Something about yourself…

Name: ______Age ______Sex ______

Nickname/s ______Religion ______

Birthday ______Zodiac Sign ______

City Home #/s ______Provincial Home #/s______

Active mobile #/s ______Email ______

City Address ______

Father’s Name ______

Mother’s Name ______

Person to contact in case of emergency: ______

Sports ______

Hobbies______Civil Status: [ ] Single – taken [ ] Single – Available [ ] Married

My Favorites:

Song/s ______

Singer/s ______

TV Shows______

Movies ______


Book/s ______



Best Buddies______

My Happiest Moment______


My Most Embarrassing Moment______


Likes ______


I describe myself as______


If given the chance to undergo a plastic surgery, which part of your body would you like changed and why? ______


If you win 1 million dollars, what would you do with it? ______


Which two things can’t you live without? ______


Enough with the imagination…

Secrets best kept… and shared…

Love is______

Do you believe in courtship?______

What are the ideal characteristics of a perfect partner? ______


Describe you perfect date ______


Who is your crush? This is strictly confidential, promise… ______

I am attracted to him/her because______

When and where did you meet?______

Kilig moments?______

Let’s get real here…

What are your expectations about this subject? ______


What do you expect from your teacher?______


What’s your first impression of your teacher?______




Course Outline




This course introduces the students to the scientific study of behavior. It familiarizes the students with the different approaches in Psychology. Emphasis is placed on human development, nervous system , sensation and perception, intelligence, learning, memory, motivation and emotion, personality and human sexuality.




The SPC Community living and spreading the love of the compassionate Jesus,

Healer and Teacher.


We, the staff, faculty and administration of the SPC Community

commit ourselves to :

  1. build a community, witnessing to the compassion of Jesus as a healer and teacher;
  2. continuously growing professionally, morally and spiritually;
  3. work harmoniously in the formation of human and Christ-center persons and

teachers imbued with ethical and moral values.


Upon the completion of the course, the students are expected to:

  1. apply psychological concepts, theories and methods to overcome problems or challenges involving behaviors or mental processes;
  2. discuss and effectively use the fundamental vocabulary of psychology
  3. Explain behavior using different psychological theories and models



Specific Objectives

At the end of the preliminary grading period, the students are expected to:

  1. define what psychology is and what psychologists do
  2. describe the relationship between the brain, the endocrine system, and heredity, to behavior
  3. differentiate psychology from other social sciences
  4. define and differentiate the basic concepts of the different schools of thought in psychology
  5. discuss the principles governing human development
  6. establish the link between perception and sensation and how they affect our behavior


  1. Psychology: The Scientific Study of Behavior
  • Definition and significance of the study of psychology
  • Historical Beginnings of Psychology
  • Schools of Thoughts
  1. Structuralism
  2. Functionalism
  3. Behaviorism
  4. Psychoanalysis
  5. Gestalt
  6. Humanism
  7. Purposivism
  • Fields of Psychology
  1. Biological Psychology
  2. Experimental Psychology
  3. Developmental Psychology
  4. Social Psychology
  5. Clinical Psychology
  6. Industrial Psychology
  7. Educational Psychology
  8. Forensic Psychology
  • Goals of Psychology
  • Methods of Psychological study
  1. Biological Foundations of Psychology
  • The Nervous System
  • The Central Nervous System
  • The Peripheral Nervous System
  • The Endocrine System
  1. Human Growth and Development
  • Interaction between Heredity and Environment
  • Reproductive Cells
  • Principles of Heredity
  • Determination of Sex
  • Chromosomal Abnormalities
  • Determination of Twins and Multiple Births
  • Maturation
  • Internal Factors Affecting Development
  • Stages of Development
  • Facts about Development
  1. Sensation and Perception
  • The Sensory Systems
  1. Sight (visual)
  2. Hearing (auditory)
  3. Smell (olfactory)
  4. Taste (gustatory)
  5. Touch (cutaneous)
  6. Active Movement (kinesthetic)
  7. Passive Movement (vestibular)
  8. Internal Bodily Movement (organic)
  • Perception

-Definition and Importance

-Factors That Influence Perception

-Types of Perception


Specific Objectives

At the end of the midterm-grading period, the students are expected to:

