Memorial Ceremony

Sergeant Esau Abdul Zakka

0900 hours 19 March 2004

Instrumental Prelude

*National Anthem, Republic of Korea

*National Anthem, United States of America

*Invocation CH (CPT) Steve Parrott,

f 2-17 FA

Task Force Commander’s Remarks LTC David Clark, and Memorial Tribute Commander, 1-506 IN

Reading and Silent Tribute LTC John Fant,

F Commander, 2-17 FA

*Hymn: “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” (back-cover)

Soldiers’ Remarks SSG Charles Roman,

F B/1-506 IN

f SPC Michael Huddleston,

f HHB/2-17 FA

F CPT Toma Kim,

F B/1-506 IN

Roll Call 1SG Gary Howard,

f HHB/2-17 FA

*Firing of Volleys


*Please Stand


Sergeant Esau Abdul Zakka

18 November 1972—16 March 2004

Sergeant Esau Abdul Zakka was born on 18 November, 1972, the son of Mr. Nalama Zakka of Kansas City, Missouri and Mrs. Zumar Zakka of Grandview, Missouri.

Sergeant Zakka began his military career in February 1993 as a water purification specialist, and would later reclass as a radios systems maintainer, and finally as a forward observer. During his career, he participated in many training exercises and was deployed in support of Operation Uphold Democracy, which restored peace to the people of the Republic of Haiti.

Upon assignment to 2d Battalion, 17th Field Artillery in September 2003, Sergeant Zakka was attached to Baker Company, 1-506th Infantry Regiment at Camp Greaves, where he served as a forward observer. In this role, he participated in numerous training exercises to help preserve the fragile peace on the Korean peninsula.

Sergeant Zakka’s awards include the Army Commendation Medal (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), the Army Achievement Medal (1 Oak Leaf Cluster), and the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal. He was also posthumously awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.

O Beautiful for Spacious Skies

(1st, 3rd, & 4th verses)

O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain!

America, America! God shed his grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,

Who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life!

America, America! May God thy gold refine,

‘Till all success be nobleness and every gain divine.

O beautiful for patriot dream that sees, beyond the years,

Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears!

America, America! God shed his grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!

Katherine Lee Bates, 1859-1929

Life After Death

Though the skies seem dark today,

Tomorrow’s will be blue;

When every cloud has cleared away

God’s providence shines through.

(--author unknown)

“And for men… who engage much in Allah’s remembrance, for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.”

---Al-Ahzaab: 35

Memorial Ceremony

Esau Abdul Zakka

Sergeant, US Army

1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment

(Air Assault)

2d Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment

Camp Greaves, ROK

19 March 2004

“Steel!” “Currahee!”