Ryerss Hunt Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Annual Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2006 @ 7:00 p.m.



Teri McCandless -PresidentKathy Bird -Treasurer

Donna Galvin – SecretaryRich Lanshe -Member at Large

1. Call to Order– TeriMcCandless called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.

Teri introduced herself and welcomed everyone to the meeting. She told the group that the meeting was being taped, reminded all to register and pointed out the documents available for review.

2. Introduction of Board

Teri McCandless – President. Term expires this evening.

Kathy Bird – Treasurer. Term expires 2008

Donna Galvin – Secretary – Term expires 2007

Rich Lanshe – Member at Large. Term expires 2008

Teri introduced the Board

Teri clarified that the Board was made up of 5 members elected by the Homeowners. Three of those members must be homeowners. Each person is elected to a three year term. They are elected to the Board, not to an office. After the new Board is in place, they will assign offices.

Teri explained the changes that occurred during 2005 and 2006 that impacted the Board membership.

  • Denise Serino resigned in spring 2005 and Donna Galvin was appointed to fill her term until February 2006.
  • Chuck McDonnell resigned in January, effective tonight. Donna Galvin resigned immediately following Chuck’s resignation and was re-appointed to fill his term until February 2007.
  • This occurred due to there being no interest of anyone running for the Board at the time and the Board contacted their lawyer who advised that they needed three members to legally manage the association business. The Board was concerned that if no one ran for the three open positions, would the remaining members need to hire someone. So, Donna Galvin offered to commit to filling Chuck’s term, therefore allowing for there to be at least three members for 2006.

3. Approval of Minutesfrom 2005 Annual Meeting: Donna motioned to approve the minutes from the last annual meeting; motion was seconded and approved by all Board members.

4. Agenda Review–Teri McCandless reviewed the agenda and asked everyone to hold their questions until the floor was opened later in the meeting.

5. Introduction of theCandidates for the Board of Directors:

Donna introduced the candidates: Mike Guerra, Greg Antonowich and Tracey LaGalante. Mike and Greg introduced themselves to the group. Tracey was not at the meeting. Donna asked if anyone else in attendance wanted to run for the Board; if yes, they can place themselves in nomination for the Board.George Vassil responded that since there were enoughcandidates, he would not run this year, but would be available if a Board position was to open up.

6. Financial Review: Kathy presented an in-depth explanation of the budget and expenditures encountered by the Board this past year. Comparing the 2006 budget to 2005, Kathy explained that legal fees were higher due to negotiations with the landscaper; the Reserve Study did not get completed in 2005 and those funds have been reallocated to 2006; the lawn care budget was bumped up to maintain the new plantings and landscaping and beds put into place in 2005.

Kathy also pointed out that the homeowner fees were able to be lowered from $265.00 to $255.00 for 2006.

Question from Debbie Shulkowski: Is money left in the reserve funds? Teri answered Yes, there is $25,000 in the reserve basin fund and approximately $18,000 in the operating budget. The Association cannot use the $25,000 until the updated Reserve Study is complete. This study will tell us the status of this fund – too much or too little. The $25,000 is the amount recommended by the 1999 study.

Question from George Vassil: Are there plans for a directory update. Kathy answered, yes, for 2006. Teri added that the Association does this to benefit the homeowners and sells ads to defer the cost of printing. The Directory is for neighborhood use only.

Question from Kevin Dagit: Why no money budgeted for snow removal? Rich answered that since Brickman is responsible, this cost is now covered under Landscaping. Kevin also asked why the sidewalk under the power lines was not cleared within 24 hours after the last storm. Rich is working with Brickman for a more timely response.

Teri also reminded everyone that there is a township ordinance requesting that all cars be moved off the street within 2 hours after the start of a snowfall.

Teri moved to approve the budget, Kathy seconded the motion and all approved.

7. Dedication/Landscaping Agreement.Richreminded everyone that the neighborhood was dedicated in December 2004. He discussed the Green Mansions Nursery landscaping package and explained that it is completed except for a warranty walk through in March and May. Brickman will be mulching the new beds near the walk in the spring.