  1. define what is intelligence and how intelligence can be measured
  2. discuss the nature of learning and thinking
  3. distinguish between motivation and biological needs
  4. describe memory and explain the cognitive processes


  1. Intelligence
  • Nature and definition of Intelligence
  • Interaction Between Intelligence and Environment
  • Theories of Intelligence
  • Types of Intelligence and their Concepts
  1. Intelligence quotient
  2. Emotional Quotient
  3. Adversity Quotient
  4. Multiple IntelligenceS
  • Genetic and Environmental Influences
  • Intelligence Testing
  1. Learning
  • Theories of Learning
  • Classical Conditioning
  • Operant or Instrumental Conditioning
  • Social Learning
  • Principles of Learning
  1. Memory and Forgetting
  • Kinds of Memory
  • Explicit and Implicit Memory
  • Unusual Forms of Memory
  • Improving Memory
  • Theories of Forgetting
  1. Altered States of Consciousness
  • Sleep
  • Dreams
  • Hypnosis
  • Meditation
  • Biofeedback
  • Drugs
  • Practical Implications
  1. Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
  • Nature
  • Kinds
  • Concepts
  1. Motivation
  • Basic Motives
  • Homeostasis and Drives
  • Hunger
  • Gender and Human Sexuality
  1. Emotion
  • Nature of Emotion
  • Aspects of Emotion
  • Classifications of Emotions
  • Theoretical Approaches
  • Emotional Control


Specific Objectives

At the end of the final grading period, the students are expected to:

  1. discuss the nature and concepts of personality
  2. discuss the personality theories that explain individual differences in behavior
  3. differentiate frustration and conflict
  4. identify the psychological and physiological responses to stress
  5. be open about and accept one’s sexuality


  1. Personality
  • Nature and Definition of Personality
  • Personality Theories
  1. Psychoanalytic
  2. Social Learning
  3. Humanism
  4. Phenomenological Approach
  • Type Theories of Personality
  • Determinants of Personality
  • Factors Influencing Personality
  1. Frustration and Conflict
  • Sources of Frustration
  • Defense Reactions of Mechanism to Frustration
  • Nature and Types of Conflict
  • Abnormal Reactions to Frustration
  1. Coping, Adjustment and Stress
  • Characteristics of Stressful Events
  • Psychological and Physiological Reactions to Stress
  • Coping Skills
  • Stress Management
  1. Social Psychology : Interacting with Others
  • Meaning and Nature of Attitudes
  • Understanding Others
  • Interacting wit Others
  • Interpersonal Attraction and Development of Relationships
  1. Human Sexuality
  • Sexual Disorders
  • Paraphilias
  • Gender identity disorders
  • Sexual Dysfunctions
  • Short and long quizzes
  • Periodical Examinations (Prelims, Midterms and Finals)
  • Projects
  • Participation to class exercises
  • Class Attendance

Atkinson, (2000). Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology. 13th ed.

Asia: Harcourt, Inc.

Bucu, (1993). Introduction to Psychology. 2nd ed.

Metro Manila: Rex Bookstore

Gaerlan, Josefina. General Psychology, 5th edition.

Philippines: Ken, Incorporated. 2000.

Project: Autobiography


  1. to outline one’s growth and development
  2. to reflect on one’s life experiences
  3. to gain self-awareness

General Criteria


  1. Organization of Entry

4 / Very Organized
stages of development are discussed in specific order and flow
3 / Organized
all stages discussed but not in specific order
2 / Disorganized
some stages are discussed
1 / Very Disorganized
no direction
stages of development is not discussed
  1. Depth of Reflection

4 / Very Deep
Narration of experiences and insights gained
3 / Deep
Insights gained but no narration of experience
2 / Shallow
Narration of experiences, no insights gained
1 / Very Shallow
No citation of experiences and insights gained
  1. Integration of Course Content

4 / Very Good Integration
Most concepts are integrated (75% - 100%)
  1. intelligence
  2. motivation and emotions
  3. personality
  4. learning
  5. frustrations and conflict

3 / Good Integration
many of the concepts are integrated (50% - 74%)
2 / Poor Integration
few pf the concepts are integrated (25% - 49%)
1 / No Integration
None of the concepts are integrated (0% - 24%)


4 / 0 -3 grammatical errors per page
generally, sentences are coherent and understandable
3 / 4-5 grammatical errors per page
2 / 6-7 grammatical errors per page
1 / 8 and above grammatical errors per page



  1. Specified format
  2. Materials used
  3. Ingenuity
  4. Neatness

4 / Satisfies all of the criteria specified
3 / Satisfies the first three of the criteria
2 / Satisfies the first two of the criteria
1 / Satisfies only the first criteria or none of the criteria



Men – as individuals and as societies – have always endeavored to understand, predict, influence, and control human behavior – their own behavior and that of others.

