Held on 18th February 2013

Present: Cllr Mrs J Taylor (in the Chair)

Cllrs T Brown Mrs I Burnett Mrs J Cook

G Cullen R Dawes B Dobbs A Howard D Mellor S Palmer S Pratley P Prince B Varnam Mrs A Veasey S Veasey I Wild

Mr S Fletcher (Town Clerk)

Mrs S Archibald (Secretary to Town Clerk)

Absent: Cllrs D Marsland K Pinion

Also Present: Rev. P Liley

7 members of the public

·  Prior to the commencement of the meeting there was a short presentation by the Clinical Operations Manager, Bev Haywood, and Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Kim Butler, of Marisco Medical Practice regarding changes to the way appointments are allocated. The new system aims to be more flexible in accommodating patient needs and feedback from patients would be welcomed by the practice.

A question and answer session followed.

The Chairman thanked Ms Haywood and Butler for their informative presentation.

·  A local resident praised the skate park as a welcome addition and free amenity for the youth of the town. She advised that there was an intention to apply to ELDC for S106 monies to enable the park to be extended to offer a more challenging experience and would like the Council’s help and support. A Member confirmed that ELDC were supportive of the scheme.

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That this item be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Community Amenities Committee.

There being no further questions, the meeting commenced at 7.30 p.m.

Prayers were led by the Rev. Peter Liley.


Cllr T Brown declared a non pecuniary interest with regard to agenda item 17, as the driver of the land train was known to him. Cllr G Cullen declared a non pecuniary interest in all items pertaining to ELDC and a pecuniary interest with regard to any reference which might be made to The Dunes Complex. Cllr A Howard declared a non pecuniary interest in all items pertaining to ELDC and with regard to payees on the Orders for Payment schedule. Cllr P Prince declared a non pecuniary interest in all items pertaining to ELDC and any reference which might be made to Neighbourhood Management, and a pecuniary interest with regard to any reference which might be made to The Dunes Complex. Cllr Mrs J Taylor declared a non pecuniary interest with regard to Acre Gap.


It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That the official minutes of meeting held on 10th December 2012, and the extra ordinary meetings held on 7th January 2013 and 24th January 2013 be approved as correct records and signed by the Chairman.


It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That the acts, proceedings and recommendations of the following committees be approved:

(i) Acre Gap Advisory Group 30th November 2012

(ii) Planning Committee 3rd December 2012

(iii) Extra Planning Committee 17th December 2012

(iv) Planning Committee 7th January 2013

(v) Acre Gap Advisory Group 11th January 2013

(vi) Community Amenities Committee 24th January 2013

(vii) Contracts Task & Finish Group 4th February 2013

(viii) Planning Committee 4th February 2013


Town Mayor:

Cllr Mrs J Taylor addressed the meeting and praised all those involved in the successful Flood Commemoration event and, particularly, Rev. Liley, the Town Clerk, his secretary and The Dunes Complex for making the event such a memorable occasion.

The Mayor invited all to attend her Charity Ball on Saturday 2nd March 2013, to be held at the Golden Sands Holiday Park. The evening would consist of food, dancing, entertainment and a charity auction of signed football memorabilia and all were welcome.

Lincolnshire County Council:

Report from Cllr G Marsh circulated.


East Lindsey District Council:

Cllr A Howard apologised that he had not circulated his usual report, due to time pressures.

Cllr S Palmer gave an update on his work on the Welfare Reform Panel and the scrutiny being undertaken on the effect of benefit reforms and any ‘knock on’ effects which may arise as a result of them. Members noted that representatives from ELDC were available at the Coastal Communities Information Hub on Tuesdays to answer any questions from the public.

Cllr P Prince updated the meeting that he continued to meet regularly with residents of the Faldo’s Way area to address anti-social behaviour and that a problem solving group had been formed with relevant agencies working together to move things forward to bring about improvements in the area.


The Town Clerk reported statistics received from the police which confirmed a reduction in crime rates in the area.



Cllr S Palmer had tabled his report on the Mablethorpe, Trusthorpe and Sutton on Sea Neighbourhood Development Order.

The Town Clerk updated and advised the meeting that:

a) The precept of £135,628.00 had been approved by ELDC and payment would be received in 2 parts 50% in April and 50% in October. A further £35,486.00 would also be paid by ELDC in the form of grant income due to changes in council tax discounts and exemptions.

b) Tender document for St Mary’s Park Pond would be issued during March 2013, however as this is a specialist construction it may restrict receipt of tenders.

c) He advised that the Police were looking into a breach of the Town Council’s computer system (in relation to e-mails only) and further updates would follow. No further information could be given at this time.

d) The new PC equipment would be installed on Wednesday 20th February.

e) The Emergency Plan had been updated and the Town Clerk has contacted LCC and the emergency services for updated information for inclusion.

Further information is also required from the local flood wardens and the Environment Agency and this will be included on a future Planning Agenda.

f) Mablethorpe market had not been successful in its first bid in the Market of the Year competition, however, the market had been voted in 6th place by the NABMA judges (out of 58 entries) and public votes could have potentially placed us 2nd or 3rd.

g) He further advised that, as per previous meeting, dog control orders were still in effect across the area. It had been hoped that this matter would be raised at the Liaison meeting; however this had been cancelled due to severe weather conditions.

h) The meeting was advised that on the whole positive feedback had been received in relation to the service held to remember the 1953 floods. Negative comments made in relation to the location of the service were both unfounded and defamatory and the national press coverage of the day’s events were welcomed.

