California Practitioners Advisory Group

AGENDA – June 1, 2017

/ CALIFORNIA Practitioners Advisory Group
Final Minutes
June 1, 2017

California Practitioners Advisory Group Members

Jo Ann Isken, Chair

Ed Manansala, Vice Chair(absent)

Melissa Agudelo(absent)

Jorge Aguilar

Mariana Astorga-Almanza

Ulises Garcia (absent)

Carolina Hernandez-Malone(absent)

John-Damien Huntley (absent)

Linda Kaminski

Kimberly Kenne

Tara Kini

Nancy Lara (absent)

L. Karen Monroe

Marco Petruzzi (absent)

Neva Rowden

Susan Salcido (absent)

Araceli Simeon

Liaisons to the State Board of Education

Sue Burr

Ilene Straus

Note: The State Board of Education (SBE) meeting is a study session and the SBE members in attendance will take no action on any Items.


Ilene W. Straus, Vice President

Patricia A. Rucker


Leilani Aguinaldo, Director of Policy and Legislation, SBE

Glen Price, Chief Deputy Superintendent, California Department of Education (CDE)

Jacquelyn Ollison, Education Administrator I, CDE

Jacqueline Matranga, Education Programs Consultant, CDE

Please note that complete proceedings of the June 1, 2017, California Practitioners Advisory Group meeting, including closed-captioning, are available online at:

  • June 1, 2017:
  • Call to Order CPAG, Chair Isken
  • Call to Order SBE Study Session, Vice President Straus
  • Salute to the Flag
  • Overview of Agenda, Chair Isken
  • Announcements

Item 01

Subject: Feedback Regarding the State System of Support

  • Melanie Schoeppe, Director, Improvement and Accountability Divisionintroduced the item and conducted a whole group discussion

ACTION: No Action Taken

Item 02

Subject: Feedback Regarding the Draft California State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act

  • Barbara Murchison, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Lead, CDE, introduced the item and conducted a small group activity.

ACTION: No Action Taken

Item 03

Subject: Discussion regarding the Every Student Succeeds Act statute concerning the definition of “ineffective” teacher

  • Brent Malicote, Director, Professional Learning Support Division, and Constantino Silva, Education Administrator, Educator Excellence Office

introduced the item and conducted a small group activity

ACTION: No Action Taken

Item 04

Subject: Update on the School Conditions and Climate Work Group and the Ad Hoc Family Engagement Work Group

  • Jacquelyn Ollison, Administrator, Office of Chief Deputy, and Roni Jones, WestEd introduced the item and conducted a whole group discussion

ACTION: No Action Taken

Item 05

Subject: California Practitioners Advisory Group Priorities, including, but not limited to, agenda items; approval of minutes; general comments and questions from CPAG members; and other matters of interest.

ACTION: No Action Taken

Item 06

Subject:General Public CommentPublic. Comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Depending on the number of individuals wishing to address the California Practitioners Advisory Group, the presiding officer may establish specific time limits on presentations.

ACTION: No Action Taken


Vice President Straus adjourned the State Board of Education study session at approximately 4:05 p.m.

Chair Isken adjourned the meeting at approximately 4:05 p.m.