- Carl Rogers

PSYCHOLOGY - comes from Greek words : PSYCHE and LOGOS

  • Psyche which means soul or mind
  • Logos which means study

Scientific study of behavior and mental processes (Feldman 1990; Atkinson, 1993)

Scientific study of behavior and its causes (Smith, et. al 1982)

Scientific study of human behavior and mental life (Roediger, et. al. 1984)

The science and means of promoting human welfare (Wortman, et. al. 1985)

Science of behavior and cognitive processes (Baron 1989)

It is chiefly concerned with what makes people behave as they do.

A scientific study of the behavior of all living organisms with special attention to human behavior

Psychology is a science because it is systematic (methodical), empirical (experience/observation) and dependent upon measurement.

 BEHAVIOR: activities that can be observed objectively

e.g. a. reaction of muscles and glands

b. organized patterns of responses as a whole

: also includes internal processes like thinking, feeling and other reactions which cannot be directly observed but can be inferred from external behavior


a. OVERT -publicly seen or known

b. COVERT-concealed or disguised

c. INTRINSIC-inherent or innate

d. EXTRINSIC-external

 STUDY: it enables the individual to learn more quickly and choose a vocation more intelligently

: it makes a person achieve emotional equilibrium and make better social adjustments

: it enables one to resolve problems, and to develop greater personal



Since it is a science, psychologists are scientists therefore it is guarded by six fundamental characteristics.

  1. Human behavior follows an orderly pattern.
  • Even if there is change in a person’s life, there is a degree of order and regularity in its nature. Change pattern can be understood.
  1. Human behavior can be known.
  • It can be empirically observed, therefore it can be investigated.
  1. Knowledge of human behavior is tentative but superior to ignorance.
  • We must pursue knowledge not only for its own sake but also to be able to improve human conditions.
  1. Natural phenomena have natural causes.
  • All natural events have natural causes. Science rejects the beliefs in supernatural forces to cause events.
  1. Nothing is self-evident.
  • Truth must only be claimed and established when they are demonstrated objectively. Scientists never rely on traditional, subjective beliefs. They are skeptical and critical in their approach to truths.
  • Rational criticism is the core of any scientific enterprise.

6. Knowledge is derived from the acquisition of experiences.

  • Anything in this world must be empirically explained. In most cases, we only rely on our perceptions which is achieved through our senses, rely on experiences and observations.
  • Knowledge is a product of experience.


  1. Psychology and the Mysterious
  • Psychology is learned through observation, careful reflections of what they observed and through checking of what their conclusion is.
  • It is not magical, mysterious, or super human way of looking into thoughts or feelings of a person.
  1. Psychology and Common Sense.
  • There are statements accepted by common sense but are not accepted by psychology.

e.g. Notion that insane or mentally ill person have “lost their minds”.

  1. Psychology and the Para-science.
  • People confused psychology with the para-sciences.
  • Para-science is base on premises that differ sharply from those of the scientific world. Examples are phrenology : studies personality through the bumps and hollows of a person’s skull and graphology : bases the character of a person on handwriting.
  • These para-sciences had no scientific evidence to support their claims while psychology is based on the traditional methods of science including the systematic gathering of data, putting hypothesis to careful tests and cumulative building of knowledge.


The roots of psychology can be traced from great philosophers of ancient Greece. The famous ones were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle who posed fundamental questions about mental life: What is consciousness? Are people inherently rational or irrational? Is there really such a thing as free choice?

Other psychological questions deal with the nature of the body and human behavior, and they have an equally long history. Hippocrates, often called the “father of medicine”, lived around the same time as Socrates. He was deeply interested in physiology, which is the study of the functions of the living organisms and its parts. His observation on how the brain controls various organs of the body became the biological perspective of psychology.