Thanks had been received from Cllr Mrs D Stephenson, Cllr R Palmer LCC, Sir Peter Tapsall MP, Helen Parkhurst and both the BBC and ITV.

i) RWE npower have produced a booklet regarding the Triton Knoll offshore wind farm and onshore electrical infrastructure, the document forms part of their proposed consultation which commences on 19th February and ends on 5th April 2013.

j) Cemetery and burial training had been undertaken by Town Council employees, and a discussion pertaining to a proposed cemeteries working group would follow at agenda item 18.

k) The Town clerk would be attending future NABMA training on both 21st February and 21st March 2013, in Derby

l) In light of the absence of both the Town Clerk and his assistant on Thursday 21st February; Cllr I Wild had volunteered to collect rents and to be overseen by

Cllr B Dobbs.

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That, in the absence of the Town Clerk, two elected Members may collect

and bank receipts from market tolls.

m) Current Consultation - ELDC Licensing policy. ELDC are conducting a review of their current licensing policy. The consultation period closes on 28th February 2013.

n) Notification of two street collections were reported:

Collection - Mablethorpe 2nd March 2013, Mr P Marriott (Duke of Edinburgh Award)

Collection - Sutton on Sea, 28th July 2013, Sutton & Trusthorpe Carnival Committee

o) Correspondence received from Team Leader of Planning (ELDC) regarding call-in procedures, a copy of the letter was given to each Councillor and training was available or a visit for a future meeting could be arranged.

Cllr S Palmer wished it to be noted that he had declared a non pecuniary interest in the subjects under discussion as a member of the Sutton & Trusthorpe Carnival Committee.

101. To discuss and agree to the investment and transfer of £50,000 into a savings bond

Members had before them a report from the Town Clerk on the various options for reinvestment of £50,000 and were asked to consider and decide upon the best option for investing the funds.

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That the Council invests £50,000 in the Barclays Bond 90, 9 month savings bond.

102. To authorise the Mayor to sign the updated lease for land off Quebec Road

following the placement of the Memorial Rock on the North Promenade and the need to enter into a revised lease agreement with ELDC for the additional area of land:-

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: (a) That the Town Clerk be authorised to sign the Statutory Declaration Agreement to exclude security of tenure; and

(b) That the Mayor and Deputy Mayor sign the engrossed counterpart lease document, with their signatures being witnessed by the Town Clerk.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for a short while.

Meeting adjourned 8.05 p.m. to 8.10 p.m.

103. To discuss and clarify the procedures for councillors to update the Town Council on outside bodies

Members noted the clarification offered by the Town Clerk on relevant items for update to Town Council.

Formal updates from Members are required only from those outside bodies to which they have been elected as representatives of the Council.

104. To consider and agree protocols at Town Council meetings which prevent electioneering being seen to be pursued when higher tier elections are being held

members noted, being mindful of future elections for County, District and Town Council, that a period of purdah, which precludes proactive publicity in all its forms of candidates involved directly in an election, would be announced by the ELDC Monitoring Officer and information would be circulated to Members at the relevant time.

105. To discuss and authorise the Town Clerk to obtain a cash & carry card on behalf of the Town Council to use for purchasing of sundry items

In order to establish an appropriate audit trail for purchases and to ensure that all VAT is able to be properly reclaimed, it was proposed that the Town Clerk be authorised to obtain a cash and carry card for use in purchasing sundry items on behalf of the Town Council.

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That the Town Clerk be authorised to obtain a cash and carry card for use in purchasing sundry items on behalf of the Town Council.

106. To discuss the value of a meeting with representatives of Coastal Town and Parish Councils to discuss the implicationsof the ELDCDraft Core Strategy and Draft Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment on the coastal strip

Following discussion around the implications of the ELDC Draft Core Strategy and the fact that it was being used to the detriment of coastal communities with regard to planning applications:-

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That the Town Clerk be instructed to contact other Town and Parish Councils in the coastal strip and invite them to attend a meeting with the Coastal Communities Partnership to discuss the issues around the ELDC Draft Core Strategy, with a view to reconstituting the Coastal Communities Partnership as a body independent from ELDC working for the benefit of coastal communities.

107. To discuss and agree the advertising and start date of the Public Conveniences Tender documentation

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That the Public Conveniences tender be advertised from 19th February 2013 to 1st March 2013, with a proposed start date of 16th March 2013.

108. To discuss and agree the advertising and start date of the grounds maintenance contract Tender documentation

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: That the Grounds Maintenance Contract tender be advertised from 19th February 2013 to 1st March 2013, with a proposed start date of 1st April 2013.

109. Mablethorpe Market Matters

(i) Official Signing of E & D Contract

(ii) To discuss and agree to apply for planning permission to extend the market and place a notice board on land adjacent to the Factory Shop

(iii) To discuss Mablethorpe market’s inclusion in the national ‘Love Your Local Market’ Campaign 2013

It was proposed, seconded and

Resolved: (a) That the Mayor be authorised to sign the markets’ erection and dismantling contract, with the Town Clerk as witness.

(b) That, in light of persistently turning away traders wishing to take stalls on the market, planning permission be applied for in respect of additional stalls by the Factory Shop, and, in conjunction with Neighbourhood Management, the placing of an extra notice board at the site.