E-rate Scope of Work

We are seeking an ITS33 vendor who will perform the following E-rate Consulting Tasks from November 1, 2007 for one year, ending October 31, 2008. The scope of work below will be incorporated in to the standard ITS33 Statement of Work form.

1.  Required E-rate Services.

a.  Apply for an E-rate Billed Entity Number and an FCC Registration Number if needed.

b.  Review technology plan and recommend, if applicable, additional E-rate eligible goods and services to include in the technology plan.

c.  Recommend improvements, if possible, to our process for identifying all students eligible for the Free and Reduced School Lunch Program.

d.  Review phone bills to identify E-rate eligible and ineligible expenditures.

e.  Review bids containing E-rate eligible components before they are released for compliance with E-rate rules and regulations.

f.  Prepare and file, as needed, all Form 470(s) (Description of Services and Certification) and post to the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) website.

g.  Prepare and file Form 471(s) (Services Ordered and Certification) and Item 21 Attachment(s).

h.  Review the Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgement Letter(s) (RAL) and correct/confirm services requested.

i.  Provide responses to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) Schools and Libraries Division’s (SLD) Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) questions during the application review process, providing additional information or clarification regarding the Form 471 application(s).

j.  Review the Funding Commitment Decision Letter(s).

k.  Prepare and file Form 486(s) (Receipt of Service Confirmation) indicating that the services have begun.

l.  Prepare Form 472(s) (Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement - BEAR) for services received in 2007-2008.

m.  Prepare and file all Form 500 (Adjustment to Funding Commitment and Modification to Receipt of Service Confirmation Form), if required.

n.  Request change of service provider, if necessary.

Optional E-rate Services. The vendor must be able to perform additional tasks not included in the above for additional fees, if requested in writing. These tasks include:

a.  Write or revise our E-rate Technology Plan.

b.  Write bid specifications for procurements containing E-rate eligible goods or services and respond in writing to vendor questions.

c.  Prepare appeals to denied requests.

d.  Assist in preparing a response to an E-rate audit.

e.  Other tasks related to E-rate.

Vendor Response

Vendor Name:

Please state your cost to perform the above scope of work.

1.  Required E-rate Services

Enter the fixed cost to perform all required E-rate Services in item 1.


2.  Optional E-rate Services.

Enter your hourly rate to perform the additional tasks defined in the optional scope of work.

$ per hour