WHERE?San Francisco, CA
WHAT?Building community with other Lutheran youth traveling down and back
Talking, laughing, working, serving, studying, playing, praying and more
Staying in churches on the road both ways and in a nearby community to San Fran
Several days of service with organizations in the San Francisco community
A day of touring in San Francisco
Sunday worship with a CA faith community
WHO?Entering 8th grade - finished12th; Youth and Friends from PAC (Pretty Awesome Cluster)
Faith Lutheran Church, Redmond
Kent Lutheran Church, Kent
Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Renton
Nativity Lutheran Church, Renton
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Maple Valley
WHEN? Wednesday, June 22 – Thursday, June 30 or Friday, July 1?
COST?Total is estimated at $ 350-400 (although it may be lower when our event costs and the number of total people committed are confirmed). Fundraisers and scholarships at the individual churches may be planned to lower the total cost.
REGISTER?We do need to know the number of participants by May 20. Each church will do it’s own registration. Contact these people at each church both as you are interested and as you are ready to reserve a place for you on the trip:
Faith Lutheran Church – Pastor Bob
Kent Lutheran Church - Gayle Evetts
Lord of Life Lutheran Church – Liz
Nativity Lutheran Church – Shirley Mouer or Donna Lund
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church - Pastor Andy
TO BRING:Sleeping bag, pillow, sleeping pad, work clothes and closed-toe shoes, good walking shoes, casual public clothes, swimming suit, towel, toiletries, Bible, snacks, spending money, personal identification, day pack, sunglasses, sun screen, mosquito repellant, life jacket if need it for recreational swimming, camera as desired (a more detailed list will be sent to those who register)
QUESTIONS? P. Jane 206-660-1199
PERMISSION: For those who participate in the mission road trip a medical form and permission slip
will be required. Forms will be available later.