Falls Risk Screening ResearchProject

This document provides information for Partners collaborating and supporting the Champlain LHIN IMPACTT Centre’s Falls Risk Screening research project.

Falls are a leading cause of injury among seniors. 20-30% of seniors (age 65+) experience one or more falls each year. A fall can cause serious injury: 85% of seniors’ injury-related hospitalizations are due to falls.

The Champlain LHIN IMPACTT Centreis conducting a research project to determine the value of a falls prediction model that leverages a new technology; QTUGTM and may enable a cost effective and sustainable Falls Risk Screening Program.

If we can cost effectively engage more independent/well seniors that are normally not screened for falls, and identifythose at higher risk of falling prior to their first fall, we can suggest strategies to reduce risks and hopefully contribute to a reduction in the number of falls and related injuries and hospitalizations.

What is QTUGTM

The“TimedUp and Go” or TUG consists of the person getting up from a chair walking 3 meters, turning around, walking back the 3 meters and sitting down. The QTUGTM uses sensors worn on the shins (over clothing) to track the person during the TUG test and with proven qualitative input, analytical data and algorithms it produces both Falls and Frailty Risk Scores.

Figure A: The person administering the test uses a tablet to measure the time to complete the test and other information such as your balance, and the length of your steps. The sensor information combined with the short falls questionnaire determines your risk of falling.

Figure B: The QTUGTMproduces a report that identifies the

  • TUG Time,
  • Falls Risk Estimate Score,
  • Frailty Index Score
  • And other specifics (not shown) such as
  • Step Time Variability
  • Average Step Time
  • Average Stride Time
  • Time Taken to Stand
  • Average Stride Velocity
  • Time Taken to Turn
  • Number of Steps in Turn

How do I Partner on this Project?

We are looking for opportunities to collaborate with others. Partners would be able to leverage their current suite of senior’s services and invite us to participate in those programs that best fit with the objective of reaching seniors to increase their awareness of their falls risk.

For the seniors, this is a voluntary opportunity that provides research data on the value and business models on programs that could increase falls risk screening/awareness. The data does not contain personal health information nor is traceable to an individual.

Our team of trained technicians that come to your location as scheduled. We will set up the screening area, engage the seniors, perform the falls screening tests and based on predefined and approved pathways, we will provide recommendations and collateral as appropriate to each person’s screening results.

As a partner, you can be assured that this project will collaborate with you in the advance marketing/awareness campaigns, set up of testing and the engagement with seniors and your staff as you host our QTUGTM testing.

The projectsupports falls screening from Nov 2017 to June 2018.

At the end of the project, we will share our results from our University of Windsor, World Health Innovation Network research partner.

We thank you in advance for considering partnering with us on this project.

If you need more information, contact Sylvie Salley; Clinical Consultant, IMPACTT Centre.

Tel.: 613-745-8124 ext. 5795 or Toll Free: 1-800-538-0520 ext. 5795.

August 2017 QTUG - Partner Information Sheetpage 1