The Beginnings of Scientific Psychology

The historical framework of present-day psychology can be best understood by taking up the establishment of the different schools of psychology. The term school refers to the group of psychologists who associated themselves with the early leaders in psychology both geographically and systematically.



A school of thought which studies conscious experience, conceived as made-up elementary mental states observed through introspection.

Developed in Germany in 19th century by Wilhelm Wundt, “Father of Modern Psychology”

Concern: discovery of the structure of the mind

Belief: the mind is made up of building blocks (Titchener) in the form of various types of sensation and perception.

Building blocks could be discovered through INTROSPECTION

  • looking into one’s own mind
  • observation of conscious experience and self report by trained observers as their method of investigation.
  • self-observation and analysis of one’s mental processes and states

According to Edward Bradford Titchener, the role of psychology was to reduce conscious processes to their simplest and most basic components and determine how they are combined and their laws of combination.

Sensation : a psychological event that occurs when receptors are stimulated

1. PHYSICAL SENSATION- condition of mind or body resulting from stimulation of sense organs

2. AFFECTION or FEELINGS - a personal emotional experience, an aspect of emotion which differs in the degree of intensity

3. IMAGES- mental picture, picture of the mind

 Perception : the giving of meaning to a stimulus received by the sense organs

WILHELM WUNDT (1831-1920)

-father of Scientific Psychology

-interested in analyzing conscious experiences began when he became curious about an effect that could be produced by a METRONOME, a pendulum-like device that ticks ata steady rate and is used in music training to help maintain a tempo.

-He worked in a laboratory in Leipzig, Germany

-In order to carry out a systematic analysis of the structure of the conscious adult mind:

  • Wundt hoped to establish a field of psychological research that would follow the footsteps of physics and chemistry.

Structuralism was brought to he United States of America by Edward B. Titchener

(1867-1927) and he began a laboratory at CornellUniversity in 1892.


  1. introspective method itself.
  2. Observing what you are experiencing changes the experience.
  3. Psychologists began to discover that the very act of introspection altered the conscious experience they wanted to examine.
  4. Discovery: different researchers independently using the introspective method were getting different results.
  5. Nothing could be done to resolve the disagreement between trained observers since all were describing a personal experience, who could say which observer was correct?

1930’s - reseachers begun to abandon structuralism

- psychologists working with animals were finding exciting results without introspection

- European psychoanalysts were examining the influence of unconscious processes in maladjustment

- Many American psychologists were searching for practical solutions to everyday problems.



  1. It provided psychology with a strong scientific and research impetus.
  2. It gave the introspective method a thorough test; which was worthwhile since most psychologists are now in agreement that introspection has severe limitations.
  3. It served as foundation against which new schools of psychological thought could rebel.


leaders (taught at the University of Chicago in the 20th century)

- James R. Angell

- John Dewey

- Harvey Carr

Most Important Contributions

  1. Changing the focus of psychology to learning, motivation and thinking veered away from the structuralists’ emphasis on individual perception and sensations.

-technique used in effort to understand human behavior processes.

-consists of interviewing, testing, observing one person over a long period of time.

-permits psychologists to observe and record the person’s development and how he reacts to different circumstances.


-1st native American Psychologist

-1875, had a mall demonstration laboratory in Harvard

-Harvard offered the 1st college course under the name psychology

concern : a. practical application of findings

  1. the utility of how conscious processes function in the adjustment of man

to his environment

relied : on EXPERIMENTATION for its method of investigation

belief : that psychology should focus on true-to-life everyday experience (James)


developed by Viennese physician, SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939)

traces its roots to neurology and medicine

GOAL : to treat and understand abnormal behavior

-he presented as one of the major tenets of psychoanalysis---

“the concept of the unconscious mind”


1. Copernicus- demonstrated that the earth was not the center of the universe

2. Charles Darwin- state that human evolved from lower specie

3. Sigmund Freud- argued that humans are not the conscious masters of their behavior

 Techniques: a. Hypnosis

  1. Free Association
  2. Dream Interpretation
  3. Slips of the Tongue or Freudian Slips


  1. Lack of scientific control and careful experimentation.
  2. It relies on techniques that have never been validated.

Contribution/Historical Importance

  • Freud’s work made a great contribution to psychology because the interest it stimulated in many neglected areas --- the working of the unconscious mind, sexuality, emotionality, abnormal behavior, conflict, childhood did prove fruitful.