Vol. 7 / No. 28 / Winter 2008

A Quarterly Journal Specialized in

Islamic Economy


الاقتصاد الاسلامي

مجلة اقتصاديّة اسلاميّة فصليّة

العدد: 28 الشّتاء 1429

The Islamic Economic Subject

Seyed Hossein Mirmoezzi

Government Status in an Islamic Economic System

(Advisable Government)

Ataollah Rafie Atani

Human-based Development Criteria's in an Islamic Ideal Society

Mohammad Jamal Khaliliyan-E-eshkezari

The Economic Place of Provision Rule (Sonnat-E Rezgh)

Ali Asgar Hadaviniya

Designing Credit Cards for Interest Free Banking (Credit Electronic Store)

Seyed Abbas Mussavian

Evaluation of Gharzolhasaneh Value Added Effect

on Income Distribution (Using Provincial Cross- Panel Data)

Esmaiel Abounoori

Afsaneh Ghasemi Tazehabadi

Sociological Analysis of Relation between Religion and Cultural With Economic (With Emphasis on Islam)

Younes Nourbakhsh

Vol. 7 / No. 28 / Winter / 2008

A Quarterly Journal Specialized in

Islamic Economy


Managing director: Ali Akbar Rashad

Editor-in –chief: Abas Arab Mazar

The editoral word director & the executive manager: Seyed Akbar Seyedinia

The editoral word members (alphabetical list):

Dr. Abolgasem Ethna Ashari (Associate professor of payam e noor university) \ Dr. Sadeq Bakhtiyari (Professor of Esfahan university) \ Dr. Abas Aabmazar (Associate professor of shahid behashti university)

Dr. Asadollah farzinvash \ (Associate professor of Tehran university) \ Dr. Saeed farahani fard (Assistant professor of Institute for Islamic Cultural & Thought) \ Dr. Qolam Reza Mesbahi Mogadam (Assistant professor of Imam Sadeq (as) university) \ Dr. Seyed Abbas Mussavian (Associate professor of Institute for Islamic Cultural & Thought)

Dr. Meysam Musai (Associate professor of tehran university)

Dr. Seyed Hossein MirMo‘ezz (Associate professor of Institute for Islamic Cultural & Thought) \ Dr. Hossein Namazi (Associate professor of shahid beheshti university).

Published by Islamic Culture and Thought institute (ICTI)

Qom; Tel: 775113-5 Fax: 7780128 P.O.Box: 37185-179

Tehran; Tel: 88743008 Fax: 88764792 P.O.Box: 13145-444

Vol. 7 / No. 28 / Winter 2008

A Quarterly Journal Specialized in

Islamic Economy



3 / The Islamic Economic Subject

Seyed Hossein Mirmoezzi

4 / Government Status in an Islamic Economic System

(Advisable Government)

Ataollah Rafie Atani

5 / Human-based Development Criteria's in an Islamic Ideal Society

Mohammad Jamal Khaliliyan-E-eshkezari

6 / The Economic Place of Provision Rule (Sonnat-E Rezgh)

Ali Asgar Hadaviniya

7 / Designing Credit Cards for Interest Free Banking (Credit Electronic Store)

Seyed Abbas Mussavian

8 / Evaluation of Gharzolhasaneh Value Added Effect

on Income Distribution (Using Provincial Cross- Panel Data)

Esmaiel Abounoori

Afsaneh Ghasemi Tazehabadi

9 / Sociological Analysis of Relation between Religion and Cultural With Economic (With Emphasis on Islam)

Younes Nourbakhsh

The Islamic Economic Subject

Seyed Hossein Mirmoezzi[*]

The Islamic economics subject and its scope have been studied in this paper. Three theories arise in this field:

1.  The Islamic economic subject like conventional economic is an economic phenomenon.

2.  Its subject is the economic behaviors of Muslims in an Islamic society.

3.  Its subject is the economic behaviors of peoples in an Islamic society.

It is believed in the third theory that the Islamic economics is universal and contains public scientific laws that enables this science to explicate human behaviors apart from its believe and values.

