings


Psalm 91


A Castle Around You

*Song of Response (see screen, stanzas 1-3)

Nearer, Still Nearer

*Apostles' Creed


*Closing Song (see screen, stanza 4)

Nearer, Still Nearer

*Silent Meditation & Reflection


# Psalter

( ) Songs for Worship Book

*Those who are able, please stand

Thank you!519pounds. Job well done!mas day represents Jesus, the Light of the World. The star represents the Star of bethlehPray For:

Those mourning the loss of loved ones…

~ please continue to remember our many church families who are still in mourning

Those recovering from injury, surgery, or illness…

~ Nancy Boorsma, daughter of Ralland and Berdine Klumpers, who was recently diagnosed with cancer and will be undergoing surgery

~ Joe Scheradella, grandfather of Derek Minnema, who is dealing with lung cancer

~Janet De Vries, who is recovering from knee replacement surgery

~ Brian Kartechner, who is recovering from a back injury suffered during a car accident

~ Lisa Rens, who continues to deal with stage IV colon cancer. She has resumed chemo treatments

after 3 new tumors were found on her liver.

~ Kevin De Boer, Waupun Elementary school teacher and Varsity baseball coach, who was

diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer

~ for all those who have been sick or had procedures, for continued recovery

Those suffering from chronic illnesses…

~ Sawyer Lange

~ Kristin Sauer

~ Dick Ritzema

~ Michelle DeKok

~ Trinity Lange

Those unable to attend worship services…

~ Bernice Loomans - Christian Homestead

~ Bonnie Luteyn - Oakwood Village in Madison

~ Dick & Edith Ritzema - Christian Home

~ Leah Kemink - Whippoorwill House

~ Shirley Oosterhouse - Continental Manor

U.S. Military, either stateside or abroad…

~ Erin DeVries, daughter of Glenn and Pat DeVries--currently stationed at Great Lakes Naval

Base, North Chicago, IL

~ Brendon Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--currently stationed in Michigan

~ Bryce Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base,

North Chicago, IL

~ Ashlyn DeVries, granddaughter of Annabelle DeVries--currently stationed in Fort Lewis,


~ Andrew DeVries, grandson of Annabelle DeVries--who is currently home and serves one

weekend a month

~ Reverend Peter Hofman, currently stationed in Afghanistan

To have your name added/deleted or have other changes made to the prayer list,

please contact Laura Hoekstra @ 324-4962 or .

Office Hours are: M/T/W/TH from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm. Please have all bulletin

announcements in by 9:00 am on Thursday to ensure they are included in the bulletin.