GFWC of North Carolina

Executive Committee

Annual Reports



Sharon Greeson


Serving as President of GFWC-NC during this past year has been a privilege. It has been a time of excitement and a time of rewarding experiences. Working with Andie Johnson, Third Vice President and Director of Juniors, has been an honor and fun! Traveling across the state to District and club meetings has been a highlight for this President. This officer has attempted to fulfill the duties of this office as prescribed in the Bylaws and in the Standards and Practices in the following ways:


  • Prepared agendas for and presided at all meetings of the Executive Committee
  • Attended all meetings of the Board of Trustees
  • Presided at the meetings of the Personnel Committee and completed Personnel duties
  • Attended the meeting of the Bylaws and Finance Committees.
  • Worked on new conflict of interest policy for GFWC-NC
  • Held two retreats for GFWC-NC Executive Committee and GFWC-NC Junior Officers to plan for 2010-2012 and reorganize convention and other state meetings, the first in Pine Hurst, NC and the second in Clayton, NC.
  • Attended the 108th Annual Convention in Raleigh, NC, and introduced projects, and presented plans and emphases for the 2010-2012 Administration.
  • In collaboration with the Executive Committee, planned the program and workshops for the Summer Regional Meetings to be held in July in Advance, and Buies Creek. All leadership positions in the state, district and local clubs, including club presidents, will have workshops to attend.
  • Presided at Summer School Meetings in Advance and Buies Creek.
  • Planned and prepared the agenda for the 2011 GFWC-NC Arts Festival at CampbellUniversity.
  • Worked with the Executive Committee, Junior Officers, Convention Chairmen, Local Convention chairmen and Headquarters Staff, the Women of Achievement Committee, speakers, entertainers and hotel to prepare for 109th Annual Convention of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs of North Carolina.
  • Instituted and helped plan a new GFWC-NC fundraiser, Links for Literacy to raise money for a new GFWC-NC Teaching Scholarship
  • Attended meeting with hotel staff to confirm plans for convention
  • Will preside at the 109th Annual GFWC-NC Convention in AtlanticBeach
  • District Visits 2010

Attended Fall or Summer meetings for:

District 1 in Waynesville

District 8 in Goldsboro

District 9 in ElizabethCity

District 7 in HoldenBeach

District 6 in Garner

Club Visits

  • Greensboro Junior Woman’s Club Installation
  • Junior Woman’s Club of Raleigh Membership Induction
  • HoldenBeach WC Installation
  • Burlington Woman’s Club Installation in May 2010
  • Woman’s Club of Raleigh
  • Clayton WC Installation
  • Cary JWC

GFWC/Southeastern Region

  • Attended the GFWC Board of Directors Meeting and Convention in Omaha, Nebraska
  • Attended Southeastern Regional meeting at GFWC Convention
  • Attended GFWC Board of Directors meeting in Arlington, Virginia
  • Attended the Southeastern Regional meeting in West Virginia
  • Wrote annual reports as specified in the GFWC Bylaws
  • Met with GFWC President-elect Carlene Garner to plan GFWC International Convention to be held in North Carolina in 2012.
  • Made plans to attend GFWC Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin


  • Maintained contact with GFWC-NC Special Projects Chairman
  • Visited State headquarters and conferred with the Executive Director, Administrative Assistant and Assistant Treasurer regularly
  • Attended the NC Transportation Hall of Fame event where a past GFWC-NC President was inducted.
  • Submitted articles for Clubwoman Magazine
  • Submitted articles for the Board of Directors newsletter
  • Helped with and chose information for e-blasts sent to all Board Members
  • Presented new reporting workshop at District Meetings
  • Disseminated information received from GFWC to appropriate chairmen
  • Signed membership, awards, Arts Festival and other special certificates.
  • Input feedback for choosing new CPA firm.
  • Developed new employee evaluation tool
  • Responded to general correspondence, emails, faxes and phone calls
  • Filed annual reports as required by GFWC-NC Bylaws

This officer is extremely humbled and grateful to be serving the GFWC of North Carolina. It has been a privilege to represent the clubwomen from across this great state. This officer has been delighted to see the clubwomen of the state continue to embrace their communities. This officer is proud to be associated with such a dedicated group of volunteers.

Wendy Carriker


It has been this officer’s honor to serve as the GFWC-NC President elect and Membership Chairman this past year.

Serving GFWC-NC as President elect has allowed this officer to work closely with the other GFWC-NC Executive Committee members as well as Junior Officers and especially Junior Membership Chairman, Elizabeth Lee, and GFWC President elect Mary Ellen Lasiter.

In the past year this officer has attended the GFWC-NC State Regional Summer Meetings, South Eastern Region Meeting, GFWC-NC State Arts Festival and several Executive Committee and Personnel Committee meetings. This officer has been invited to and attended several club meetings, District Fall Meetings and District Arts Festivals.

This officer has been in contact with the District First Vice Presidents and District Junior Membership Chairman. Working together with the district officers and Elizabeth Lee, this officer has written articles for each of the GFWC-NC Clubwoman Magazines. This officer has also represented North Carolina at SER and GFWC through email correspondence and through the report writing process.

