My name is ? and I would like to introduce our new company, PLS Learning Solutions Australasia to you.

At PLS Learning Solutions, our vision is to share practical and effective techniques and skills to bring more joy and focus into the lives of children, youth and adults.

Our leading Positive Living Skills program assists children and adults alike to change negative thoughts to positive thoughts, improving focus, and enabling better performance in school, sport and daily living. These skills enhance confidence and better equip us to manage and thrive with life’s challenges and opportunities.

Mental health affects over a million Australians today and the basis of our program is to teach prevention techniques as early and effectively as possible.

We are delighted to be working with Dr. Terry Orlick, PhD from Ottawa, the President of the International Society for Mental Training and Excellence. Dr Orlick has achieved the highest award for teaching, and is the author of more than 20 books which have sold millions of copies worldwide, creating innovative programs for children and youth to develop humanistic perspectives and positive mental skills for living.

At PLS Learning Solutions we offer a range of Ultimate Breakthrough Workshops for teachers, parents, men and women – focusing on the areas of education, sport, business and personal growth. We are also able to develop unique workshops, to suit your needs, including student workshops.

At the moment, we are particularly focusing on empowering teachers and parents who recognise the need to assist children to become more focused on the simple joys of life – to reduce anxiety and stress – which should not be part of childhood. We give you tools to help your child develop the positive living skills necessary to be relaxed, happy individuals who appreciate the good in life, see the positive highlights in our world and who value themselves and others. Who wouldn't want that gift for their child?

All our workshops can be run as half day or full day workshops, or a series of workshops, and in some cases we can squeeze the essential workshop elements into a 2-hour session as well.

Thirty minute complimentary presentations for your school’s Parents and Citizens Association can also be arranged by appointment as an introduction to our Positive Living Skills Program.

I am very excited about our program and how it is already transforming lives.

I welcome the opportunity to speak to you further about our program. Please contact me by phone on ? or email me at ? .

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,

PLS Learning Solutions Australasia Pty Ltd ACN 161 740 870 PO Box 207, Engadine NSW 2233