In this article we come to this conclusion that it is impossible to get a universal economics. We can attribute economics to Islam in two ways: 1- through subject 2- through epistemology and ontology.

If the subject of a science is the behavior of Muslim people in an Islamic society, the result will be different even if the description and prediction method are as the same each other. It arises because the economic religion foundation of Islam, the Muslim intensive, ethics and Islamic law are different from capitalism. We should attribute the methodology of this science to Islam if its subject were not the economic behavior of Muslim people in an Islamic society.

The economics methodology is based on ontology and epistemology of capitalism that is different from the principle of Islam. If we can define a method based on epistemology and ontology in Islam and different from conventional economics then it can be asserted that Islamic economics will be universal.

Islamic economics can describe, explicate and predict the matters in Islamic and non-Islamic societies via this method. But the different result will be the case when this method applies in Islamic and non-Islamic societies.

Keywords: science subject, Islamic economics, Muslim economic behavior, epistemology, ontology.

JEL classification: A19, Z12.

Government Status in an Islamic Economic System

(Advisable Government)

Ataollah Rafie Atani[*]

It is aimed to address the role of government and its stand in an Islamic economic system by using economic theories and on the basis of public theory of Islamic state. It is proved that while the first principle in Islam is to prevent government intervention but the opposite will be the case because of economic and jurisprudential reasons to provide the purposes of Islam in an economic life.

Therefore a different pattern has been designed for the role of government in economy based on free activity and the economic responsibility of people and also the responsible intervention of government in an Islamic system framework in comparison with other economic systems.

KeyWords: Islamic Economic System, Government, State targets and tasks, Advisability, Economic Freedom, the Role of People in Economy.

JEL classification: P51, P00.

Human-based Development Criteria's in an Islamic Ideal Society

Mohammad Jamal Khaliliyan-E-eshkezari[*]

Human achievement to a reasonable life or sacred life in the word of Quran is the precondition to reach to an ideal development in Islam viewpoint. A reasonable life is a status which not only provides human material needs but also provides the ground of spiritual growth to reach to a higher position which God created him for it.

To study human-based economic development criteria in Islam viewpoint, it is necessary to design the ideal economic condition in three fields of production, distribution and consumption. Providing the vital and essential needs of society is the general criterion of decision making in production field. Because it is against public expediency unless it provides vital and essential society needs. Growth and development is not the precondition of justice in Islam viewpoint but justice is the case and its way will be the just distribution of income and wealth. The ideal level of consumption is that society people get the enough amounts in their private and social life.

Five criteria about human-based development have been devised in this study according to the Quran and traditions teachings to estimate the amount of economic development in an Islamic society. These criteria are: the amount of human development, the compatibility of society consumption and welfare with public living, faithfulness to reserve the national interest, commitment and responsibility level of society people, fulfillment to remove poverty and provide relative welfare. Some technique has been suggested to measure these criteria quantitatively while the above criteria indicate the general and quality matters.

Keywords: Reasonable Life, Human-based Development, Human Force Development, National Interest, Relative Welfare.

JEL classification: O15, J24, Z12.

The Economic Place of Provision Rule (Sonnat-E Rezgh)

Ali Asgar Hadaviniya[*]

Intellectual concepts are the origin for the beliefs to make human behavior. These behaviors will provide the ground of development while they are made in a proper trend and predictable arrangement as well as designed in an obvious feature and compatible structure. Economic behaviors will be affected by intellectual concepts. Some of these concepts have a noticeable effect on work and attempts. Max Weber believed that: this effect has such an importance that can provide a ground for making an economic system.

Provision is a Quran concept which is entered in Islamic cultures and carries an important role for constructing Islamic economic system. The question is that if provision concept affect on economic behaviors? The Theory followed in this paper is that provision concept in Quran framework provide some beliefs in human mind which not only It isn't obstacle to economic growth and development but have positive effects on it also.