Question from “Homeowner:” There are still mulch bags near trees and what about plantings without beds? Rich will talk to GMN about the mulch bags and the plantings without beds will be addressed in the next two years.

Question from “Homeowner:” How many times is the nature walk cut back? 3x per year answered Rich.

Comment from “Homeowner:” does not like placement of trees and landscaping design.

Question from Jeanne Jeandell: Concerned with basin behind her home collapsing and wonders why no landscaping has been planted around it? Teri answered that the Reserve Study will answer that question and that we cannot plant anything in the basins as per the township. Chuck Mc Donnell added that he had spoken to Joe Risciolli from the township.

Question from Kevin Dagit: would the reserve study cover replacement value or yearly maintenance. Teri believed it was yearly and 5-10 year maintenance, not replacement value. Teri said that the Reserve Study will answer these concerns.

Question/comment from Kevin Dagit: Hill/embankment on King Road – who is ultimately responsible for maintaining – us or PenDot. Kevin is concerned that there is no vegetation and that this may be a problem and cause failure of the hill. Teri – we will follow up.

8.Board Approvals and other RHHA Rules: Teri explained that the Board cannot respond to anonymous letters. For instance, one boat or RV parked in a driveway is ok as is one light commercial truck. Fences do need approval, either new or replacements and they must be “see-through” and no stockade or chain link. She also spoke to the fines for non-compliance.

Some issues in the Bylaws, such as lawn ornaments, the Association does not enforce unless there is a complaint from a homeowner. Section 9 or the website has further information.

Question from “Homeowner” about parking on the street: Teri answered that there is nothing in the Bylaws about parking. There is nothing in the by-laws about soccer nets or trampolines. These issues are not governed by the Bylaws.

Question from Kevin Dagit about complaints – do they need to be written? Teri answered that either verbal or written complaints will be actioned. However, the Board does not want to be the police of the neighborhood. Kevin asked about recourse to a complaint and could someone find out who made the complaint against them.

Question from Neighbor: what about pools? Teri explained that there had been a vote a few years ago and that the Neighborhood voted to not allow above ground pools. Those pools are defined as having a ladder and filter. Any pool that can be emptied daily, such as a kiddie pool is exempt.

9. Election/Votes: Donna Galvin announced that it was time for the election. Also asked if there was anyone who was interested in running or if there were any questions for the nominees? No. The group spent about 10 minutes voting and the Board counted the votes and the proxy votes that were either mailed or emailed.

10.Open Discussion:

Concern from a “Homeowner:” Trash issues along King Road, in the flower beds and in common areas. Who picks up the trash in the common area and can they pick up the trash in the common areas along King Road? A neighbor also voiced concerns with dumping on the common areas near the power lines. Rich will discuss with Brickman. Teri mentioned that the people in the neighborhood could volunteer and have a community group “adopt a Highway”.

Another “Homeowner” voiced concern over blowing trash on trash days and that neighbors need to tie down trash: Teri said that each homeowner needs to contact the Township to try to change recycling pick-up from late in the day to earlier in the day. The Board contacting the Township is only one call, while the neighborhood has the strength of up to 192 calls.

Question from Mr. Search: storm drain near home. Rich recommended contacting township as this is not on common ground and the storm drain system is the responsibility of the Township not the HOA.

“Homeowner” comment: Thanked the board for taking on the landscaping. Questioned about holes near property and was planting finished. Rich will contact GMN to back fill.

11. Election Results: Mike Guerra and Greg Antonowich were elected to each serve a three year position on the Board.Teri again explained that Mike and Greg were elected to the Board, and that their positions on the Board would be determined at the next Board meeting.

Teri thanked Chuck McDonnell for his service on the Board and Kathy thanked Teri for her nine years of service on the Board.

12. Adjournment: Teri thanked everyone for attending, and the meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

NOTE: This meeting was tape recorded and Donna Galvin created these minutes from the tape and notes. Please note: the quality of the recording was poor and many names of homeowners could not be heard.