7. Dr. Krishna Kumari

History of India IV (c.1206-1550) Semester 3rd / History / I.  Interpreting the Delhi Sultanates:
Survey of sources: Persian tarikh tradition; vernacular histories; epigraphy
II.  Sultanate Political Structures:
(a)  Foundation, expansion and consolidation of the Sultanate of Delhi; The Khaljis and the Tughluqs; Mongol threat and Timur’s invasion; The Lodis: Conquest of Bahlul and Sikander; Ibrahim Lodi and the battle of Panipat
(b)  Theories of Kingship;
Ruling elites; Sufis, ulama and the political authority; imperial monuments and coinage
(c)  Emergence of provincial dynasties: Bahamanis, Vijayanagar, Gujarat, Malwa, Jaunpur and Bengal
(d)  Consolidation of regional identities; regional art, architecture and literature
III.  Society and Economy
(a)  Iqta and revenue free grants
(b)  Agricultural production, technology
(c)  Changes in rural society, revenue system
(d)  Monetization; Market Regulations, Growth of Urban Centers, Trade and Commerce, Indian ocean trade
IV.  Religion Society and Culture:
(a)  Sufi Silsilas-chishti and suhrawardis, doctrines and practices, social roles
(b)  Bhakti movements and monotheistic tradition in South India and North India, Women Bhakts
Nath panthi: Kabir, Nanak and the saint tradition
(c)  Sufi literature Malfuzat, Premakhayans / July & August
August & September
September & October
October & November / Assignment – 2
Test – 1
Three Hours Test - 1
Issues in World History I (The 20thCentury) Semester 1st / History / 1.  Concept and Definitions: contemporary era: capitalist industrialization. Modernity: Imperialism
2.  First World War-analysis of its causes and consequence in Europe and the world
Paris peace settlement, league of nations, mandate system.
3.  1917 Russian revolution, origins course. Impact of Russia and the world.
4.  Economic recovery and stability in Europe to 1929.
Global depression, its impact on industrialized and semi colonial worlds. The soviet experience to 1941.
5.  Rise of fascism and its relationship to parliamentary democracy. Liberalism and Communism case studies of Germany and Japan to the Second World War, the meaning of the Second World War. / July
November / Assignment – 2
Test – 2