2011Annual AdvanceReport

International Education Chair: / International Education Vice-Chair:
James E. Ruland / Shannon L. Beech
The Law Office of James E. Ruland, PLC / Kirby Eades Gale Baker
Tel. (703) 560-7771 / Tel. (613) 907-9104
Fax. (703) 560-7773 / Fax. (613) 237-0045
Email: / Email:


The Committee has two main functions. First, in response to requests, it meets with visiting delegations and arranges for speakers for lectures, seminars, and other meetings outside the United States. Second, the committee develops and produces educational programming for international audiences, primarily through online programs on U.S. IP law and practice specifically targeted to practitioners, government officials and others outside the U.S. who are interested in IP law, policy and practice. The committee coordinates its activities with those of the Online Programs, International and Foreign Law, the IP Practice in Europe, the IP Practice in Japan, the IP Practice in Latin America, the IP Practice in the Far East Committees, and the Special Committee of International Practitioner Associations.


We have conductedfiveonline programs to date, namely three programs for German-speaking practitioners,one program for practitioners in Singapore, and one program for practitioners in China.

The program aimed at practitioners in China was conducted on June 1, 2011 and was performed in coordination with the Special Committee on IP Practice in China. The chosen topic for this particular program was Information Disclosure Statements. This program was very well received and a second program for practitioners in China is planned on the subject of Patent Reform.

Using the good relationships that have been developed with local German IP Organizations through our German coordinators, we conducted a program for German-speaking practitioners on September 21, 2011 on the topic of Patent Reform. The program was well received with a total attendance of 175 sites.

Members of the committee, possibly in conjunction with other substantive committees, will coordinate each of the online programs. Coordination involves identifying a topic, finding speakers and sponsors, and arranging for promotion within one or more targeted jurisdictions. Most programs will likely be broadcast live using Citrix, though other platforms may be used. The coordinators may work with other AIPLA committees or possibly local IP associations outside the U.S. in planning the program.


(1) Produce at least four online programs for international audiences during the year.

(2) Recruit additional members to join the committee. We would especially like to tap into AIPLA’s international members to encourage involvement in AIPLA of those members

(3) Explore approaches for expanding audiences for programs. One approach is to establish relationships with IP associations outside the U.S. in order to obtain assistance in promoting and possibly also planning and sponsoring programs. Another, related approach is to begin a formal program of promoting our programming services for U.S. IP law to foreign IP associations, including soliciting requests for online programs and offering speakers for local programs.

(4) Establish a list of speakers possessing a high degree of proficiency in foreign languages.

(5) Coordinate with the AIPLA to look for ways committee can assist in implementing the AIPLA’s international strategies.

(6) Work with AIPLA to find a way of making recordings of the online programs available on the Web site, in a location that is easily found by practitioners outside the U.S. who are not -AIPLA members outside the U.S., as well as marketing the existence of the programs to those individuals.

(7) Establish more formal working relationships with other international committees for purposes of coordinating international education efforts and producing programming.