Wilderness Institute

2006 Citizen Monitoring and Restoration in Wilderness in the Northern Rockies

Lolo & Helena National Forests (MT)

Gates of the Mountains, Rattlesnake and Bitterroot Wilderness Areas

To monitor invasive weeds & restore native plants, and to conduct recreation site inventories. Project outcomes include detailed inventories of invasive plants & recreation sites, invasive hand-pulling, re-seeding, and increased community capacity.

Montana Conservation Corps

Bob Marshall and Rattlesnake Wilderness Stewardship Project

Lewis & Clark and LoloNational Forests (MT)

Bob Marshall and Rattlesnake Wilderness Areas

To provide trail maintenance and restoration, limits of acceptable change monitoring, dispersed recreation restoration, invasive weed mapping and treatment, non-mechanized maintenance of dams, and the removal of human structures.

Bob Marshall Foundation

2006 Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex Trails and Wilderness Restoration

Flathead, Lewis & Clark, Lolo, HelenaNational Forests (MT)

Bob Marshall Wilderness

To increase the Bob Marshall Foundation's capacity for placing volunteers on wilderness restoration and trail maintenance projects. The project will increase on the ground leadership & provide volunteer opportunities through work and education.



Partnership for the MissionMountains Wilderness

FlatheadNational Forest (MT)

MissionMountains Wilderness Area

To employ wilderness rangers to maintain trails and campsites, provide visitor information about safe and responsible use, and restore three impacted campsites in the Mission Mountains Wilderness.

Friends of the Eagle Nest Wilderness

Eagles Nest Wilderness Noxious Weed Treatment Project: Year 2

White RiverNational Forest (CO)

Eagles Nest Wilderness Area

To re-treat noxious weeds treated during summer 2005 in six drainages in the DillonDistrict's portion of the Eagles Nest Wilderness. Two new areas of weeds will also be identified by volunteers and treated.

Rocky Mountain Field Institute

2006 Crestone Peak Summit Route Construction and Restoration Project

SanIsabelNational Forest (CO)

Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area

To establish SouthColonyLakesBasin and the peaks surrounding the basin as a model for "intensive use" wilderness through the completion of critical restoration and trail construction.

Friends of Mount Evans & Lost Creek Wilderness

Air Quality Monitoring, Invasive Weed Inventory and Required Registration

Arapaho-Roosevelt, Pike-SanIsabelNational Forests (CO)

Mount Evans, Lost Wilderness Areas

To conduct air quality monitoring, noxious weed inventory, location mapping, and required registration in the Mount Evans & Lost Creek Wilderness.

Colorado Fourteeners Initiative

2006 Fourteener Wilderness Preservation Project

White River, Uncompahgre, Pike-SanIsabelNational Forests (CO)

Mount Massive, Maroon Bells-Snowmass, Holy Cross, La Garita, Uncompahgre Wilderness Areas

To close and restore severely degraded social trails on Mt.Massive and to conduct a site inventory of Fourteeners in wilderness. Restoration work is coordinated with sustainable trail construction, user education, and long term maintenance.

Friends of the Nevada Wilderness

Nevada Wilderness Restoration and Monitoring

All Designated FS Wilderness Areas in Nevada (NV)

To recruit volunteer monitors for all designated areas across the state, engage local communities in on-the-ground wilderness restoration and monitoring projects, and undertake 10 restoration projects in key Forest Service Wilderness areas.

Four CornersSchool of Outdoor Education

2006 CanyonCounty Youth Corps

Manti La SalNational Forest (UT)

DarkCanyon Wilderness Area

To complete approximately 100 acres of invasive species tamarisk control in high infestation areas in the Dark Canyon Wilderness Area by the Canyon Country Youth Corps.

Los Angeles Conservation Corps

Wildlands Awareness Project

San BernardinoNational Forest (CA)

San Gorgonio Wilderness Area

To conduct heavy maintenance on trails in the San Gorgonio Wilderness Area of the San Bernandino National Forest to protect sensitive habitat, ensure the safety of hikers, and provide community support.

Friends of the Inyo

Eastern Sierra Wilderness Stewardship Corps

InyoNational Forest (CA)

John Muir, Ansel Adams, InyoMountains, Boundary Peak, Hoover Wilderness Areas

To build on the momentum of our Eastern Sierra Wilderness Stewardship Corp with an active youth education and outreach program combining hands-on stewardship opportunities, wilderness skills classes, presentations, and a student internship program.

Student Conservation Association

Pacific Crest Trail Corps / Wilderness Trail Skills Workshop Project

SierraNational Forest (CA)

John Muir Wilderness Area

To protect and enhance wilderness and trail resources while functioning as a free-standing trail crew and hosting three, three-day training workshops in traditional trail skills. Work will be completed by a six-person trail crew.


Wilderness Capstone Project

Mt.Baker-SnoqualmieNational Forest (WA)

Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area

To educate and use young adult volunteers to carry out trail maintenance and repair work on-the-ground to help other visitors use the area responsibly.