MIWP-16 11th web meeting




1. Approval of agenda

2. Review and approval of the minutes from the Copenhagen meeting

3. Progress report on the dashboard prototype

4. Reporting 2014

5. AOB

Approval of agenda

The agenda has been approved.

Review and approval of the minutes from the Copenhagen workshop

The minutes have been approved.

Actions still need to be addressed.

Dashboard progress report

Francois presented the dashboard progress:


○fix error on some CSW (eg. Poland)





○add a module able to use a remote service for validation (tested with current INSPIRE validator)

See presentation

Comments on validation:

●we should wait for a common agreed validator before validating records in the dashboard (see MIWP5 work)


○data sets and services validation is reported in the metadata record (see data quality report with Commission Regulation references)

○metadata validation is not reported in the record itself.

●records provided by MS are valid metadata records [HD1]and each MS is using its own validator (eg. France, UK)

Comments on ancillaryinformation:

●MIWP16 should make a recommendation to MIG-T to remove indicators on relevant/actual area

Comments on thedashboard:

●the dashboard should provide the capability to follow the progress for each indicator (FR). As said in Copenhagen, we could import previous year reporting (and not only 2012 and 2013). The tool can take a snapshot of indicators at a certain point in time and will provide such a capability.

Testing the dashboard to report for next year:

●The dashboard demo website will be updated this week (Action EEA cons.)

●The tool will be installed at EEA or JRC in January (Action Paul & Francois)

●Testing : NL would like to participate (in January) (Action Ine & Francois)

Dashboard requirements:

●recall: We should not address validation (FR)

●an estimate should be made for the list of requirements made in Copenhagen (Action EEA cons.)

Reporting 2014

MS needs to be informed about next year reporting changes (eg. changes in the XML schema). Paul will do this last week of December. (Action Paul)

Questionsfrom MS:

●Can we report using the same XML format from 2013 ?(DE)



Next web meeting: mid-January


●Age Sild

●Alex Ramage (UK)

●Anders Rydén (SE)

●Daniela Hogrebe (DE)

●Ewa Surma

●Francois Prunayre (EEA Cons.)

●Ine de Visser

●Marc Leobet (FR)

●Nico Bonora (IT)

[HD1]Not applicablefor DE.