WAT-FORM-10: Water Features Survey Identification Form


WAT-FORM-10: Water Features Survey Identification Form /
Applicant Name / Borehole Location (e.g. Black Farm, Stirling)
Survey Completed by: / (Name)
(Company) / Borehole NGR
(Telephone No.) / Date(s) of survey
No / NGR / Type (well/borehole/pond/spring/ river/wetland etc) / Abstraction Rate (m3/d) / Diameter of Borehole (mm) / Datum (m) / Depth to rest water level (m) (date) / Water feature description
(inc. any access issues)
CAR Ref / Use (Agricultural/drinking water/industrial etc / Pump Suction Depth (m) / Dip Tube installed (Y/N) / Depth of Borehole (m) / Depth to pumped water level (m)
Eg 1 / NE 1234 5678 / Borehole / Approx 70m3/d April-September / 600mm / Top of casing. Elevation in mAOD not known. / 10m from borehole log / Borehole is sealed and there is no access for dip tube. Borehole details have been given verbally by farmer. Borehole is used for irrigation.
CAR/L/0001 / Agricultural / 25m / N / 35m / Not known
Eg 2 / SE 4567 8912 / Wetland / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / Wetland type 3d – seepage/flushes. 10m x 20m. Part of a designated SAC. See wetland typology field survey form for details.
n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a

The above details are examples of how to complete this form. List all water features in the same way using the tables on page 2 onwards, adding extra rows and pages if required.

No / NGR / Type (well/borehole/pond/spring/ river/wetland etc) / Abstraction Rate (m3/d) / Diameter of Borehole (mm) / Datum (m) / Depth to rest water level (m) (date) / Water feature description
(inc. any access issues) /
CAR Ref / Use (Agricultural/drinking water/industrial etc / Pump Suction Depth (m) / Dip Tube installed (Y/N) / Depth of Borehole (m) / Depth to pumped water level (m) /

Add more rows and continue on new page if required.

v2 May 2010 Uncontrolled if printed 2 of 4