Keywords: The Best System, Economic Rules, God Rules, Provision Rule, Barakat Rule.

JEL classification: B29, A39, A19, Z12.

Designing Credit Cards for Interest Free Banking (Credit Electronic Store)

Seyed Abbas Mussavian[*]

Central bank has published applicable and strategic instruction for issuing electronic cards in accordance with the 10th sentence of electronic banking regulation. Electronic card accelerate the receiving and giving process of money via electronic communication. When a customer demand for credit card, bank studies his/her record and issue him/her a card with a certain amount credit. Thus, the customer can purchase with this credit card and pay the account statement at once or monthly installments.

Since the origin of credit cards comes from western countries, law relations ruling on credit cards transactions would be against religious rules. Therefore it is necessary to devise a religious solution for organizing credit cards transactions. Central bank solution seems to be a good start but it does not remain suitable permanently and changes to an obstacle for the development of electronic banking in long run. In this paper after studying the central bank solution, it is suggested another solution to organize credit card transactions based on credit electronic store and Morabaha contract.

Keywords: Credit Card, Riba, Gharzolhasaneh (Money Loaned without Interest), Morabaha Sale, Mandatory Sale, Delay Fine (Penalty).

JEL classification: G21, E49.

Evaluation of Gharzolhasaneh Value Added Effect on Income Distribution (Using Provincial Cross- Panel Data)

Esmaiel Abounoori[*]

Afsaneh Ghasemi Tazehabadi[**]

Economists always stress on macroeconomic policy goals such as, full employment, stable prices, income distribution, and stable growth. Income distribution has been one of the most important goals in macroeconomic policy.

In this research, we try to highlight the role and importance of Gharzolhasaneh on income distribution concerning different Provinces in Iran.

In order to evaluate the effect of Gharzolhasaneh value added on the income distribution, we have used Provincial Cross- Panel Data. For model specification, we have carried out the F-Limmer test. Gharzolhasaneh in Tehran Province has a large difference with that of other Provinces in Iran. So, we have estimated two models; one included Tehran and the other excluded Tehran.

The results indicate that Gharzolhasaneh Fund activity, assuming other things equal, in most Provinces has reducing effect on income distribution: Increase in Gharzolhasaneh’s performance in 19 Provinces. Unlike these, Gharzolhasaneh has had incearsing effect on inequality in 8 Provinces, but significant only in Esfahan, Zanjan, Golestan, Gilan and Markazi. Investigation concerning the causes of this increasing effect within these Provinces requires a Researches separate.

Keywords: Gharzolhasaneh, Income distribution, Panel data, Provinces, Iran.

JEL classification: C1, C23, C31.

Sociological Analysis of Relation between Religion and Cultural With Economic (With Emphasis on Islam)

Younes Nourbakhsh[*]

The relationship between economics and non-economic factors has been studied on a sociological framework in this paper. Economics sociology is an interdisciplinary science. It is believed that economics has its own formulas like mathematics, and its theories have no linkage with non-economic factors such as: religion, culture, rationality and intention. But economics sociology exactly defines this relation. Since the cultural basis and backgrounds of these factors are different, religions and religious cultures are adopted according to their own special economic systems.

In an Islamic society, establishing an efficient economic system and compatible with cultural and social grounds is only possible through interpretation of effective economic religious concepts. Islamic beliefs and its culture don’t have consistency to the three famous economic systems of the world. In this paper, we have studied different religious and cultural basis of Islamic economic system especially in rationality concept relation to other economic systems.

Keywords: Economic Systems, Religion, Ethics, Culture, Islam, Economic Sociology, Rationality.

JEL classification: A14, Z12.

[*]. Associate Professor in Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center.

[*]. P.H.D student Economics.

[*]. Assistant Professor in Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center.

[*]. Assistant Professor in Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center.

[*]. Associate Professor in Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center.

[*]. Associate Professor of Economic, University of Mazandaran.

[**]. M.A Student, Department of Economics, University of Mazandaran.

[*]. Associate Professor of Sociology.