Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter - Terms 1 and 2 2017.

Dear Parents/Guardian,

Welcome back. We hope that this summary assists you in following your child’s work this term. Remember to sign your child’s homework diary each Thursday night and check your child is completing their homework daily. Homework is given throughout the week and is due back in school by Friday. Completing homework is a valuable exercise as it helps to reinforce what we do in the classroom. Please ensure your child knows all multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 and practises these regularly at home. Please ensure your child reads on a daily basis for 30 minutes and the details are recorded in their homework diaries.

Could you please ensureALL of your child’s belongings are clearly labelled.

R.E. Through the ‘Come and See’ programme children will learn about the topics ‘Loving’, ‘Vocation and Commitment’ and ‘Expectations. In Loving’ the children will learn about the love and care of people and how God’s love is unconditional and never ending. In ‘Vocations and Commitment’ they will learn about commitments in life and the vocation to priesthood and religious life. In ‘Expectations’ they will learn the meaning of expectation and about Advent, the joyful expectation of Christmas, when the word became a human person, Jesus.


A summary of the range of work for the autumn term can be found below:

Fiction and Poetry

  • Historical stories – World War II
  • Study of significant authors


  • Autobiography and biography, diaries, journals, letters, anecdotes, records of observations, and recounts of experiences and events
  • Instructions and explanation texts

Guided Reading & comprehension

Grammar and spelling rules


A summary of the range of work for term 1 and 2 can be found below:

  • Place value in 6-digit numbers and to 3 decimal places
  • Column addition for pairs of 5 and 6 digit numbers
  • Column subtraction for 4, 5 & 6 digit numbers and to 3 decimal places
  • Angles within triangles and quadrilaterals
  • Fractions – simple, equivalent and finding fractions of amounts
  • Short multiplication (4 digit by single digit)
  • Long multiplication
  • Multiplication and division word problems
  • Converting measurements
  • Calculating time intervals

Learning Journey: We have two learning journeys:

  1. ‘Light it up’ – children will be exploring aspects of electricity and light across science and geography. They will be learning about sources of light, how light travels and exploring reflection. At the end of the topic, children will be designing and making their own interactive circuit game. In geography we will be looking at the island of St Lucia (meaning light) and comparing the topography with that of East Sussex.
  1. ‘Battle of Britain’. Children will be learning about World War II, focusing on the Battle of Britain including the impact this had on children’s lives at home including evacuation and rationing.

Science : Light and Circuits and Conductors: Children will learn about light and how we see things. They will also be introduced to ways in which they can vary current in a circuit. In addition, the children will learn about separating materials, the different methods used and the equipment needed.

Computing: E-safety. Developing ICT skills across a range of programmes and applications; programming

Art and Design. Later in the term we will be looking at and exploring using pencils as a medium, developing sketching skills to produce drawings linked to our WWII topic.

Design and Technology Moving parts: Children will design and create a theme park attraction.

Physical Education Our P.E. sessions will be on a Friday with a Premier Sports Coach. All children must have a full PE kit in school. This is part of our school uniform policy. PE kits can be purchased via the office. Trainers are required each day for the daily mile

Invasion Games: We will be looking at:

  • Improving attacking skills and techniques and improving defending skills
  • Develop the ability to evaluate performances; continue to improve skill and tactics in games
  • Use equipment appropriately and safely.

Gymnastics. Children will be looking at mirroring balances and movements as well as sequences.

Dance. Children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues.

French Throughout the units children will be learning throughvarious activities to:

  • Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
  • Explore patterns and sounds of language through songs and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words.
  • Describe things and actions orally and in writing.
  • Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are using familiar words and phrases.
  • Understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, including feminine and masculine forms.

Music Livin' on a Prayer Children will explore how Rock music developed from the Beatles onwards and learn to analyse performance.

PSHEE New Beginnings and Getting on and Falling out The children will develop a class charter, agreeing behaviour rules and attitudes to learning for the class. We will be holding regular circle times in the class to discuss and promote positive relationships.

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 26th September - St Richard’s Catholic College Roadshow in the hall at St Thomas a Becket 6.30pm. It is very important for parents and Year 6 pupils to attend this meeting. Pupils must sit with their parents at this meeting please.

Thursday 28th September - First Camp Meeting for Year 6 parents and children 7.00pm. Pupils must sit with their parents at this meeting please.

Thursday 12h October – Safety in Action afternoon at Devonshire Park (parents to pick children up from Devonshire Park at 2:30pm more details to follow.)

Friday 13th October – 6N Harvest mass 9.00am– please come and join us if you can

Friday 17thNovember –6E class assembly please come and join us if you can

Friday 15th December – 6N class assembly please come and join us if you can

Tuesday 19th December – 6E End of term Mass 9.00am -please come and join us if you can

We are looking forward to a very positive year. Please feel welcome to come and see us if you have any worries or concerns. We look forward to seeing lots of you at our assemblies and Masses if you are able to come.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs A Buchanan Mrs L Scholes