This officer also serves on the SER Fund Raising committee which has allowed her to work with clubwomen from our region as well as SER President Jane Carver of North Carolina, and SER Vice President Susan Martin of Tennessee.

Gay Warren

First Vice President

This officer, serving GFWC-NC as First Vice President, has worked closely with the GFWC-NC Assistant Director of Juniors Jennifer Jobe as well as with the Community Service Program Chairmen and the Standing and Special Committee Chairmen. This officer has also been responsible for overseeing the conversion to Community Service Programs and for preparing and implementing the revision of the reporting process. She has worked with the other members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Director in accordance with her job responsibilities.

In preparation for the 2010-2012 Administration, this officer attended the Executive Committee Retreat held in January of 2010. At the 2010 Arts Festival in March, she and the Assistant Director of Juniors held a meeting with the incoming State Community Service Program Chairmen and provided notebooks for each chairman. Prior to the GFWC-NC Convention in April, work continued on the revisions to the CP&S form, the new flowchart for the reporting process, and the conversion for the Community Service Programs to Partnership and Collaboration areas. At the 2010 Convention, a meeting was held with the Community Service Program Chairmen to present the proposed new process and continue work on the GFWC-NC Administration Book revisions.

Throughout May and June, this officer reviewed the updates to the Community Service Program information in the Administration Book and wrote revisions for reporting and award information. Scripts for the Summer Information sessions on the Community Service Programs were reviewed for presentation at the two Summer Meetings.

During July and August, the script and handout for the Reporting Workshop was prepared by this officer, and this information was presented for review by the Executive Committee at the Executive Fall Retreat held in September.

In October, this officer attended the District Fall Meetings in Districts 2, 3 and 5, and led the workshop on Reporting while in attendance. She also volunteered at the GFWC-NC Golf Tournament in Clayton, NC.

January through March of 2011, this officer worked actively on GFWC-NC’s reporting process. A workshop was held for all Community Service Program Chairmen to prepare GFWC reports, and this officer reviewed and provided final statistics for the reports based on the results of the CP&S/GFWC Reports and the information provided by the Chairmen. She followed up with all Chairmen needing to submit reports to GFWC. Annual reports were also received from Community Service Program and Committee Chairmen, and the results of the award entry judging were compiled for the upcoming Convention.

She has attended all meetings of the 2010-2012 Executive Committee, presenting reports at each meeting. Articles for theClubwoman magazine have been prepared, and this officer also assists in the proofing of the magazine. In addition, she has attended meetings of the Resolutions Committee and Women of Achievement Committee.

It has been this officer’s pleasure to serve GFWC-NC throughout the past year, and to have the opportunity to see all the great work GFWC-NC Clubwomen are providing to their communities.

B. J. Slovacek

Second Vice President

Having the honor to serve as GFWC-NC Second Vice President, this officer has enjoyed meeting and working with many members of the current administration. Since being announced as the candidate for this office in November 2009, she has attended every meeting of the 2010-2012 Executive Committee. Beginning with the retreat in January 2010, it has been a great pleasure to partner with Junior Secretary, Kim Fulcher in planning and providing information, training and support for the nine District Presidents and eight District Junior Directors.

Communicating through email and telephone contact, these officers planned the agenda for the meeting with District Presidents and Junior Directors held at the State Arts Festival in March 2010. Handouts were created explaining the responsibilities of the District officers, the resources available to them through GFWC-NC leadership and Headquarters, and the expectations for a successful administration in each district. Gifts of a pencil pouch filled with the tools to support their roles were created and given to each attendee.

This officer, along with the Executive Committee, planned for the new administration and determined how and where the nine districts would fit into those plans. Each member of the Executive Committee was asked to attend a meeting in each district over the course of the two years. This officer, in meeting with and communicating with each of the District President, lined up dates and scheduled the travel of state officers to each of the District Fall Meetings. This coordination continues as plans to meet this goal unfold.

At the 108th GFWC-NC Convention, this officer was formally installed as Second Vice President. She and Junior Secretary, Kim Fulcher, held a brief meeting with the incoming District Presidents and Junior Directors. Following Convention the Executive Committee met to further plans for the soon to be held Summer Regional Meetings. This officer worked with the two Summer Meeting Site coordinators to finalize plans for those meetings and attended both, participating in a leadership workshop for district leaders. Additionally, an article was written and published in the GFWC-NC Clubwoman Magazine.

In September a retreat was held at the home of Recording Secretary, Ginny Smith, which this officer attended. Planning continued for the presentation of the first annual Golf Tournament in support of the President’s and Junior Director’s Special Project. A good deal of coordination was required and this officer communicated with all districts to keep them abreast of plans and needs for support of the tournament. This officer then attended the tournament, volunteering in various support roles.

During the month of October, this officer attended three District Fall Meetings. The added bonus of this responsibility was working with First Vice President, Gay Warren, to bring greetings from the Executive Committee to the districts, to provide updated information on GFWC-NC activities and projects, and to provide a workshop on the new reporting tools and requirements for clubs and districts.

