Chapter 7: Medieval

Journeyman / Chivalry / Apprentice / Papal Supremacy / Charlemagne
Troubadour / King Clovis / St. Francis of Assisi / Medieval Cities / Pope Gregory VII
Charter / Truce of God / Feudal System / MissiDominici

Chapter 8:

Reconquista / Scholasticism / King Henry II / Lay Investiture / Henry II
Illumination / Hundred Years’ War / Thomas Becket / Magna Carta / Crusades
Council of Clermont / Concordat of Worms / Queen Isabella / Black Death / Vernacular
William the Conqueror

Chapter 9:

Constantinople / Justinian / Theodora / Anna Comnena / Ivan III
Patriarch / Golden Horde / Ivan IV / Alexiad / Batu Khan

Chapter 10:

Minaret / Calligraphy / Quran / Caliph / Mehmet II / Muhammad
Sharia / Jihad / Kaaba / Abu Bakr / Silk Road / Hijra
Sunni / Shiite / Duties of Islam / Muslim education / Umayyad dynasty / Golden Age

Chapter 12: Japan

Japanese Islands / Kami / Kabuki / Shinto / Bunraku / Uji / Samurai
Genghis Khan / Mongols / Civil Service Exam / Tokugawa / Shogun / Kamikaze / Bushido

Chapter 13:

Leonardo da Vinci / Isaac Newton / Anton van Leeuwenhoek / Galileo / Michaelangelo
Machiavelli / Johann Gutenberg / Sir Thomas More / heliocentric / Shakespeare
Printing Press / Medici Family / Charles V / Henry VIII / Martin Luther
Pope Paul III / 95 Theses / Council of Trent

Chapter 15: Americas

Christopher Columbus / Tainos / Malinche / Hernan Cortez / Francisco Pizarro
Bartolome De Las Casas / Moctezuma / Plymouth / Jacques Cartier / Jamestown
Middle Passage / Roanoke / Mercantilism / Triangular Trade / Capitalism

Chapter 16:

Spanish Armada / Decline of Spanish Empire / Louis XIV / Edict of Nantes

Chapter 17:

Rousseau / England Civil War / Peace of Westphalia / Absolutism
War of Austrian Succession

Map sections:

Europe and Asia

Essay Topics:





-Triangular Trade




-The Renaissance

-The ideas


-Church vs. Secularism

-The Crusades


-Pope Urban
