Ninth grade:

Present Perfect

Exercise 1: Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. Use the present perfect

  1. How long ______(he / live) in New Jersey?
  2. Peter ______(not play) baseball since 1987.
  3. I ______(speak) Russian for twenty years.
  4. We _____ (not see) Tom since Christmas.
  5. ______(Alan / fly) in an airplane before?
  6. Shannon _____ (not / go) to lunch yet.
  1. Our class _____ (take) a field trip three times this year.
  2. Where _____ (they / move) to?
  3. Jennifer _____ (ask) that question four times today.
  4. You _____ (not eat) lunch yet, have you?
  5. Jason _____ (want) to move to New York since he was five years old.
  6. How long _____ (they / know) Peter?
  7. Alexandra _____ (work) for IBM since 2002.
  8. Jeff _____ (buy) a few books this week.
  9. Sally ______(not read) that book yet.
  10. _____ (they / leave) for work yet?
  11. Bill _____ (not / drive) very far today.
  12. We _____ (enjoy) eating seafood all of our lives.
  13. _____ (he /watch) the documentary yet?
  14. I _____ (not / finish) the job yet.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct time expression used with the present perfect tense.

  1. They have lived in that house (since / for) ten years.
  2. She has (just / yet) gone to the bank.
  3. Franklin hasn't arrived in Boston (yet / already)
  4. We have worked at this company (since / for) 2008.
  5. Jason hasn't telephoned me (since / for) two weeks.
  6. How (long / much) have you known Susan?
  7. They've (already / yet) studied the past simple tense.
  8. Our mothers have (just / yet) left for the station.
  9. The President has traveled to more than twenty countries (since / for) he was elected.
  10. Thomas hasn't had time to read the book (just / yet).
  1. Alice has told me she's (yet / already) been to that park.
  2. My daughter's (just / since) finished her homework.
  3. Have they (already / yet) spoken to Mr. Peters?
  4. I've (just / for) interviewed the best candidate for the job.
  5. Our coach hasn't chosen the starting team (already / yet).
  6. Bob and Tim have (already / yet) decided where they are going on vacation.
  7. Have you purchased the new computer (just / yet)?
  8. Sam has wanted to go to Japan (for / since) he was a little child.
  9. Jason hasn't worked here (since / for) very long.
  10. Our boss has (just / yet) hired a new engineer.

Past simple & past progressive

Exercise 1:: Fill in the correct form use past simple or past progressive.

1. George ______off the ladder while he ______the ceiling. (fall, paint)

2. Last night I ______in bed when I suddenly ______a scream. (read, hear)

3. ______TV when I ______you? (you watch, phone)

4. Ann ______for me when I ______. (wait, arrive)

5. Maisie ______up the kitchen when John ______her to marry him. (clean, ask)

6. The house ______£ 150,000 in 2003. (cost)

7. The fire ______at six in the morning. (still burn)

8. My brother ______a new job a week ago (get).

9. Columbus ______America over 500 years ago (discover)

10. She ______not interested in the book because she ______it (be ,not understand)

11. ______at school yesterday? (you be)

12. We ______in a house near the sea last summer (live)

13. She ______the piano very well when she ______young (can play, be)

14. She ______the office very early last night (leave).

15. I ______a friend while I ______the shopping (meet, do)

16. I ______for my things when I ______someone call my name (pay, hear)

17. I ______around and ______Judy. (turn, see)

18. She ______a bright yellow dress when I ______her last (wear, see)

19. We ______to have a cup of tea. (decide)

20. While the waiter ______up the pieces of glass he ______his finger (pick, cut)

21. Then we ______the cafe and ______good bye (leave, say)

22. I ______the fire at six and it ______brightly when Tom came in at seven. (light, still burn)

23. My dog ______along quietly when Mary’s Pekinese ______him. (walk, attack)

24. When I ______she ______lunch. She said she always ______lunch at 12:30. (arrive, have, have)

25. What ______of his last book? –I ______it a lot (you think, like)

26. He suddenly ______that he ______in the wrong direction. (realize, travel)

27. He ______guitar when someone ______the window and ______out a bucket of water. (play, open, throw)

28. He ______us to go out in the boat yesterday because a strong wind ______(not allow, blow)

29. The next day, as they ______that the police ______for them, they ______the coats in the woods and ______off in different directions. (know, look, hide, go)

30. When I ______home they ______around a fire. Jack ______a crossword puzzle, Judy ______and the others ______. Mother ______at me and said : “ Come and sit down” (come, sit, do, knit, read, smile)