ICCB Faculty, Staff and Salary data (C1/C2)

Submission Procedure

Revised October 10, 2006

1.  Open the C1/C2 access database to complete final edit review and complete the data file for submission to ICCB. Database is found at SRV10463\database\HR\C1C2.

2.  To export the data to ICCB:

  1. Open C1/C2 access database
  2. Click the C1 Processing button
  3. Select ICCB year
  4. Click Export C1 Data button. File is exported to SRV10463\HR\C1C2 as file name C151101 with fiscal year as extension
  5. Exit screen
  6. From main menu, click the C2 Processing button
  7. Select ICCB year
  8. Click Export C2 Data button. File is exported to SRV10463\HR\C1C2 as file name C251101 with fiscal year as extension
  9. Exit screen
  10. Close database
  11. Open Windows Explorer to transfer files to desktop:
  12. Go to My Network Places then SRV10463\HR\C1C2
  13. Select C151101 and C251101 files with fiscal year as extension
  14. Copy file to desktop by dragging to My Documents—file must be located on the desktop rather than the server in order for FTP to work correctly.
  15. Open WS-FTP application and login using ICCB login:

·  Profile Name = ICCB

·  Host Name/Address =

·  Host Type = UNIX

·  User ID = 511

·  Password = 7hbV511!

  1. Select the C1 and C2 files by opening My Documents on local site (C:\Documents and Settings\rvc-pc\My Documents)
  2. Open in remote site directory the Incoming folder
  3. Highlight file on local site and click transfer button (à) to move file to Incoming/DP folder on remote ICCB site

3.  Send email to ICCB at to indicate the file has been submitted. Include in the email the submission type, the number of records, contact person, phone/email, and the file name.

4.  Monitor the ICCB site after initial submission for returned files.

  1. Check WS-FTP in Pub/Outgoing/ folder to find returned file.
  2. Transfer file to C:\Program Files\WS_FTP\ICCB_Returns folder
  3. Open file with Notepad and print—when printing change page format if needed to landscape and use 8 point font (from Format menu) so extra paper is not wasted
  4. Review the edit report
  5. Determine cause of errors by reviewing report.
  6. Correct any errors in the data table in the access database. NOTE: Errors will also need to be corrected in Datatel.

5.  Resubmit file by again repeating step 2 above.

6.  ICCB will confirm when the file is acceptable.

7.  Return to C1/C2 database and click button to export At-a-Glance report to IR for posting on the Quarry.