2015/2016 Semester 1 Review

  1. Define:
  2. Hemisphere
  3. Geography
  4. Absolute location
  5. Continent
  6. Ring of Fire
  7. Theme of Movement
  8. Theme of Human-Environmental Interaction
  9. Theme of Region
  10. Theme of Location
  11. Longitude (how it’s measured)
  12. Prime Meridian
  13. Island
  14. Equator
  15. Gross National Product
  16. Hierarchy
  17. Hinterland
  18. Canal
  19. Metropolitan
  20. Maritime
  21. Bedrock
  22. NAFTA
  23. Tariff
  24. Separatism
  25. Tropical storm
  26. Hurricane
  27. Mulatto
  28. Mestizo
  29. Traditional economy
  30. Market economy
  31. Command economy
  32. Favelas
  33. Gasohol
  34. Campesinos
  35. Selva
  1. Map Skills: You need to know the location of the following items; 7 continents, 4 oceans, Equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn
  2. Give an example of a culture hearth.
  3. What is cultural convergence?
  4. What is the government authority and structure of the U.S.?
  5. What is another name for free enterprise?
  6. List 3 factors that influenced the economic development of the U.S.
  7. List 3 factors that contributed to the growth of the suburbs.
  8. List 3 nonrenewable resources vital to the energy supply and economy of the U.S.
  9. Why did the northeast develop into a major commercial center?
  10. What was the most efficient means of transporting raw materials and finished goods around the country in the early to mid-1800’s?
  11. Name 3 U.S. cities in which the rest of the world serve as its hinterlands.
  12. What kind of places do the majority of the American population live in?
  13. What did the government do to encourage farming in the Great Plains during the 1800’s?
  14. Why was the construction of the Erie Canal important?
  15. What belief is important in the free enterprise system?
  16. What is the primary reason the South and the West have increased in population in recent years?
  17. What region of Louisiana is often pictured in movies as mysterious, mossy swampland?
  18. What are mangrove trees?
  19. What is the sunbelt?
  20. What is a megalopolis?
  21. Why were settlers originally attracted to the South?
  22. Why is the Midwest called the nation’s breadbasket?
  23. How have residents of the West adapted to their environment? Give 3 ways.
  24. Why did the northeast become a leader in commerce?
  25. What are two important economic activities in the Atlantic Provinces region?
  26. What is the quality of life in British Columbia?
  27. How has the location of Ontario and Quebec greatly influenced their economic development?
  28. Why have mineral deposits and oil reserves in the Northern Territories not been developed?
  29. What happened with many English-speaking residents and businesses when the province of Quebec declared French to be it official language?
  30. What was the result of warfare between British and French colonists in N. America between 1689 and 1763?
  31. Describe the relationship between the U.S. and Canada. How do many Canadians feel?
  32. Why has national unity been difficult to achieve in Canada?
  33. What is a negative effect of building a pipeline above ground to transport Canada’s oil and mineral resources?
  34. What role does Canada play in the global community? What are the 3 ways?
  35. What is the most important natural resource of the Atlantic Provinces?
  36. How has Quebec and Ontario’s location helped them to develop as Canada’s economic heart?
  37. Where did the large cities of the Prairie Provinces develop in the late 1800’s?
  38. Why are the natural resources in the north largely undeveloped?
  39. Name 3 reasons that make national unity difficult to achieve in Canada?
  40. What is special about Quebec?
  41. What did the government do for the Quebecois when Canada became independent?
  42. What percentage of Canadian exports does the U.S. buy?
  43. What do some Quebecois favor?
  44. What physical characteristic dominates Mexico’s heartland region?
  45. How were the Bahamas created?
  46. Why are the temperatures in the Caribbean moderate?
  47. What is the main reason for high rates of migration among Caribbean islanders?
  48. How do the majority of the people in Central America earn their living?
  49. Give a brief history of the government in El Salvador.
  50. Where do most people live in the southeast region of Brazil?
  51. List 3 facts about the Amazon River.
  52. List 3 reasons for poverty in Brazil.
  53. What was the key to the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the 1500’s?
  54. Who ran the country until Mexico won its independence from Spain?
  55. What was the main cause of the Mexican Revolution?
  56. What change was brought about by the Mexican Revolution?
  57. Name 3 major sources of income for the Mexican economy?
  58. Name 3 policies the Brazilian government adopted to encourage economic growth.
  59. What caused the growth of Brazil’s middle class?
  60. The greatest number of people are now employed in what area in Brazil? (agriculture, manufacturing, service industry)
  61. Name 3 consequences of the economic growth of Brazil (2 negative, 1 positive).
  62. Once Brasilia was built, what other project needed to be built?
  63. Which industry does Venezuela’s economy rely most heavily on?
  64. Why is it difficult for small farmers in Colombia to produce enough to feed their families?
  65. Name 3 effects the Andes Mountains have had on the people who live in the area.
  66. How do the climatic conditions in Chile affect the population?
  67. What do the economies of Ecuador and Peru have in common?
  68. What element of physical geography binds the countries of South America together?
  69. Name the problems associated with Columbia’s dependence on a single crop.
  70. What is an unusual characteristic of politics in Uruguay?
  71. What S. American country has English as its official language?
  72. Essay topics: Be prepared to write a 5 paragraph essay for each of these topics:
  73. Know a recent current event and be able to relate one of the themes of geography to it.
  74. Should the U.S. escalate its involvement with the I.S.I.S. crisis?
  75. Compare and contrast U.S. and Canada’s Healthcare System. Which is better and why?
  76. You need to be able to explain the relationship between the stability of a country’s political system and the success of its economy.
  77. Should the U.S. let in the Syrian refugees?
  78. Why are the U.S. and Canada developed countries while the Latin American countries are still developing?