Throughout the first year of this administration, this officer has communicated through newsletters, updated emails and telephone calls with all the districts, with Junior Secretary, Kim Fulcher, with the executive committee and with Headquarters to ensure that current information was provided where and when needed.

Andie Johnson

Third Vice President &

Director of Juniors

It has been this officer’s privilege to serve the Junior Clubwomen of North Carolina. Working closely with the GFWC-NC State President, Sharon Greeson, has been an incredible learning experience for this officer. Having the opportunity to travel the state to visit clubs and districts has been a joy for her and she greatly appreciates the chance to serve North Carolina in this capacity.

January 2010

•Attended GFWC-NC Retreat to plan for the upcoming administration.

•Traveled to Raleigh to attend the hotel meeting for the upcoming GFWC-NC Convention.

•Attended the 2008-2010 Executive Committee Meeting.

February 2010

•Attended and helped her local club hosts her District’s Arts Festival in Henderson.

March 2010

•Attended the GFWC-NC Arts Festival in Winston Salem as well as a 2008-2010 Executive Meeting. Shealso, attended a meeting with the incoming GFWC-NC Executive Committee and Junior Officers.

April 2010

•Attended the GFWC-NC Annual Convention & Installation in Raleigh April and was installed as GFWC-NC Junior Director at the Junior/General Banquet. Also attended the hotel meeting prior to the beginning of the Convention. She also attended the 2010-2012 Executive Committee Meeting post Convention.

May 2010

Attended the GFWC Fuquay-Varina Junior Woman’s Club to install their new officers.

Attended the Junior Woman’s Club of Raleigh’s end of year banquet.

Wrote an article for the Clubwoman Magazine

June 2010

•Attended GFWC Convention and was installed as GFWC-NC Junior Director. While in Nebraska she attended a GF Board Meeting for the 2010-2012 Administration.

•Attended GFWC-NC Junior Officer’s Meeting in Raleigh at GFWC-NC Headquarters to review plans and goals and prepare for Summer School.

•Attended Cary Junior Woman’s Club end of year meeting and talked about Retention of clubs and members of GFWC-NC.

July 2010

•Attended GFWC-NC Summer School sessions in Buies Creek and Advance, North Carolina. Helped present a workshop with GFWC-NC State President.

August 2010

•Attended GF Board Meeting in Washington, DC. While there she attended meetings pertaining to her job as GFWC-NC Junior Director.

•Wrote an article for the Clubwoman Magazine.

September 2010

•Attended GFWC-NC Executive Committee/

Junior Board retreat in Clayton, NC.

•Attended and assisted with the GFWC-NC Links for Literacy Golf Tournament in Clayton, NC.

•Sent notes to Club Presidents encouraging them to attend their Fall District Meetings.

•Attended District 9’s Fall Meeting in Manteo, NC and helped present a workshop on the GFWC-NC President and Junior Director’s Special Project as well as reporting.

October 2010

•Attended District 1’s Fall District Meeting in Waynesville, NC to help present workshops.

•Attended District 7’s Fall District Meeting in Holden Beach, NC to help present workshops and Junior Buzz Sessions.

•Attended District 8’s Fall District Meeting in Goldsboro, NC to help present workshops and Junior Buzz Sessions.

•Attended an Executive Committee meeting at GFWC-NC Headquarters.

•Attended a Personnel Committee Meeting at GFWC-NC Headquarters.

November 2010

• Attended SER at the Greenbrier in White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia. Presented information to those in attendance about the GFWC Junior Special Project: Advocates for Children.

•Attended the NC Transportation Hall of Fame luncheon on behalf of GFWC-NC.

•Attended a meeting to help start a club in Hertford, NC. Shared the membership video and talked about the Federation.

•Attended the GFWC-NC Juniorette Board Meeting in Fuquay-Varina, NC to help make plans with Juniorette State President Hannah Smith.

December 2010

•Wrote an article for the Clubwoman Magazine.

On a monthly basis, this officer received and reviewed newsletters from Junior Clubs. She has kept in touch with fellow Junior Officers and GFWC-NC State President through phone calls and emails. When needed she met with them in person. She has also kept in close contact with Nikki Allen, GFWC-NC Juniorette Chairman.

She is very grateful for the opportunity she has been given and looks forward to serving North Carolina for the rest of the administration.

Ginny Smith

Recording Secretary

As GFWC-NC 2010-2012 Recording Secretary, it has been the responsibility of this officer to take the minutes at all Business Meetings including the Executive Committee meetings. This officer produced a GFWC-NC Newsletter in July and in December to send to clubwomen.

While serving as GFWC-NC Recording Secretary, this officer has served as Parliamentarian, Chairman of the Constitution Committee, and Chairman for the GFWC-NC President’s Special Project in The Woman’s Club of Clayton. This officer has served as Chairman of the GFWC-NC President’s Special Project for District 8. This officer has served as GFWC-NC Yearbook Chairman.